Sir Petros Brande
Sir Petros Brande is part aristocrat, part warrior, part adventurer, but mostly just a man who's built a respectable feudal estate through consistent hard work. You can tell.
Skills and Abilities
A solid administrator, Petros enjoys recruiting and training the right people. He's open to delegation and only rarely decapitates people who abuse his trust. He's capable with a sword and lance but hopeless with ranged weapons. He studied at the College of Elbion for a couple of years as a young man, but had no real knack for magic; the whole thing was mostly to appease his parents. He's fought his share of small-scale battles against bandit crews and rivals, but has never faced a major war.
Petros is a man of specific and relatively modest vision. He prizes a sense of proportion. He has little patience for self-aggrandizing nonsense, a major reason that he does not partake in some portions of Elbionese high society.
Biography & Lore
None at this stage.