Branca Atresius
Write a summary paragraph about your character here
Of average stature, with pale skin, heart-shaped, small face with soft, rather harmonious features. Her eyes are chestnut brown, but seem darker due to high contrast with the skin. She has long, dark golden blonde wavy hair that she rarely lets down, preferring an elegant low side bun.
Skills and Abilities
Branca started painting at a young age and it remains her strongest suit to date. She is also apt in linguistics and has vast historical knowledge. She is also an accomplished mystic.
Reserved and introverted, Branca prefers keeping to herself. She lets very few people into her world and prefers it that way. While usually reclusive and of somewhat melancholic nature, the young woman is very well-educated and socializes well when she has to. Of unshakable principles, her moral compass is rather rigid and she never strays from her intended path.
She has a much softer side to her as well to which very few are privy, and none more so than her husband, Decanian Atresius, the college librarian.
Reserved and introverted, Branca prefers keeping to herself. She lets very few people into her world and prefers it that way. While usually reclusive and of somewhat melancholic nature, the young woman is very well-educated and socializes well when she has to. Of unshakable principles, her moral compass is rather rigid and she never strays from her intended path.
She has a much softer side to her as well to which very few are privy, and none more so than her husband, Decanian Atresius, the college librarian.
Biography & Lore
<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>