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Xithispk Printable version

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Xithispk N'Xilna

Biographical information
Malakath Unknown None. Not anymore.
Physical description
Chi'Xilixi Male 5'1" 276lbs none big, dark, and compound
Political information
What does it matter now?
Out-of-character information
ArachnidZero 09/12/21

The old home is gone. The others dead. Even the Queen did not make it. And now what is there?


Though his form is not particularly bulky. There is something very masculine and martial in his body type. As if his exoskeleton were designed for battle and command. For neither is Xithispk lithe or flowy like an elf. There is a Humanness about him, if he had to be compared to the more established races in appearance. Or perhaps a certain Orclike or Dwarven vigor. For he moves swiftly and with unexpected agility. He could be a graceful dancer.

But he also carries himself like a warrior. His bearing is almost like that of a city guardsman or soldier. Very regular and rythmic.

He also often seems somber and reflective. But whether this is due to some reality of his personality or if it is merely an impression caused by his lack of ability to speak in normal tongues if the common races is difficult to know for certain.

Skills and Abilities

Dark Vision - the eyes of his kin were always Sharp and well adjusted to their mostly underground habitat. And he perceives parts of the visual spectrum that many other races cannot.

Combat Prowess - having an Exoskeleton and being of ant-like Strength already, he was born to engage in physical struggling. But he is also trained. Tactics, fighting and heavy labor if need be. Yet he is gifted with Finesse and Toughness which put many Chi'Xilixi warriors to shame. As if he is of a more specialized Caste than the average Warrior. He is proficient in the use of bows, swords, daggers, axes, spears, polearms and staves. But he is most deadly with dual one handed swords.

Acrobatics - He can jump. High. Unexpectedly high. Two to three stories high without momentum. And he is capable of tumbling, dodging, balancing, climbing, and could do all manner of parkour or dance moves provided he could learn what Parkour and Dancing were.

Stealth, Survival, and Hunting - The jungles and coasts of Southern Malakath provide ample opportunity to train in these arts. Some might say it is a required daily investment.

Keen reflexes & Sharp instincts - Much to his own occasional dismay, something inside Xithispk posseses incredible tenacity and will to live as an individual. This set of deep survival instincts manifests as a sort of sixth-sense allowing him to gain initiative and overcome surprises with startling speed. And those antennae he has seem to contribute as well. It's almost as if they do have some kind of other sense that reaches beyond hearing, sound, taste, touch, or smell into a dimension of mind or energy that is physically present but usually unobserved.

Meditation - Guarding the chamber of a Queen who has a veritible army of others to prevent intruders from getting close leads to many, many long days of staring at the empty space in front of you. If you can't learn to meditate under those conditions, you probably lack the aptitude for it at all...


Little has been seen of this wandering insectoid's personality thus far. But some have said that despite his lack of speech he seems more respectful of outsiders and approachable than even those of his kind who possess translation stones.

Biography & Lore

The Xilnae Hive is gone. Queen Xilna is dead. And yet Xithispk has not been killed alongside the rest of his people. This is a most troubling turn of events...
