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Biographical information
Vel Anir 38 Vel Anir
Physical description
Human Female 5'9" Athletic Brown Brown Olive
Political information
First Level Dreadlord
Out-of-character information


Skills and Abilities

Sloan is an exceptionally skilled warrior, her weapons of choice being two short swords or a spear.
Her magical abilities however are what has earned her her rank as a First Level Dreadlord;

PSIONIC ABILITIES– The following abilities involve communication or perception beyond the five physical senses.
Abuse – The ability to enter another mind and cause pain, loss of consciousness, and eventually death.
EmpathyThe ability to read or sense another person’s emotions.

ENERGY MANIPULATION– The following are abilities that have to do with energy.
Absorption – The ability to absorb energy and convert into something else, like physical strength.
Augmentation – The ability to enhance or weaken someone else’s powers by leeching energy.
Conversion – Ability to absorb one form of energy and convert it into another form of energy.
Energy manipulation – The ability to manipulate another person’s powers into something else.
Force field generation – Ability to project powerful fields of manipulated energy that often act as shields.


Sloan is uniquely ambitious and likely to achieve her aspirations of becoming Archon one day. For that, she possesses much willpower, and is determined and ever-persistent in pursuing these goals, never forgetting them throughout her life. This rare gift endows Sloan with uncompromising strength, courage and endurance, to the point of holding on relentlessly to a single aim in life. For this powerful personality, Sloan is likely to be a great friend to her supporters, but the worst enemy to her opponents.

She is a well trained and disciplined warrior and has been involved in training and guiding younger dreadlords in battle. Sloan is a wise woman. Calm, collected and obedient, she will not refuse an order. She carries herself with a prideful confidence that was hard-won yet runs deep, anchoring itself to the way in which she moves and fights and speaks, and she is consistently respectful toward those who warrant it. She is diplomatic and professional, but utterly ruthless on the field and will do whatever it takes to get the job done and protect her the house of Luana and the dreadlords who defend it.

Despite her training, Sloan has held on to hereditary warmth and compassion reserved for those she trusts and cares for most. She will not however allow this to come between her and whatever task is set before her, nor would she allow it to make her seem at all weak.

Biography & Lore
