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Ruckus Fairweather Printable version

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Ruckus Fairweather

Biographical information
The agrarian outskirts of Alliria, within his family's barn. 19 While not his permanent residence, he currently resides within a rented tavern room in a dingy tavern amidst the Allirian slums
Physical description
Human Male 5.11 ft 189 Lbs Dirty Blonde Dull Green Peach
Political information
Currently brawls and pit-fights of a meager living.
Out-of-character information
RuckDuck April, 10, 2021 Me! Took a photo one of my sketches, uploaded it to IMG, and then used that URL for the "Insert Image" function.


Ruckus stands of middling height with broad shoulders, thick muscles, and a often nervous, almost shy hunch. His strong square jaw decorated with a thick, scruffy, and unattended stubble and his ragged nose often contrasts his nervous, deep green gaze. His eyes often hang with a small collection of dark circles, and his thick bushy brows are often tilted up in an expression of nervousness and uncertainty. His dirty blonde hair is of medium length, almost always unkempt or messy in some regard or another. When it comes to his attire, he embodies the look of 'unassuming' rather acutely, often wearing a simple tan tunic, time weathered belt with a rusted iron buckle, trousers often caked in mud from the shin down and weathered boots that look as if they might fall of his feet with every step he takes.

Skills and Abilities


Incredible Durability and Commendable Strength:
Raised on a farm he boasts a particularly incredible mental and physical constitution and moderate, commendable strength. He can deliver powerful punches and exhibit commendable acts of strength. Though his real ability is to endure. With a body built a mountain of dense solid stone and an iron will to back it up, Ruckus can withstand the most painful and the most powerful of strikes to an awestriking, insane degree.

Streetfighter: Ruckus is a talented brawler and street fighter. He never grew up with a swordsmanship instructor, or levied into any war as an enlisted soldier and handed a weapon to train with. No, Ruckus's best weapon is his own brawling body and his habit and ability of using whatever means necessary to survive and win. Whether that's tavern chairs, broken glass, poison, dirty tricks, whatever he can utilize he will.


Dumb as Rock:
Though, having lived on a farm for his entire youth has its flaws. He doesn't know how to read and his base intelligence is limited to farmhand knowledge. Even within combat his intelligence is limited to catching the enemy off-guard with By Whatever Means Necessary tactics, he has no mind for strategy or any sort of battlefield thinking. When it comes to tasks requiring a higher intelligence or more critical thinking he's probably one of the last people you'd want to talk to.

Social Shylet: Ruckus is equally as horrible when it comes to social situations. In his youth he often kept to himself, never socializing with any of the other village kids. In turn, his current ability to socialize with anyone often results in stammering and nervous pauses. Additionally, when he can find the ability or the courage to talk, he speaks in these weird heroic semantics that emphasize his awkward, semi delusional nature.

Rockjoints: While Ruckus is built tough and unbreakable, he's also unbendable, much to his own detriment. He's clumsy, unagile, and lacks general dexterity of finesse. He can't fire a bow, pull of any fancy maneuver with a sword or a spear, or even land a knife throw at the broad sign of a barn.


Ambitious: Ruckus has grand ambitions to become a legendary hero, to slay great monsters and do incredible things. While perhaps a bit delusional of a concept, he's rather serious about pursuing it, applying both a great will and a focused drive to achieve such a goal. Becoming a Hero and the pursuit of that dream is what Ruckus would label his most defining character trait.

Intensely Curios: Ruckus has a drive to learn about everything and everyone. Why a culture's the way it is, why it's society values one thing over another. Why one whiskey is more popular than another, why and how that whiskey's even made, ect ect. Mostly it has to do with his great desire to improve his intelligence, but in truth he's curios to his very core, desires and ambitions aside.

Desire for Self Improvement: Ruckus wants to become a better Ruckus, in every sense of the word. Smarter, more agile, stronger, if there's something he can improve upon he will chase it to the very ends of time - especially when it comes to becoming a more courageous person. He treasures this desire perhaps more than friendship, equal to that of his dream of becoming a hero.

