Auracle Stones
A set of 12 Seeing Stones honed and shaped from the same massive crystal mined deep in the legendary crystal caverns of Aur. These stones were created ages ago by a great and powerful Alchemist named Lord Dissero. Their purpose eludes scholars today, though it is guessed they were used for a world-spanning shadow organization of mages which disbanded for unknown reasons. Only 8 of them were found and kept in a collection within the College of Elbion, the locations of the remaining 4 remain a mystery. Some time ago they were gifted to the Noct Yaegir conglomerate in order to facilitate ease of fast communication between the major Keeps.
Things to note:
The stones are 200mm, roughly 8'' in diameter and weight 28lbs each.
- Provides a means of private communication between stones that cannot be intercepted by others.
- Provides a clean, uninterrupted means of communication from one user to the other, no matter the distance.
- Provides a means of empathic communication by transmitting given energies and emotions from one user to the other.
- Provides vigilance through stones with an ability to “see” and witness the immediate surroundings of other stones, earning them the nickname “Seeing Stones”
- Due to the nature of their alchemization, Auracle Stones are nigh indestructible excepting in the case of damage made by items specifically designed to undo alchemized properties. Throwing them into a dragon's gullet may also provide destructive results, though no one has been willing to test the theory.
- Physical contact with bare skin is required for use of the Auracle Stones.
- Auracle Stones can only be activated by magic users. Non-magic users cannot activate or commence communication on their own, but can connect into an open commune already started by a mage.
- Communication between stones is open along all Auracle Stones. Even private discussions can be interrupted by another user with another stone, though this cannot be done secretively as the presence of each user can always be felt by all other users, though not necessarily identified unless personal familiarity already exists.
- To use the Auracle Stone is to create an open bridge into one’s mind. One cannot use the stone when their mind is shut. This bridge can be used to the advantage of users with ill intentions, woe to the recipient of said intentions.
- A “covered” Auracle Stone cannot be used for Seeing. Covering a stone is as simple as placing it in a box or throwing a length of material over top. Covered Auracle Stones can still transmit latent energies of other users attempting to commune.

Things to note:
- Auracle Stones sitting within the sphere of a magic nullification effect are rendered temporarily inert until removed from it.
- Auracle Stones kept within containers lined by High Grade Nullification Resin cannot be connected with nor used for Seeing.
- Auracle Stones do not enhance the powers of a user in any way. They do transmit emotional energies during commune between users as an inherent side-effect of the mental link formed between them. This will render, temporarily, users with empathic abilities they might not possess otherwise only during said commune, allowing them to sense and feel the emotions of those who are presently connected.
- Nearby powerful magic artifacts, nexi or high grade alchemized objects with an invasive aura can cause varying levels of interference and noise within open communes.
- An Auracle Stone must be cleansed after each use by either submerging it or rinsing it in clean, cold water, to wash away latent energies remaining from prior commune and return the stone to a neutral state of energy. Each Warden exercises a mandatory cleansing for every active stone once a week. Uncleansed Auracle Stones can begin to retain those latent energies, making commune and Seeing more and more difficult as they build up. The stones will physically develop a fog within them as this happens. Minor fogging can be fixed through extensive cleansing, major fogging will render the stone inert after a time.
- Due to the specific nature of the crafting and alchemizing of the stones, destroyed or inert stones cannot be replaced and utilized within the same line of commune as the originals. The connection between the stones is unique and cannot be replicated.
- The stones are quite heavy despite their size. Burdensome, even, to be carried for extended periods of time.
The stones are 200mm, roughly 8'' in diameter and weight 28lbs each.

How they work
Crafted through neutral means, the stones can be used by any magic wielder of any alignment or disposition - all one simply must do is touch the stone and focus a small amount of magical energy into it. This in turn will reflect within each of the 12 stones by making them glow, so long as they are not kept within a container that might otherwise halt the connection. The light and color of the glow often reflects the energies channeled through during commune and will also reflect images and "visions" directly relevant to the discussion at hand at the user's whim. It will also very simply reflect a live image of the user to those they are in commune with.
The glowing stones alert the Wardens within the Keeps to the awaiting commune, upon which they can then “answer the call” by connecting into it by touching their respective stone. Though the communication between stones is by means of mental connection, one does not have to be proficient or even capable of telepathy to use this. Users can speak verbally or within their mind, the resulting discussion will be the same. While non-magical people cannot start their own commune, they can dial in on an existing commune by making their own physical connection. A single stone can also be connected to by multiple users at once, so long as each user is physically touching the stone. Due to the inherent mental connection during commune, emotional energies translate through as well, giving the users a “real life” experience of discussion, as if they were all present in the same room despite the vast distances between the stones.
Another use of the stones was for Seeing. A user could connect with their own stone and meditate, focusing on each of the other 11 stones in kind and choosing which one to See through. This allows the User to see and witness the immediate surroundings of the other stones - in essence, granting them the ability to “spy” and “eavesdrop” in at the other stone locations. This cannot be done with a stone that is presently being used for Communing and is more difficult to do if a Commune is taking place between the other stones. The commune essentially creates interference and noise for the meditating Seer.
While Dissero held more knowledge about the uses and powers of various crystals around the galaxy, his sister a Sorceress called Esmae was educated in the more occult and esoteric nature of natural crystals. Diamonds especially were known basins for energy, and if not cleansed regularly could become saturated by those latent energies. She’d noted upon her own introduction to the Stones within one of her personal journals that the one in use was cloudy and needed cleansing.

