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Vaima Laure

Biographical information
Valenntenia 20 Valenntenia
Physical description
Human (Descendant) Female 6' Lean Blonde Dark Blue Slightly Tan
Political information
Guardian of the Water Stone
Out-of-character information
Lunamor 7/6/2024 NT's Wonderland on Pinterest

Vaima is the newly appointed Guardian of the Waterstone. Being chosen for the position has freed her from a life spent trapped within the city of Valenntenia.


Vaima is built to be a swimmer- tall, broad-shouldered, and lean, with slightly longer limbs that average. Her long, sun-bleached hair is fine enough that it occasionally looks to be floating when she is in motion. Her skin is slightly tanned from its natural paleness from being out in the sun, but not as much as one would expect for someone seemingly so outdoorsy. Her eyes are dark blue, like the ocean on a cloudy day. She wears a bracer on her upper arm in which her runestone is embedded.

Skills and Abilities

As the Guardian of the Waterstone, Vaima is granted several magical abilities. Due to her inexperience, she is currently unable to use them to their full potential.

Underwater Breathing: Vaima can breathe underwater without issue, and can grant this ability to allies within 20 feet of her.

Water Manipulation: She can telepathically manipulate water while in its liquid form. This could take the form of making water float, directing currents, and causing waves. She is currently more proficient with larger shows of force, but they are incredibly taxing and drain a significant amount of her energy.

Enhanced Physicality: While nearby a body of water, Vaima gains enhanced strength, speed, and reflexes. While within a body of water, her physicality is greatly enhanced. This allows her to handle the pressure from being deep underwater. She also gains these benefits while wet on land, but on a smaller scale.

Strong Swimmer: Although she normally struggles to manipulate water delicately, Vaima's previous familiarity with swimming allows her to effectively use that power to propel herself within water as if she were flying.

State Change: Vaima can change water to ice or vapor and vice versa. She struggles with controlling it in a vapor form, but has learned how to use a combination of water manipulation and state change to create and throw shards of ice.

While she hasn’t held the stone long enough to see any long-term impacts, over time its Guardian will find that their physical and mental well-being is sapped while on land. The urge to stay under the waves will ever-increasingly become stronger.


In many aspects, Vaima shares a personality with the element of the runestone she holds. Like the ocean tides, once she sets her mind to something, it is difficult to divert her. Her restrictive upbringing has caused her to develop a deep sense of stubbornness. This makes her struggle to emulate the flexibility and adaptability of a bubbling stream and also hinders her ability to use the powers of her runestone that require delicacy and patience. Despite being headstrong, Vaima still tries to be a kind person and someone worthy of Guardianship. Her preferred setting is somewhere on the seafloor, and she occasionally shows up late to engagements with suspiciously wet hair.

Biography & Lore

Vaima was born on the sea. Her parents worked on a trading ship, ferrying goods to and from Valentennia. Her earliest memories are waddling across the deck, feeling the sun on her face and rolling waves beneath her feet. Shortly after she turned five, Vaima was left in the custody of her grandparents for a few days so she could spend some more time with them. However, this visit would never end, as a terrible storm swept across the coast while she was in the city. Her parents' ship was sunken just before it could reach the safety of the harbor, and all aboard were assumed dead. Horrified at losing their daughter and son-in-law, Vaima's grandparents vowed to forever keep her away from the ocean. Despite what it had taken from her, the girl continued to long to be on the sea. Once her grandmother found her standing alone on the beach in defiance of their warnings, waves lapping at her feet, they forbid Vaima from leaving the city. Her frequent attempts at escape would inevitably lead to even stronger restrictions and harsher punishments. When she was chosen to wield the water runestone, she was finally freed from their influence and is now on or by the ocean whenever possible.
