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Tuncan MacKraser Printable version

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Character Theme
Outlander - Castle Leoch

Tuncan MacKraser

Biographical information
Hardhal, Edenham 30 Hardhal, Edenham [MacKraser Estate]
Physical description
Human Male 6'2" 202 lbs Red Green White
Political information
Knight [sworn sword to Clan MacArthur]
Out-of-character information
Die Shize 16 JUN 2024

Tuncan is the firstborn son of Broger MacKraser, the former lord of Hardhal, and follows in the footsteps of his deceased father. As Clan MacKraser has been a loyal house sworn to Clan MacArthur, Tuncan is determined to see that it doesn't shift from its position.

He is as fierce a highlander as any other, never seeks to go beyond what has been inherited to him by his family and granted to him by his liege lord, or in turn their own, House Banick of Vel Anir.

However, Tuncan's loyalties are first and foremost to Clan MacArthur, to his family, Clan MacKraser, to his land, Edenham. If the MacArthurs call the banners? Tuncan will answer. If ever those banners are called against Vel Anir? Hopefully that notion is in the imagination, buried in memory.

Either way, Tuncan shall die as he has lived, with no regrets, whatever happens.


Tuncan is akin to most highlanders. He is tall and strong in body, and like some of his people he has red hair and green eyes. His physique is both given by inheritance but also maintained in his training regiment. Being a knight means daily upkeep, but he is just as much a hunter, trapper and sportsman as he is a warrior.

Skills and Abilities

Combat: Skilled in sword, shield, bow and arrow, light and heavy armor
Loyalty: Tuncan has already bent the knee to his family and liege. He will not bend it again.
Hunter: He was raised in a modest hall but has trained in ways of surviving by himself


Tuncan can be as playful as he can be brutal depending on the occasion. He loves a good hunt in the forest, or drinking and dining in the castle, whether in his family's towerhouse of Hardhal or his liege lord's fortress of Fort Wallace. He is a loyal highlander to culture, tradition and clan.

Biography & Lore

Tuncan was born in Edenham, the lands inherited by the ancestors of the Seret mountains. On these hills dwell the highlanders; a fierce folk but not inherently cruel or brutal. Tuncan considers himself the product of his father, onward up the line, and his only desire is to do his duty.

Where Clan MacArthur is a house of minor nobility, one could consider Clan MacKraser to be a knightly house in comparison, a sworn vassal to Clan MacArthur. Their estate is therefore modest in comparison and named Hardhal. It is a towerhouse fit for fishing, farming and hunting and located near Artendal Lake.


  1. Through A Glass, Clearly [ACTIVE]