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Seska Kardis: The Dragonslayer Printable version

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Seska Kardis

Biographical information
Mo'pri Unknown Nowhere
Physical description
Sidhe Female 3' 9" 75 lbs Silver Pale purpe Pale
Political information
None Troublemaker
Out-of-character information
Aeyliea X Month, X Day, 1996 Commissioned artwork,


Seska is a member of the sidhe, a race of fae not strictly native to Arethil.

She is slightly built, willowy and fair of skin and of average height for her kind, coming in at a little over a meter tall. She has a narrow face with high cheekbones that is nonetheless soft. Her eyes are the color of amethyst, and glow with a mild inner light owing to her heritage. Quite often, they are soft and seemingly friendly.

Seska prefers to wear modest attire, preferring dresses to trousers and shirts. Normally, she wears practical clothing, even though the elements seldom trouble her much. Boots, dresses of blue hues are her favored attire, though she will wear more formal or more sensual attire on a whim. She keeps her hair long and generally loose, at most tying it at the nape of her neck.

Despite her exceptionally advanced age, Seska looks as though she were no more than twenty, at the prime of her life. Nothing could be further from the truth, however.

Skills and Abilities

She was born with a strong affinity to fire and wind, and these represent her primary and secondary affinities. Additionally, she is an exceedingly strong caster, accounted among the Court of old as one of the most powerful. At one time, she was the Queen at court, but that is long since gone to dust.

While she can use fire and wind in a variety of ways with incredible ease, she is nearly as capable with most other forms of magic, saving only necromantic arts. As the way the Art is worked is fluid, and there are no true 'spells', her abilities can encompass a variety of things based on the need of the moment.

Of equal note is her general skill, and efficiency. She knows how to get the most out of what she does for the least amount of effort and least cost possible. Given the significant power she can throw behind her casting, this is an important skill to have. Magic, after all, has consequences.

Some magic abilities she is known to rely on include:

Healing: So long as she can physically touch the target, she can heal them of all injuries 'instantly'. The process is not pleasant for the recipient, often inflicting mental trauma related to the forced nature of the healing as well as being physically draining.

Magic Shield: She can create a barrier around herself or a target that can partially or completely absorb an incoming attack, but the barrier shatters when struck.

Redirect Spell: Given enough time to recognize that a spell is being cast and enough time to identify the intended effects, she can redirect a ranged spell sent towards her so that it misses or strike a different target.

Warding: She can grant another person a greatly enhanced resistance to magical effects. This will permit them to resist the effects of spells and reduce the damage dealt by direct damage spells.

Anemokinesis: She is highly adept at using elemental wind magic to manipulate her environment, mimicking telekinetic abilities.

Bonding: She is able to establish a link to creatures that are not sapient that become her familiars, gaining intelligence, longevity, and a host of minor abilities that are not natural to others of their kin.


She has lived a long time, and with that come a host of problems and personality quirks that can be difficult for others to deal with.

On the whole, Seska tends towards a placid disposition. She seldom loses her temper, with the notable exception of those who she feels are disturbing The Balance that she and her kind have sought to maintain since the dawn of time itself. As the Balance has, more or less, become her soul purpose for living in a world that constantly evolves and moves forward, she is very prickly of those who might disturb it.

And that drives right to the heart of the ancient fae. A great deal of the oddities and difficulties with her on a personal level stem from a fundamental disconnect between her world view and that of others. Things other see as urgent, she does not always see so; the short-sighted concerns of the mortal world, and even the concerns of other kindred spirits within the fae communities, seem trite and empty. Meaningless.

She has difficulty forming relations with others, seeing any such relationship as being shallow and ephemeral at best, a liability at worst. She has had lovers beyond counting, and their bones have since gone to dust, and that dust to dust, in the ensuing years. To say that she is jaded of the world and its wicked ways is an understatement. Only an unyielding drive to continue, to avoid just laying down somewhere and allowing the world to drift by...

That said, she does form connections with people within the mortal world, and they tend to be strong ties that cannot be easily broken and, quite often, not broken by anything but death.

Biography & Lore

She is not one of the First, those that were raised from the prim on that first hour at the beginning of time, but she was not far removed from those first to come and people the world.

Seska was born on the world of Mo'pri, a realm the thickness of a dream away from Arethil and as distant as the moon. Despite being born to common origins, the nature of her birth immediately made her into something of a prodigy, destined for great things if only she could live long enough to fulfill those potentials. The world was fraught with eternal war, and even the immortal fae could be felled by their thousands without any warning, and at any time. On that world, the ancient Gods and Goddesses battled in the heavens, and their earth-bound followers waged war in their names as well, soaking the world in blood, rending cities with fire and wind and water.

During those early years, she managed to make her way through a world filled with madness until, after sixty years of endless war, someone took notice of the prodigy child. So gifted was she in sorcery that she was brought to the capital of the Knights Errant, an alliance of leaders serving the interests of the God of War, Barnabas.

There, it became apparent she was a capable leader as well as an exceptional sorceress, and so she rose to leader all the magi under that banner of the Knights in the endless wars against the heretics. Here she honed her incredible talent for efficiency and brutality upon the enemy, and it was here that she laid waste to foes much stronger than her.

In due time, as the years passed, she went from being on the Council as the leader of sorcerors, to the leader of the alliance itself.

The rise to power continued as she gathered those of like mind about her, and as a Queen did she rule over all for a time, the fae of the realm - or at least, those who served Barnabas - at her bidding. All things, however, come to an end. The rise to power and the reign itself had lasted thousands of years. But that was to come to an end now.

In a night of blood and death, the pagans came. In a night of blood and death, all was crushed and cast down, the earth salted, the innocent slain. Hundreds of thousands cut down. The dark period of her early life had begun, when she lost her throne and became hunted, her and all the others that had carried her banner.

It was during this dark time that she met the Great Lord, the demon bound beyond time. Anger, the thirst for vengeance against those that had wronged her and her kin, brought her to make a deal with the Lord, and so it was that Seska died, killed by her own knife and by her own hand. The ritual that bound her soul to her flesh as she carved her heart free and sealed it within a vessel of her choosing, accepting the blessing of the Lord Avanth... was the beginning of the end. Consumed by rage, drowning in her thirst for vengeance and completely careless of the consequences of disrupting The Balance in her madness. She, and the others with her, led the assault against not only the pagans themselves, but also the very gods that held the world together. That campaign lasted for literal decades, and in the end, those who sought the ruin of all succeeded far more than they ever imagined. Without the pantheon to hold the world together, and with the Balance completely shattered - the dead numbering in the hundreds of millions, the skies choked with the ashes of burning cities and forests, of mountains reduced to rubble and seas set to boiling - Mo'pri began to decay. The few that still lived on the war-torn world had only one option: flee, or perish when the world itself did.

Seska fled. She, and many others of the great mages that had been responsible for the madness, fled the world they had killed - the madness broken, the veil lifted from their eyes and the horror of their actions writ across a tortured land.
