Kassidy Quay
At one point, green eyes, a snarky grin and a crop of blonde hair attached to a six foot four playboy would’ve met your gaze. Now?
Well. He’s a cat.
He’s got cute button paws and a little black nose, a tail that has a mind of its own and two big ears that swivel and flicker of their own accord. Sleek black and furry.
At least the women still love him. Albeit for different reasons.
Well. He’s a cat.
He’s got cute button paws and a little black nose, a tail that has a mind of its own and two big ears that swivel and flicker of their own accord. Sleek black and furry.
At least the women still love him. Albeit for different reasons.
What is there to say, about Kassidy Quay?
He’s a bit of an arse, really.
At young age, his budding talent for wielding a new kind of magic - transfiguration - attracted a whole lot of attention, and boy, did it all go to his head. At sixteen, he was accepted into the College of Elbion, and for a street kid? That was nuts.
Killer with the ladies (or so he likes to think), Kassidy is a sarcastic albeit witty kind of guy, with a lucky streak a mile long. Or so he thought. A bit self centred and, altogether, someone you’d be better off seeing in fifteen minute increments or less.
Truly though, as most things, it’s all surface level. While Kassidy fronts as an overconfident, academically talented man child, he’s got a goodness to him that most people don’t see. He doesn’t like to see people struggle, or suffer, and nine times out of ten he can be seen doing the right thing. His judgement can be clouded, and he’s easily swayed if a compelling argument teases at his heartstrings, meaning he can, at times, be quite gullible.
Ultimately, once you’re past all the surface level rubbish, he’s a guarded, sensitive man.
It’s almost like this whole cat thing is a blessing in disguise...
He’s a bit of an arse, really.
At young age, his budding talent for wielding a new kind of magic - transfiguration - attracted a whole lot of attention, and boy, did it all go to his head. At sixteen, he was accepted into the College of Elbion, and for a street kid? That was nuts.
Killer with the ladies (or so he likes to think), Kassidy is a sarcastic albeit witty kind of guy, with a lucky streak a mile long. Or so he thought. A bit self centred and, altogether, someone you’d be better off seeing in fifteen minute increments or less.
Truly though, as most things, it’s all surface level. While Kassidy fronts as an overconfident, academically talented man child, he’s got a goodness to him that most people don’t see. He doesn’t like to see people struggle, or suffer, and nine times out of ten he can be seen doing the right thing. His judgement can be clouded, and he’s easily swayed if a compelling argument teases at his heartstrings, meaning he can, at times, be quite gullible.
Ultimately, once you’re past all the surface level rubbish, he’s a guarded, sensitive man.
It’s almost like this whole cat thing is a blessing in disguise...
Abilities, Traits & Weaknesses
Transfiguration is an ability that came easily to Kassidy as a young boy, and it’s precisely what landed him in his current situation. As long as the object retains the same mass, he found he could change it. Rewrite the chemical structure of objects to become something entirely new.
It started out as something simple. Water into ice, dirt to sand. The transfigurations would, at first, only last mere minutes. But soon he found he could change anything into anything, and for longer periods of time every spell he cast . He could change dirt to metal, a log into several mice, the very colour in fabric threads, anything he could envision. As long as it retained the same mass, and he was touching it, he could change it into whatever he dreamed of.
Ironically, he never used this power for wealth. By the by, he could easily turn things to currency should he wish - lead to gold, dust to coins - but he knew that eventually the spell would wear off as per the Second law of Magic. He didn’t fancy the idea of falsely providing coins to a merchant, or hoarding a wealth he didn’t actually own. Who wants wealth if what you own is actually a pile of rocks that you have to turn back into gold every few years? Too much upkeep. This is the one massive weakness of his ability - and the fact that what he can transfigure is entirely limited to his knowledge and imagination.
It started out as something simple. Water into ice, dirt to sand. The transfigurations would, at first, only last mere minutes. But soon he found he could change anything into anything, and for longer periods of time every spell he cast . He could change dirt to metal, a log into several mice, the very colour in fabric threads, anything he could envision. As long as it retained the same mass, and he was touching it, he could change it into whatever he dreamed of.
Ironically, he never used this power for wealth. By the by, he could easily turn things to currency should he wish - lead to gold, dust to coins - but he knew that eventually the spell would wear off as per the Second law of Magic. He didn’t fancy the idea of falsely providing coins to a merchant, or hoarding a wealth he didn’t actually own. Who wants wealth if what you own is actually a pile of rocks that you have to turn back into gold every few years? Too much upkeep. This is the one massive weakness of his ability - and the fact that what he can transfigure is entirely limited to his knowledge and imagination.
Right now? Kassidy’s past comes to him in pieces. He knows his name, that he’s truly human. He knows that what happened to him was because of his own ability, the power to transfigure. Kassidy can still transfigure things, much like he used to - he just cannot change himself. Whether it’s the complexities of transfiguring a cat into a human, or a complication of trying to transfigure himself back into his original form, he is simply unable to do it.
His only hope now is waiting until the spell wears off - but that could very well be centuries. Tell me, is a cat immortal if it is not truly a cat? Or will he live the average sixteen years that most felines do? Because that... is not exactly how Kassidy envisioned his life.
After being told by the College that there was nothing they could do, Kassidy saw no point trying to puturrently he wonders the streets (cat can’t pay rent now, can he?), hopping trade carts and roads to go to places and see things he’s never seen before, hoping to find a way back to having opposable thumbs. He’s not quite sure where he is, or where to start. People he used to know think him missing, and he can’t exactly go and talk to them. Whilst Kassidy’s vocal chords still miraculously work, and he can in fact still speak, he can’t quite remember who actually knows him. He lost a lot of his memories when he changed into a feline, most likely due to the fact that his brain is now a tenth of its original size.
After the College told him his predicament was entirely his own to fix, Kassidy decided to no longer pursue an education there - he may be a cat now but who knows how much worse it could get? No, more magical experimentation for Kassidy thanks. Maybe it was time to find a hobby. Like crochet.
He wondersif they make needles for paws...
His only hope now is waiting until the spell wears off - but that could very well be centuries. Tell me, is a cat immortal if it is not truly a cat? Or will he live the average sixteen years that most felines do? Because that... is not exactly how Kassidy envisioned his life.
After being told by the College that there was nothing they could do, Kassidy saw no point trying to puturrently he wonders the streets (cat can’t pay rent now, can he?), hopping trade carts and roads to go to places and see things he’s never seen before, hoping to find a way back to having opposable thumbs. He’s not quite sure where he is, or where to start. People he used to know think him missing, and he can’t exactly go and talk to them. Whilst Kassidy’s vocal chords still miraculously work, and he can in fact still speak, he can’t quite remember who actually knows him. He lost a lot of his memories when he changed into a feline, most likely due to the fact that his brain is now a tenth of its original size.
After the College told him his predicament was entirely his own to fix, Kassidy decided to no longer pursue an education there - he may be a cat now but who knows how much worse it could get? No, more magical experimentation for Kassidy thanks. Maybe it was time to find a hobby. Like crochet.
He wondersif they make needles for paws...