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Veithir Printable version

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Biographical information
Where was your character born 4021 Laigin
Physical description
Puca Male 6'2" Lean Platinum Chartreuse Warm Ivory
Political information
Out-of-character information
Brandino 12/3/21 Here

"The Law of Peace is the weakest law. But the Law of Strength is no better. Live your life by this law, and you will very quickly find yourself alone."
- The Analects of Maybe, Veithir​

The Lonely Viper

Once an aimless wretch, born trash only meant to be discarded, Veithir found glory and belonging in the Sluagh, where he has faithfully served for over a millenia. He has found and lost love, and with the passing of his dearest friend, struggles to find a renewed purpose in his life while coping with the weight of loneliness as he raises his adolescent goddaughter.


Veithir takes on the characteristics of his tribe, elliptical pupils and a forked tongue. Covered from head to toes in tattoos. Keeps his hair neatly trimmed at a medium length.

Skills and Abilities

  • Can shapeshift into a serpent. In this form, he takes on glossy, silvered scales with bright green eyes.
  • Adept with many styles of weapons and fighting, though he is most proficient with daggers and open-handed martial arts.
  • Renowned for his singing and poetry among his peers. It is a rare treat to be present during his spontaneous recitals.
  • Diligent, thorough, and disciplined.
  • Possesses the skills and talents that make a proper Hunstman.
  • Secretes a potent venom that can cause numbing in small doses, paralysis in moderate doses, and painless death in strong doses. Sometimes his weapons are coated in his venom.
  • The markings that cover Veithir's body are meant to suppress his wild bloodlust and keeps his strength restrained.


Sullen, reserved, and astute.

Biography & Lore

A Púca with an unnoteworthy background, Veithir fell into service of the Wild Hunt after half a millennia of life. From there, tales of a Viper in Autumn flourished.

Eventually, he was entitled Scourge within the Sluagh.

He composed the Analects of Maybe, which is a collection of original songs, stories, and poems detailing his experiences in life.

With the passing of his closest friend, Baenon and his partner Aster, Veithir shares the responsibility of raising the pair's only child, his goddaughter while balancing his duties in the Sluagh.

