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Moran Amarak

Biographical information
Alliria 22 Depending on who "hires" her, this varies constantly
Physical description
Human Female 6'2" ft/189 cm 185 lbs/84 kg Ash-grey Lavender
Political information
Bounty Hunter
Out-of-character information
Admiral 11/22/20 Art by わか on Pixiv

"Uh, hang on..."


"You're going in there...alone...through the front door of this fort...with a morningstar and your magic at the ready?"

"An' what of it?"

"I mean, aren't you concerned about stealth?"

"So long as they don't see me, I consider it stealth.


Some weirdos once described Moran as built like "an imperfect copy of a draconian". She doesn't know why they did, but it's not an incorrect comparison; she's broad-shouldered and taller than most humans, without the scales, fangs, or wings that draconians are known for. Her hair usually falls down to her waist, but sometimes she puts it up into a ponytail. No matter what she wears underneath, she always has a robe-like coat over it. Scars are patterned across her legs, arms, and torso, the largest being on her shoulders and over her left eye, usually hidden by her eyepatch.

Skills and Abilities

As far as weaponry goes, Moran is proficient with weapons that smash; mauls, maces, hammers, but especially her dearest morningstar, Magus. She also wields a crossbow, but her aim isn't nearly as good as her swinging arm.

As far as her magic goes, she combines her skill with sleight of hand and gambling with her affinity for elemental and magic. She always carries a deck of black cards, each one marked with a roman numeral. Every thirteen cards correspond to one element; fire, water, earth, and wind. She can hurl several cards at a target at rapid fire speed, or flick one or two down to create bigger attacks, or even combine cards. The thirteenth card in each part of the deck is a massive attack, which is why they can only be used one at a time, and even then, she needs to wait to use the next one.


Moran loves playing with her bounties. If they're running, she'll chase them like a hungry predator. If they're on their last legs, she'll prolong their deaths. If they're already bleeding out, she'll make them bleed more, and more, until they're for sure dead.
Beyond her...unorthodox behavior in battle, she prefers to keep her distance, but she'll join up with anyone she thinks will lead her to something fun. In fact, she'll dive into anything that seems fun, whether it be a drinking contest or a feat of strength. Of course, her definitions of 'fun' can change on a dime, so shopkeeps tend to remain cautious when she enters a store.
She is somewhat lost when it comes to feelings of affection, and gets incredibly prickly at folks who don't think of her as anything less than a mighty force. She's very arrogant in that way.

Biography & Lore

Moran's childhood was perfectly normal. Alliria was a nice home, her parents were decent, everything seemed normal enough.

Well, next thing she knew, she was 18, leaning against a tree in a forest far outside of Alliria. Various hastily-healed scars were strewn across her body. Rocks caked in dried blood were everywhere. There was a faint smell of...vanilla? And perhaps most notable of all was a deck of cards, black and marked with strange symbols, sitting in her lap.

Someone beside her placed a finger beneath her chin and gently turned her head in their direction.

A woman, not much older than herself, stared back. White hair cascaded over her shoulders, gold eyes burned through Moran's own.

"Don't panic if your scars begin to burn, it's just me testing you. I'll come back for you soon enough, so be prepared. Good luck, Moran."

A flash of deep purple light later, and she was gone without another word.

The event confused and intrigued Moran, but she had no time to think about it because she was currently in the middle of a forest that was a three-day walk from Alliria.

Or so she thought.

"Say, you're a strong one, right?"
"That I am. Why are you askin'?"
"Long story short, I need somebody dead. Oh! But I'll pay you very handsomely for it!"

And so began a slippery slope that led to Moran's current career as a bounty hunter. Every so often, however, she thought about that woman. What did she mean by "test"? Moran wanted to find out.

The question was, how was she gonna find her again...?