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Scholar of the Dead, Razputin Printable version

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Scholar of the Dead, Razputin

Biographical information
Elbion 19 Elbion College and the surrounding area
Physical description
Human Cisgender Male 6’0 192 lb Brown Ice Blue Pale White
Political information
Student (current)
Captive (former)
Urchin (former)
Out-of-character information
Gerblin 8/18/23

“You want to know what? Sorry, just summarizing my life in something as minute as a simple paragraph is not something I think I could adequately do. In fact, it terrifies me to think my life is capable of fitting in a paragraph.”


Razputin is a fair, blue eyed young man with a Wizard hat one size too big and snug robes to contrast, the hat and robes both blue but the robes also gold embroidered.

Skills and Abilities

Undead Communication
Critical Thinking
Spell Casting
Hand to Hand Combat


Razputin is quiet in public and very reserved in classes, which makes him not the most popular person in terms of friends. It does, however, make him a very obvious target to bullies. Even though he is low on confidence, he is of a strong mind and will not take shit from anyone if they try to insult his friends or his habit of talking to them. He doesn’t have much experience with parents given that his own father abandoned him at his mother’s funeral, and home etiquette is not his strong suit. However, his friends are unruly, and will possess him if he is not careful and mentally guarded.

There are five ghosts he usually communicates with daily:

Antares the Halfling Bard is an exuberant halfling with an aptitude for singing and rhyming. If you ever hear Raz speaking to himself in the form of poetry, this is a sign he is chatting with Ant. When he is possessed by this spirit, he is extroverted and open. Antares also has a quote or jab at the ready at all times, and is the most respected and feared for his ability to verbally tear anyone down and is most likely to invade poor Razputin’s body during moments of passion, but that usually takes the form of an argument of some kind.

Ridlinus the Human Doctor is a calculating and cold master of medical practices, and Raz often practices his dagger techniques under his guidance due to the doctor’s plentiful knowledge of anatomy. He also debates strategy with Rid and makes sure to incorporate his opinion into his plans. This tack has only failed once or twice so an overall good record keeps their partnership going strong. His greatest chance to possess Razputin is when the boy is doing anything requiring complicated thought.

Dentoine the Tief Librarian is a scholar, albeit a dead one. He remembers lore from long ago, but is incredibly jealous of Raz’s access to all the newest literature through Elbion College. He often debates Raz, giving his perspective while also absorbing Raz’s newer way of thinking, and relays olden lore from his day in exchange for newer knowledge. He uses all his might to possess Raz when the boy is reading anything because the joy of reading an actual book is something he deeply misses. There is no real personality shift, he just tends to make Raz sound a bit more like a know-it-all.

Eolian the Drow Wizard is the eldest of the five and also the hardest to block out. During his time, he was a legend for having helped a party of himself and five others take out a death tyrant. This story is mostly forgotten, and even Raz himself didn’t totally believe it until directed to a book that told of the tale. He is knowledgeable of magic and sometimes shares his wisdom with Razputin, but he is overall a lover of the idea that learning takes patience and never gives out everything he knows to the boy, instead asking him to continue researching himself. Eolian drastically changes Raz in terms of physicality when he possesses him, making his movements older and slower and voice deeper. These takeovers sometimes happen when the boy practices magic or other mystical arts such as making potions.

Refia the Elven Translator

The only woman of the group and the only one who knows how to speak anything other than Trade and Common with the exception of Dentoine and Eolian (Infernal and Abyssal respectively), she is not only Raz's friend but his advisor on how to deal with Dwarves and Elves, teaching him words and phrases of the Elven and Dwarvish languages while also keeping some of the more energetic and eager ghosts in check. She doesn’t usually possess Raz under normal circumstances, and was in fact the first of his little retinue. Her seal of approval was why he had been able to meet any of the previous four at all.

Biography & Lore

Heironymus and the start of Elbion College Life: TBA
