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Arnold Viretholm Printable version

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Arnold Viretholm

Biographical information
Viret - Outlying Communities 19 The Guard
Physical description
Human Male 1.99m Slight Brown Hazel
Political information
Out-of-character information
Kasim Areth Turiel

Arn the Mighty, or simply Arnold as his parents named him was born in the Outlying Farmlands around the city of Viret. Though considered a Virak family stronghold politically, Arn never much took up truck with that, mostly because he had absolutely no idea what it all meant.

Having spent most of his life on the farm that has been in his family for nearly half a dozen generations, Arn is neither worldly nor well educated.

Though his mother saw that he knew his letters and numbers, there had never been much of a push for him to understand much more of the wider world. It was assumed, and still is in large part, that he would never need to know such grand things.

Due to this, his early childhood was largely without pressure. Viret is an extraordinarily safe community thanks to the protections of House Virak, and thus he has lived most of his life in blissful ignorance. Nevertheless, the boy wasn't entirely shut out from the world itself, often catching the stories told by gleeman and maidens as they came through town.

These stories though, were hardly reality, and when it came time for his year of service in the Guard Arn was only barely prepared for what was to come.

Though his training was not particularly harsh, the whiplash of new experiences, people, and studies caught Arn by utter surprise. Nevertheless, he maintained his good natured attitude throughout his time within the training barracks. Eventually managing to graduate at a level his instructor called 'As useful as manure on a farm', which Arn took for a great complement.

Now, after his six months of training, Arn has been assigned to the 44th Regiment for his tour of duty.

Skills and Abilities

Arn is a farmer.

This became readily apparent when the Guardsmen's long experienced instructors began his tutelage in the ways of combat. It quickly became extremely apparent that the young man was in no way qualified to wield a sword and shield. His footwork, general agility, and penchant for over-extending making it obvious that such tactics would never quite be his shtick.

Ever the meritocracy, it was quickly decided by one of the Barracks lieutenants that Arn would be better off utilizing an ax. Having grown up chopping wood, the weapon suited the young man far more, and after the first two months of training the Battle Axe became one of the two weapons Arn actually found himself to have at least some little skill with.

The other? A bow.

Having grown up hunting in the forests of Viret alongside his father, Arn has shown an exceptional skill with the longbow. Even earning a modicum of praise from his fellow trainees.

Aside from this, the farmboy is quite the survivalist, and even has a knowledge of some herbs from his mother. Though beyond that he seems to be somewhat of a naive fool, a fact which his fellow Guardsmen often take advantage of in numerous ways.