Quick to Fear: Ruckus is person who by his nature is quick to fear. When faced with challenges, terrifying odds or great obstacles, or even a simple conversation, often the first thing that hits him is the fear of failing to overcome such odds. While he puts great effort into overcoming his fears and these challenges, he doesn't always succeed, and sometimes his fear gets the best of him, causing him to act irrationally or to just flat out run away.

Inexperienced: Ruckus is inexperienced when it comes to the world around him. He's spent most of his life growing up in an isolated agrarian community, and outside of that community and it's rules he has no real idea how many greater societies work, or many of the common rules that define them. While he hopes to conquer this trait as he learns about the world, he's still very vulnerable in that journey due to it's incompletion.

By Whatever (Heroic*) Means Necessary: Ruckus has no qualms about using all tactics at his disposal in any situation. Whether blackmail, trickery, underhanded tactics, lying, poison, whatever dirty move you can name he'll use it, so long as it doesn't conflict with Ruckus's image of what it means to be a hero. Wiping out an entire village of people to rid the world of a mighty monster? A-Okay! Using a smoke bomb to run away from a battle with a legendary combatant? That's not very heroic, not okay!

Enjoys the Struggle: While Ruckus undergoes a lot of stress and turmoil due to the delusional grandeur of his ambition and his quick and frightful nature, he enjoys it. He envisions every struggle as a trial a hero must overcome, and by viewing problems within that lens he can find the courage or the guile to overcome them. To face every obstacle with a smile and open arms, now that's heroic!

Empathy for the Struggling Achievers/Scornful of the Driveless: Ruckus has a rare, extraordinarily soft spot for people with great ambitions struggling to achieve them. When he encounters such people, he'll immediately be friendly, generous, and as helpful as he can be, considering them kindred souls treading the same path as himself. However, when he meets people with great problems who run from and/or complacent with them, he possesses a burning, vindictive hatred. He'll often be rude, petty, and aggressive, considering them as some of the worst people in the world, and the roots of the world's evil.

Biography & Lore

Ruckus was born in his family's barn into a family of apple-orchardists who resided on the agrarian outskirts of Allira, growing apples they would often sell in the city's marketplace. He was named for his remarkably loud birth, for when he was born he wouldn't stop wailing with such ferocity that his folks decided that would be his namesake, and for the longest time that name would be most remarkable thing about him. His upbringing was straightforward, simple, and boring.

His father was a man obsessed with "Making it rich" in the marketplace of possibilities that was Alliria, and his mother was a kindhearted but unremarkable wife to such a man. While his father was out peddling his apples, his mother raised up a farmer. He learned all manner farm-hand things, like how to care for the farm, it's tools, and all the tricks of being a farmer. Unfortunately for Ruckus and his family, he found it the most boring life on the planet.

Ever since he could remember, Ruckus longed for an adventure and heroic battles, spurred by the stories his family would tell him about heroes overcoming great odds and saving the day from evil wizards, or dastardly beasts. He was dutiful most of the time when it came to his chores, but he would always find the time to rough-house with the older kids at the local tavern (Never once did he win a fight, but he certainly did try!) always - or sneak away to explore the woods to find a "Monster" to slay with a long stick he thought looked enough like a sword. He was always lost in his fantasies and youthful dillusions, never bothering to care or even acknowledge other kids unless he trying to overcome them like they were some evil villains.

Yet, he would never find the opportunity. As the only child, his family relied on him heavily for maintaining the farm and growing apples suitable for sale. Though as Ruckus got older, his father got more and more desperate to "Make it rich," often making bad investments and losing large amounts of coins in desperate gambles to finally elevate himself from independent farmer poverty.

Ultimately, his father never "Made it Rich," and when Ruckus turned 19 he received what he would label as "The worlds worst birthday present in all living history." His father ran out of coin, and his mother got stick horribly sick with some illness that rendered her incapable of maintaining the farm at all. Left destitute and scrambling, they petitioned Ruckus to finally abandon his dream and settle down in the community so they might not starve to death from ailments abject poverty.

The next morning, Ruckus abandoned them. He packed all of his personal possessions, savings, and didn't even bid his parents farewell as he walked towards the slums of Alliria to seek his own fate through one means or another. Hoping that he could find greatness in the new future ahead of him, and equally hoping that it would be worthy enough of selfishly abandoning his parents.
