These ambush predators spend their time traveling up and down the many tributaries of the River Iuk searching for prey along the shore line. While not generally a threat to people, they are a terror to smaller animals attempting to cross or even sip from the waters.
A great deal of the river-drakes success is derived from its excellent and its ability to plot its course through the water. Upon spotting a target, it will not only memorize the location of the animal, but its own position as it moves underwater. This allows it to fling itself out like a missile aimed at its meal.
Ranging from 5 to 7 feet in length, they tend to have lean, narrow bodies and short, clawed legs. Their color can range from deep yellow to brownish green, to simple brown. Despite their name, they are actually amphibians, but still sport a crest and 'horns' that point to either side. Theirs are rather small, despite their clarity.
Anybody of water connected to the River Iuk large enough to move freely in. There have been rumors of older drakes that had to migrate into the ocean upon growing to large for the Delta.
A Shadow Drawn to the Deep
Thither and Yon