Stellaris Salamanca
Stella is a girl who mostly keeps to herself. Unless a classmate needs her "Services." in acquiring something, or a classmate has questions she generally wont say a word and her main response to most things is "Hm?" And when she does speak she isnt known for her flowery words.
Fiercely intelligent, always tired, and never one to be caught off guard Steallaris is not one to cross, or very fun at parties, but her strong loyalty, sharp wit, and kind heart endear the gloomy rain cloud of a girl to any that have the privilege of calling her a friend.
Lithe, and generally described as a bit too skinny. Her eyes always having dark circles underneath like she never quiet gets enough sleep.
Skills and Abilities
-Intelligent: Stella has a great mind for retaining information. It serves her well both academically and outside the class room. A teacher or a student may have many complaints about the "Salamanca girl." but its never that shes too "slow."
-Merchant: She can always get you what you need. Even if the school doesnt want you to have it.
-Scumbag: Fighting fair is for people that arent in her parents line of work. Removing obstacles is what she does. by any means. Well...Not ANY means...She wouldnt kill someone..Shes not a pyschopath...But that doesnt mean some that dont know her mostly gentle demeanor dont believe she has...
-Merchant: She can always get you what you need. Even if the school doesnt want you to have it.
-Scumbag: Fighting fair is for people that arent in her parents line of work. Removing obstacles is what she does. by any means. Well...Not ANY means...She wouldnt kill someone..Shes not a pyschopath...But that doesnt mean some that dont know her mostly gentle demeanor dont believe she has...
"Look what the cat dragged in." Is something that seems to apply to Stella most days. Shes quiet and a bit rough, with a razor sharp tongue for insults, and while she can defend her self shes mostly runs from conflict when she can. Her quiet, somewhat cold nature and tone hide a kind girl with a good sense of how to help and listen to those around her even if she barely says a word.
Her natural response to most things addressing her is "Hm?" leading many to believe shes a bit of an airhead, but anyone who truly knows her, or has tried to take advantage of this assumption, has always found shes anything but.
As a side note She hates her full name. Anyone who is a friend refers to her as Stella. Her full name is for classmates that are just customers, or teachers.
Her natural response to most things addressing her is "Hm?" leading many to believe shes a bit of an airhead, but anyone who truly knows her, or has tried to take advantage of this assumption, has always found shes anything but.
As a side note She hates her full name. Anyone who is a friend refers to her as Stella. Her full name is for classmates that are just customers, or teachers.
Biography & Lore
Stellaris Salamanca is the daughter of merchants operating out of Elbion. Ever sense she was young she was always one to follow her mother and father around. Always quietly learning. "Even as a baby she barely cried for anything but food or water." Her father is always known to boast.
She was generally tutored at home. Her quiet and cold manner generally making her a target for bullies and teachers thinking enough harsh discipline would break her out of her shell.
This led to her being sent home frequently due to her ability to humiliate her teachers and antagonistic classmates alike to a devastating degree when being picked on.
While successful merchants her parents slowly became more known by the right people. They always got the job done. No matter how unsavory the cargo. They never asked any questions outside of. "What, How much of it, and when was it expected." and always delivered. This earned them a high place with many circles until they finally met House Vassaret.
The duke was a well connected man, and soon the Salamancas found enough clients in the noble circles that allowed them to keep to them almost exclusively. A friend of Vassaret was a friend of Slamanca and a friend of Salamanca never went without what they needed as long as they had the status and coin.
Finding a market for getting nobles the unsavory things they desperately wanted and could not be caught buying. This put them in a sort of "Neutral." status. They never shared any information, and even helped nobles that feuded with eachother.
They stayed out of the politics and remained loyal suppliers through many shifts and turns in the power structures, but their true loyalty to House Vassaret was the only thing that never changed. When they offered to provide Stella with a scholarship to one of the finniest schools her parents gratefully accepted.
Stella was soon thrust from her home and her tutor into a boarding school life of rich noble sons and daughters. Soon becoming what her parents were for their parents.
"It's a great way to make connections sweet heart." her father had said.
"Its never too late for a little experience. Our trade company will be yours once we are gone after all." Her mother had said.
Stella hadnt paid it any mind. She always liked helping Priscilla. The only real friend she had ever had. The others...She just helped so they would pay her and leave her alone.
She was generally tutored at home. Her quiet and cold manner generally making her a target for bullies and teachers thinking enough harsh discipline would break her out of her shell.
This led to her being sent home frequently due to her ability to humiliate her teachers and antagonistic classmates alike to a devastating degree when being picked on.
While successful merchants her parents slowly became more known by the right people. They always got the job done. No matter how unsavory the cargo. They never asked any questions outside of. "What, How much of it, and when was it expected." and always delivered. This earned them a high place with many circles until they finally met House Vassaret.
The duke was a well connected man, and soon the Salamancas found enough clients in the noble circles that allowed them to keep to them almost exclusively. A friend of Vassaret was a friend of Slamanca and a friend of Salamanca never went without what they needed as long as they had the status and coin.
Finding a market for getting nobles the unsavory things they desperately wanted and could not be caught buying. This put them in a sort of "Neutral." status. They never shared any information, and even helped nobles that feuded with eachother.
They stayed out of the politics and remained loyal suppliers through many shifts and turns in the power structures, but their true loyalty to House Vassaret was the only thing that never changed. When they offered to provide Stella with a scholarship to one of the finniest schools her parents gratefully accepted.
Stella was soon thrust from her home and her tutor into a boarding school life of rich noble sons and daughters. Soon becoming what her parents were for their parents.
"It's a great way to make connections sweet heart." her father had said.
"Its never too late for a little experience. Our trade company will be yours once we are gone after all." Her mother had said.
Stella hadnt paid it any mind. She always liked helping Priscilla. The only real friend she had ever had. The others...She just helped so they would pay her and leave her alone.