Basic Details
Name: king lionman
Species: lionmen
Age: 65
Height: 7 feet 2 iches
Weight:500 pounds
Hair: golden brown
Skin: (skin is covered from head to toe with thick golden brown fur so skin is not visible)
Personal Details
Occupation: king, currently adventurer
Place of Birth: the forests of falwood
Affiliation: none
Aliases: none
a tall lion creature. scars are clearly seen across his chest indicating that hes seen eye is permanently shut and a thick scar runs down the length of his face.he wears thick pelt pants and no shirt. a huge sword is strapped to his back. he wears a necklace made of teeth and bones from elf and humans alike.
Skills and Abilities
hand to hand combat
decent at two handed weapons.
strength is a number one asset
being a large furred animal with more fur than most lions hot weather can put him at a disadvantage
cant defend well against long range attacks in open fields were there is no cover
fierce and easy to anger quick to kill anyone that angers him. rude and brutish to any one who crosses him be either that friend or foe. he has a superiority complex making him difficult to be around at times. he can be caring but feels his caring side is a weakness and trys to hide it with more brutish behavior towards other creatures he cares for
Biography & Lore
lionman was born of royal blood he belongs to an unlisted sentient lion people native to the forests of falwood there territory is spread out over miles the lion people born with natural survival instinct and abilities not to mention a love for fighting caused the lion people not to focus on advancements in living. meaning they live as there lion ancestors did dens made of leaves sticks and mud well hidden and few and far between make it hard to truly map there territory. lionman or better known as king 'lionman the great' was ruler over half the lion peoples territory. his people live in the west of the lion kingdom. the king of the east was lionmans brother and mortal enemy war and turf disputes were a common occurrence on the borders of the two territory's brutal battles that no woman nor child was safe from. both brothers were locked in a never ending battle equally matched since the crowning of lionman. unlike most royalty where the next king is the oldest of two brothers the thrown was determined by a fight to the death in the moments before king Lionman's victory a lion loyal to his brother intervened and was able to escaped with the now banished prince. years after his disappearance he started his own pride many were loyal to him before Lionman's reign and sympathetic to his cause that was the start of a 50 year long war. lionman was a young lion at the time of the war but had already the support of hundreds of groups of his people.
the lion people believe that they are the gods one true people and that all others are nothing but mindless animals. they are extremely distrustful of species that are not there own.
one day king lionman and 4 of his royal guard were on a scouting mission to acquire new land for the ever growing expansion of his people when they stumbled upon a young and hurt creature lionman took it upon himself to return the young human boy to his village. the village was surprised that such a beast would think to return the boy. this is were lionman was named. when the village leader asked his name lionman and his guard were unsure what they meant. the lion people knew about humans but had very little interactions with the species. names were not spoken or needed every lion knew who each other were simply by smell. shortly after this act of kindness the human leaders heard rumor of him. there were local legends for years about upright walking lions feasting on elfs and attacking humans for fun leaving the the bodys of women and children torn to pieces but not eaten. the rulers of the humans felt one act of kindness did not repay the unprovoked attacks of the lion people. with the confirmation that these beasts truly existed outside of legends they announced that lionmen pelts were worth twice there weight in gold. little did they know these attacks were from the people of the east and had no affiliation to king lionman the greats cause. 45 years into the 50 year battle, among there people a new player was at hand teams of adventurers set out for lion kind. with the infighting and the threat of humans and other species looking for a prize pelt put a strain on kinglionmans abilities to keep his kingdom in one piece. small groups of family's were defecting left and right into the hands of his brother. the king of the east saw this as an opportunity to double his campaign efforts. causing the defected people to fight and kill ther old friends and family that still were loyal to king lionman. in one attack of dens filled with new borns the king of the easts men hung the men of the families in trees stomachs filled with the meat of there offspring forced to rot and not given a proper resting place. forcing the men and women to eat there children was an insult of highest brutality and rivaled any kings brutality against there own kind ever seen in the history of there people
the lion people fight in all out battles. with no concern to personal safety but a high concern for the safety of the young and weak. they fight till they die of exhaustion. this is considers the most noble way to fight retreating only shows weakness. the thing that made kinglionmans kingdom strong also made them weak. the constant fighting brought down the once mighty kingdom the king of the east started using retreat and attack strategies that king lionman saw as weak and a level he would not come down to. he was the divine ruler and in his eyes the war was a holy war to stamp out any question that he was the rightful leader. in the final battle lionman now an old lion older than any of his kind not do to life span but simply the fact he had killed every foe that ever crossed his path, was forced to retreat by his own men they argued that the war was won a long time ago and that retreat was an option when the battle would destroy the remaining people under his rule. lionman had become tired of the war he had spent most of his life fighting. what was the point if it meant the destruction of his people? lionman set out with a small party consisting of his royal guard and a handful of loyal men and there families. they were never seen again. the king of the east had won but it was a bittersweet victory. the war efforts had dwindled the peoples population to a few thousand.
