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Arilemna Kavas Luminosus Printable version

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Arilemna Kavas Luminosus

Biographical information
The Spine Several hundred years ago N/A 493 Alliria
Physical description
Elf Avariel Female 6'2" 64.4 Kg Golden-Brown Blue Lightly Tanned from her lifestyle
Political information
College of Eberron, formerly Allirian Rangers Maester of Healing Magic and Comparative Theology, Healer and Warrior. None to speak of None to speak of The Guardian Angel of Alliria, The Angel In The Lecture Hall, Battle Angel, Protector of the People
Out-of-character information
Silk the Archivist, Chronicler of Heroes and Teller of Stories 11/6/2018 The Art Of Chris Rahn, Jenara, Asura of War

If you can look past the wings, Arilemna looks much the same as any other elf, if a little more muscled. Normally she wears a beautiful set of armor that is an alloy of Mithril and Gold. Her wings are as white and soft as clouds and she has long, flowing golden hair. Arilemna is never far from her blade and will never be seen without her shield somewhere on her person, for reasons unknown to most.

Skills and Abilities
Arilemna is a skilled healer, using magic to augment her healing. She has always had an aptitude for Magic that most other mortal races don't, as most elves and avariels do, however, she has gained an immense capacity for healing magic and growth magic through her connection to Maskat, the Annunaki Goddess of Health and Agriculture, who she has devoted her life to, via her service to others. She uses her large shield as a focus and direct link to her Goddess, and as such, the shield is very nearly unbreakable, and is practically so with the means most mortal races would have access to. She is also skilled with the blade, due to her almost two centuries of service with the Allirian Rangers, to the point where very few even within the rangers can match her skill. She is also an experienced diplomat and negotiator, also due to her time with the Rangers. In spite of her status as a lieutenant, she is a trusted adviser to the leaders of the Rangers, a result of her centuries of service.

Avariels by nature often look down on other races, even other elves, and while her service to Maskat has definitely dampened that within Arilemna, the natural urge to "talk down" to other races, especially those that are lower in intelligence, or who are considered "monstrous", does occasionally display itself even still within Arilemna's interactions with them. Her wings are also very easily injured, because the bones in them are hollow to assist her flight.


Arilemna is a kind person, and does not enjoy resorting to violence if she believes that a peaceful resolution can be found. This does not mean she's a pushover, and multiple recruits and inexperienced rangers who she's taught have found this out the hard way after challenging her methods. She is a healer, first and foremost. She would much rather heal the rift between two groups than have to widen the rift until there is no chance to repair it.

She does enjoy reading and has even written her own books about her experiences with the Rangers.

Biography & Lore

Arilemna was born in the Spire, and was raised there for most of her early years. However, her father got into a conflict with a local ruler when she was young, and he was killed as a result. Her and her mother were told only to flee and never return, and so her mother and she gathered as much as they could and left for the city of Alliria, never bothering to look back. Her mother loved the openness and understanding of the people of Alliria, and was grateful to them until she passed on. Arilemna has watched the Rangers expand over the last 400 years and has wanted to join them since not long after she and her mother moved to live there. She waited until she was almost 250 years old so that her mother could pass on without worrying about her before she joined, and has been a Ranger ever since. In her almost 200 years of waiting, she found faith in the form of the Six Anunnaki Gods, and found herself especially close to the Goddess of Health and Harvests, Maskat. While she was waiting to join the Rangers, she devoted her life to Maskat and as a result of her devotion received the powers her Goddess bestows on her chosen faithful. She has worked to develop those powers even further, going from healing simple diseases, a cough here or there putting her in bed for a week, to now being able to even heal wounds from battle. She feels part of the pain of the wounds she heals, and receives a lesser, non-contagious form of any illness she heals.

She was also the head of the Allirian Ranger's medical corps, overseeing all of the Rangers with advanced medical training, and the teaching of basic first aid to all recruits, and all those with access to some form of healing magic.

She left the Rangers due to a conflict of beliefs between herself and the Ranger's leadership, who she suspected, although she had no evidence, had been corrupted by the influence of the High Merchants of Alliria Proper to better benefit them. She journeyed long and far aiding the less fortunate along the way, eventually finding a place for herself as a Maester of Healing Magics and of Comparative Religious Studies at the College of Eberron. She claims she teaches six days a week, and rests herself on the seventh. And by "rests", she of course means "volunteers as a healer and a physician for the poor and ill of Eberron"


In this section you should list the references of IC roleplay. For characters, this can serve as a good place to track the threads you've participated in and an easy way to link new lore as your character develops through RP.

(Will fill in with references ASAP)


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