The glowing stones alert the Wardens within the Keeps to the awaiting commune, upon which they can then “answer the call” by connecting into it by touching their respective stone. Though the communication between stones is by means of mental connection, one does not have to be proficient or even capable of telepathy to use this. Users can speak verbally or within their mind, the resulting discussion will be the same. While non-magical people cannot start their own commune, they can dial in on an existing commune by making their own physical connection. A single stone can also be connected to by multiple users at once, so long as each user is physically touching the stone. Due to the inherent mental connection during commune, emotional energies translate through as well, giving the users a “real life” experience of discussion, as if they were all present in the same room despite the vast distances between the stones.
Another use of the stones was for Seeing. A user could connect with their own stone and meditate, focusing on each of the other 11 stones in kind and choosing which one to See through. This allows the User to see and witness the immediate surroundings of the other stones - in essence, granting them the ability to “spy” and “eavesdrop” in at the other stone locations. This cannot be done with a stone that is presently being used for Communing and is more difficult to do if a Commune is taking place between the other stones. The commune essentially creates interference and noise for the meditating Seer.
While Dissero held more knowledge about the uses and powers of various crystals around the galaxy, his sister a Sorceress called Esmae was educated in the more occult and esoteric nature of natural crystals. Diamonds especially were known basins for energy, and if not cleansed regularly could become saturated by those latent energies. She’d noted upon her own introduction to the Stones within one of her personal journals that the one in use was cloudy and needed cleansing.
Stone Locations
There are 12 stones all together, though not every stone is actively in use nor accounted for. Though every stone was cut from the same massive crystal, they all have their own unique appearance. In present day, the stones are named after their respective Noct Yaegir Keep locations, and documented for identification purposes. Six of them are presently found within the current Keeps, 1 resides at Elbion College with Demias Elbion, and 1 resides at the home of the elusive Broker. The remaining 4 stones are unaccounted for, though Elbion College recently set several Maesters to the task of finding them.

- Crobhear Stone - Crobhear Keep, the Spine
- Frostpeak Stone - Frostpeak Keep, Eretejva
- Atlia Stone - Atlia Keep, Allir Reach
- A location in the Empire lands to the west
- A location in Malakath
- A location in the Ixchel Wilds to the east
- Elbion Stone - Palace of the Commonwealth, High Councilor Demias Elbion's Study, Elbion
- Broker's Stone - The Broker's home, location unknown
The story as discovered within ancient scrolls and texts, then roughly translated, follows an ancient Alchemist by the name of Lord Dissero.
Ever a fan of the traditional and arcane, Lord Dissero’s long years spent studying the knowledge and artifacts of those who came before him have exposed him to, perhaps, an unhealthy variety of mystical means. Having possessed the fabled Dark Oracle Stone through his inheritance of the Keth Empire's archives and vaults following the Great Sedrig Heist, his dabbling in the Stone’s use was limited and fractional in comparison to the Oracle Stone’s abilities. He never explored the full breadth of its powers, but he held an understanding of the uses it had seen in ancient history. Namely in the ability to be used as a Seeing Stone under the care of Dark Sorceress Lumia whose utilization of the artifact allowed her to watch events across the known world through the extension of her own Seeing skills. Dissero had very little personal need for such things, and aside from its mystery gave the item little attention beyond his initial research.
That was until many years later the hunting of mages spread, causing he and his magical kin to go into hiding. The creation of what is believed to be a underground Mage brotherhood necessitated a means of communication that could not be tracked or tapped.
The idea came through other means of toil and artistry, a heinous creation known as The Twin Rings of Erebos.
Through the crafting of the rings and the process of alchemizing the twin Aur diamonds, Dissero recognized the bond created between the two stones. Despite the malicious intent behind the rings themselves, he could not help but marvel at the enduring connection they had. He would later put together this very same process and piecemeal together the combined uses of the Twin Rings of Erebos and that of the Dark Oracle Stone to create a full set of Commune Stones from a single massive crystal found deep in the legendary Aur crystal caverns.
The 12 stones were cut from the massive Aur crystal. Married through the same alchemical processing from the crafting of the Twin Rings of Erebos, the stones have an unbreakable and irreplicable bond to one another - sibling stones from one parent crystal predisposed to connecting to one another when empowered by magic.
Ever a fan of the traditional and arcane, Lord Dissero’s long years spent studying the knowledge and artifacts of those who came before him have exposed him to, perhaps, an unhealthy variety of mystical means. Having possessed the fabled Dark Oracle Stone through his inheritance of the Keth Empire's archives and vaults following the Great Sedrig Heist, his dabbling in the Stone’s use was limited and fractional in comparison to the Oracle Stone’s abilities. He never explored the full breadth of its powers, but he held an understanding of the uses it had seen in ancient history. Namely in the ability to be used as a Seeing Stone under the care of Dark Sorceress Lumia whose utilization of the artifact allowed her to watch events across the known world through the extension of her own Seeing skills. Dissero had very little personal need for such things, and aside from its mystery gave the item little attention beyond his initial research.
That was until many years later the hunting of mages spread, causing he and his magical kin to go into hiding. The creation of what is believed to be a underground Mage brotherhood necessitated a means of communication that could not be tracked or tapped.
The idea came through other means of toil and artistry, a heinous creation known as The Twin Rings of Erebos.
Through the crafting of the rings and the process of alchemizing the twin Aur diamonds, Dissero recognized the bond created between the two stones. Despite the malicious intent behind the rings themselves, he could not help but marvel at the enduring connection they had. He would later put together this very same process and piecemeal together the combined uses of the Twin Rings of Erebos and that of the Dark Oracle Stone to create a full set of Commune Stones from a single massive crystal found deep in the legendary Aur crystal caverns.
The 12 stones were cut from the massive Aur crystal. Married through the same alchemical processing from the crafting of the Twin Rings of Erebos, the stones have an unbreakable and irreplicable bond to one another - sibling stones from one parent crystal predisposed to connecting to one another when empowered by magic.