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Non-Sentient Species Creation Guide Printable version

This page has been seen 1,875 times.


At ChroniclesRP we love and share in the creation of new fantastic stories and locations. However, to keep our Wiki organized and to keep from being overrun we ask that before you submit a new Magical Beast or Creature you first establish several roleplays around it. This will not only help flesh out your creation, but will also allow people a better view into the small piece of your story you are creating.

You can add a summary of your Species in a paragraph here. The following list provides the key details, but can also be provided in the settlement infobox (add link)
  • Name: (What is your race called? How are they referred to by others?)
  • Size: (Our world and species are as varying as could be. How big is your species? Big, small? Titanic? The size of a creature can affect how they react and respond to other races, how they act, and of course how they appear.This can be further elaborated on in the Appearance section, but please just give a simple reference answer here.)
  • Lifespan: (Many species have long lifespans, many have short. Long lived species tend to be wider and perhaps less brash, while shorter species might be more inclined to a bit of wildness. Of course this is not mutually exclusive, but keep in mind that one's lifespan is important in the development of personality. This can be elaborated on in the Quirks and Background section.)
  • Diet: (Is your species Herbivores? Omnivores or carnivores? This can often affect the demeanor of a race, with carnivores being more aggressive and herbivores like siding to a more passive side. Keep that in mind.)


(Most non-sentient species are incapable of direct speech, though the same can not be said for some magical beasts. In this section you should detail whether or not your creature can actually talk, and if not, how they communicate.

No matter what sort of creature you’re creating, they will likely be able to Communicate on some level. Even Dogs and Cats are able to communicate with one another, whether it is through body language or some sort of noise. You should also detail if your creature is capable of understanding other languages, if they aren’t able to talk themselves. Communication is important to any species.

This section can also be used to detail a bit about how your Species actually functions among themselves. If they are pack hunters it is likely that they communicate better with one another than those that are not. If your species is composed of ‘lone wolves’ it is unlikely that they will be as communicative.)


(A key component of how your species is perceived will be their appearance. This category is about how your race looks to everyone and everyone. Size, weight, height, eyes, hair, everything can and should be described here. The way your species looks will inevitably reflect how it is received in roleplaying. It is important to get across just what you’re trying to describe, especially if you intend on making this species common-place in your roleplays.

The way a species appears will likely affect its behaviour and how people roleplay with it. Remember this when describing your creature. For instance, if you make a titanic squid with stabby tentacles it is very likely that people will attack it as soon as they see it. Mostly so that it doesn’t kill them immediately. Appearance is important in conveying intent.

It is of course also important to note that a species appearance does not have to be overly complex and complicated. Some races will inevitably be simple and rather plain, that's okay. Do your best to describe your species so that anyone encountering them will know what they look like to others.

Lastly, remember to be reasonable about your species appearance. While we understand the thought behind uniqueness and the want for something “cool”, your species shouldn't be entirely over the top. This means please don't have things like dragon wings, unicorn horn, laser eyes, and whatever else all combined in one magical beast.)


(Does your species do well in the forest? Are they primarily based in the desert? What is the name of this desert? Describe just how your species lives and what sort of environment they truly excel in. This is important in shaping your species and telling us where they tend to be and what they are doing.

With non-sentient and magic beasts Habitat is invariably extremely important. Creatures don’t generally tend to move from their homes unless they are forced to move from their homes in the first place.

It’s important to also note in this section what/if your species has any actual limitations. For instance, That Giant squid mentioned earlier wouldn’t do well in a desert environment and it would be good to point out any such limitations within this section. Of course, it is also important to detail any extremes.)


(When it comes to magical creatures and non-sentient species they all have something that sets them apart. These are qualities and features of the beast that actually makes them Unique and qualitatively different than their other animal cousins.

Use this section to describe and show us how your beast is actually set apart from others within this category of creature. This process is relatively simple, for instance take into account a unicorn; It is generally accepted that the difference between a Unicorn and a Horse is...the horn on its head. Of course this section should also detail the other smaller distinctions, and it’s important to lay them all out in a straightforward way.

This section can also be used to detail any ‘abilities’ that your creature might have, such as a dragon’s capability of breathing fire. These abilities, if magical, should follow the rules of magic of ChroniclesRP of course.

Lastly, remember to be reasonable with the Distinctions of your species. Just like in the appearance section we ask that you don’t overload your beasties with too many abilities.)


(An important part of a species is it’s background. Integral to the identity of the species, it is important to know where they came from and exactly how they have functioned within the world of Chronicles RP.

This is important for both magical beasts and regular non-sentient species. Tell us exactly how your creation has survived throughout the ages, how they were first discovered, and even their relationship to the more intelligent residents of ChroniclesRP. Feel free to detail more exacting things here, describe your creatures purpose and role within the greater universe(if they have one).

You should also note any uses your species has on a larger scale, such as if their fur has some special quality, if their teeth are good for making knives, etc.

This section is more of an Out of Character blurb than anything else. It details what we the readers should know about your species in order to properly roleplay with them. It will give us a better picture of what we can expect and just how to use them in a narrative.)


(The Lore Section of this Template is perhaps one of the most important. Here you should detail what is known of your species within the wide ranging world of Chronicles RP.

This section can be both short and long, it can be written in the style of a journal, history book, or just in a standard way. It is however important to fully convey just how your species is viewed by others and how much is known by folk at large. This will aid other writers in actually interacting with members of your species and further aid them in including your creation in the narrative.

One can also utilize this section to establish unique and interesting story aspects of your species, like how they were first encountered or a tale of one getting captured.)


  1. ^You can also add footnotes through the article that will automatically appear in the references section with a link











Template with infobox

Alternatively use the Monster Infobox if it is more appropriate.
|alternative names=
|distinctive features=






