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Liana Printable version

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Biographical information
Amol-Kalit (City Unknown) 25 Nomad
Physical description
Human Female 5'7 Brown Blue Tanned
Political information
Information Broker
Out-of-character information
Em Cecilia 3/27/2022 BloodyDamnit

Skills and Abilities

  • Human Lie Detector
  • Very Advanced Photographic Memory - She can read large volumes of information and also process it. She never forgets anything either. All the knowledge she has ever learned is stored in her brain.


Biography & Lore

Liana was born to an unknown father and a mother who died in childbirth. She was raised in an orphanage in Ragash. It is unknown if that is where she was actually born though. She was never adopted.

Liana found out when she was twelve years old that she had the ability to tell when people were lying as well as an advanced photographic memory. She used both of her talents to take advantage of fellow orphans and adults alike. She needed money if she was going to go out on her own someday.

When she was seventeen years old, she left the orphanage in search of more.

Recently, she realized that she was tired of playing the small games for local criminals. She wants money, power, and to be really useful to the Empire.


Serpents Beneath the Salitran Sky - Ongoing