Name: king lionman
Species: lionmen
Age: 65
Height: 7 feet 2 iches
Weight:500 pounds
Hair: golden brown
Skin: (skin is covered from head to toe with thick golden brown fur so skin is not visible)
Personal Details
Occupation: king, currently adventurer
Place of Birth: the forests of falwood
Affiliation: none
Aliases: none
a tall lion creature. scars are clearly seen across his chest indicating that hes seen eye is permanently shut and a thick scar runs down the length of his face.he wears thick pelt pants and no shirt. a huge sword is strapped to his back. he wears a necklace made of teeth and bones from elf and humans alike.
Skills and Abilities
hand to hand combat
decent at two handed weapons.
strength is a number one asset
being a large furred animal with more fur than most lions hot weather can put him at a disadvantage
cant defend well against long range attacks in open fields were there is no cover
fierce and easy to anger quick to kill anyone that angers him. rude and brutish to any one who crosses him be either that friend or foe. he has a superiority complex making him difficult to be around at times. he can be caring but feels his caring side is a weakness and trys to hide it with more brutish behavior towards other creatures he cares for
Biography & Lore
lionman was born of royal blood he belongs to an unlisted sentient lion people native to the forests of falwood there territory is spread out over miles the lion people born with natural survival instinct and abilities not to mention a love for fighting caused the lion people not to focus on advancements in living. meaning they live as there lion ancestors did dens made of leaves sticks and mud well hidden and few and far between make it hard to truly map there territory. lionman or better known as king 'lionman the great' was ruler over half the lion peoples territory. his people live in the west of the lion kingdom. the king of the east was lionmans brother and mortal enemy war and turf disputes were a common occurrence on the borders of the two territory's brutal battles that no woman nor child was safe from. both brothers were locked in a never ending battle equally matched since the crowning of lionman. unlike most royalty where the next king is the oldest of two brothers the thrown was determined by a fight to the death in the moments before king Lionman's victory a lion loyal to his brother intervened and was able to escaped with the now banished prince. years after his disappearance he started his own pride many were loyal to him before Lionman's reign and sympathetic to his cause that was the start of a 50 year long war. lionman was a young lion at the time of the war but had already the support of hundreds of groups of his people.
the lion people believe that they are the gods one true people and that all others are nothing but mindless animals. they are extremely distrustful of species that are not there own.
one day king lionman and 4 of his royal guard were on a scouting mission to acquire new land for the ever growing expansion of his people when they stumbled upon a young and hurt creature lionman took it upon himself to return the young human boy to his village. the village was surprised that such a beast would think to return the boy. this is were lionman was named. when the village leader asked his name lionman and his guard were unsure what they meant. the lion people knew about humans but had very little interactions with the species. names were not spoken or needed every lion knew who each other were simply by smell. shortly after this act of kindness the human leaders heard rumor of him. there were local legends for years about upright walking lions feasting on elfs and attacking humans for fun leaving the the bodys of women and children torn to pieces but not eaten. the rulers of the humans felt one act of kindness did not repay the unprovoked attacks of the lion people. with the confirmation that these beasts truly existed outside of legends they announced that lionmen pelts were worth twice there weight in gold. little did they know these attacks were from the people of the east and had no affiliation to king lionman the greats cause. 45 years into the 50 year battle, among there people a new player was at hand teams of adventurers set out for lion kind. with the infighting and the threat of humans and other species looking for a prize pelt put a strain on kinglionmans abilities to keep his kingdom in one piece. small groups of family's were defecting left and right into the hands of his brother. the king of the east saw this as an opportunity to double his campaign efforts. causing the defected people to fight and kill ther old friends and family that still were loyal to king lionman. in one attack of dens filled with new borns the king of the easts men hung the men of the families in trees stomachs filled with the meat of there offspring forced to rot and not given a proper resting place. forcing the men and women to eat there children was an insult of highest brutality and rivaled any kings brutality against there own kind ever seen in the history of there people
the lion people fight in all out battles. with no concern to personal safety but a high concern for the safety of the young and weak. they fight till they die of exhaustion. this is considers the most noble way to fight retreating only shows weakness. the thing that made kinglionmans kingdom strong also made them weak. the constant fighting brought down the once mighty kingdom the king of the east started using retreat and attack strategies that king lionman saw as weak and a level he would not come down to. he was the divine ruler and in his eyes the war was a holy war to stamp out any question that he was the rightful leader. in the final battle lionman now an old lion older than any of his kind not do to life span but simply the fact he had killed every foe that ever crossed his path, was forced to retreat by his own men they argued that the war was won a long time ago and that retreat was an option when the battle would destroy the remaining people under his rule. lionman had become tired of the war he had spent most of his life fighting. what was the point if it meant the destruction of his people? lionman set out with a small party consisting of his royal guard and a handful of loyal men and there families. they were never seen again. the king of the east had won but it was a bittersweet victory. the war efforts had dwindled the peoples population to a few thousand.