Private Tales Upriver

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Rayth Keirn

Character Biography
"And if everyone would just remain calm then this will all be done with very shortly and I promise with hand on heart..."

Rayth actually placed his hand on his heart. The hand that wasn't pointing a sabre at the crew lined up at the base of the mast.

"...that no harm will come to anyone else."

He was far too well spoken for a pirate. The ship, a rapid caravel that had based the diplomatic barge down with ease, looked far too well kept as well.

Only two had died so far. One from an arrow as the crew of the Paragon had unleashed a volley to make their point. The second was a young Knight defending the neutral emissaries who had been too stubborn to put down his sword. Too stubborn or his vows had been so strict that he couldn't even surrender.

Rayth found such a notion particularly quaint. The knight had died by Rayth's own hand. Technically he had died by drowning. Drowning and poor footwork. Armor was a particularly stupid thing to wear on a ship.

The tip of the sabre slowly turned about to point directly at Eislyn Gray .

"Gather your diplomatic envoy." There was a soft creak as the ropes were tied off, the two vessels bound together. Rayth pointed with his free hand towards the heavy plank that was slowly lowered across the open water. If she refused it was easy enough to see who was a sailor and who had been sent to mediate between the two cities on the verge of all out war.

A war that the crew of the Paragon had been paid to make sure continued.
Calm, cool eyes, colder than the highest peaks of the Spine, settled on the vagabond with the scar running down one eye. Strategic mind quietly took in the scene and her odds. They were outmatched and out-gunned. They'd been promised an armed escort but not until further up the river.

They hadn't made it further up the river.

Cherry lips pursed. Her men waited, still gripping their weapons. A hand finally raised in their direction, a subtle wave. Everything screamed noble woman, from her posture to the fabric of the dress she wore.

"Stand down," she gave the order to her crew, staring at the man, past the tip of his scabbard. The volume and steadiness of her voice might surprise Rayth Keirn for a woman of her slender stature. There was steel and iron behind her words.

"But, m'lady," one of her soldiers protested, sporting a braided orange and red beard. There was a subtle shake of her chin, eyes flickering to the man below. Her men were loyal almost to a fault. Unless it involved following orders that would put their lady in harm's way.

"Reginald," she spoke quietly. An order behind his name. A sigh left the man's chapped lips as he dropped his sword to the deck with a clank. The others followed. Attention swiveled back to the scoundrel.

"I will do as you say without resistance if you grant me a small mercy. Let the rest of my retinue go. If I order them to, they will not follow you."

Eh, that was an iffy promise.
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"Of course we will see to that," Rayth said. The saber swung out to his side and he gave a slight bow. His gaze didn't drop as he leaned forwards.

"Of course we will also make certain by stealing your sails and leaving the ship anchored," he added quickly.

"Whilst we are on the subject of mercies we have no interest in harming your ladyship but we do need to make you unavailable for some time. My captain is quite keen you stay comfortable so if you have some things my crew can fetch..."

The clipped tone of his speech rolled along effortlessly. Definitely too well spoken for a pirate. Here with a purpose as well. His appearance was almost unkempt and a strange variety of items hung from straps and his belt. It was all rather chaotic but in a very deliberate way.
He was smart. She'd have to be careful not to underestimate him. "Then it appears we have a deal," cool-tone matched cool gaze of verdant.

Polite kidnappers, was it?

An elegant finger motioned behind her. "There's a chest in the main cabin." If they searched it, they may or may not find the hidden panels that contained two daggers and a small vile of unknown potion. But those were beneath layers of ladies clothing.

A hand gathered the folds of her long dress together as she took a slow and measured step toward the scoundrel with the silver tongue. "And will I have the pleasure of meeting this captain of yours?" Sandy-brows rose along a fair face in challenge.

It was clear she was the envoy.
If anything, Rayth seemed amused by her boldness. They didn't typically attack ships with civilians. The Paragon was a crew for hire, an established band of mercenaries who could sail their caravel over open seas and up the larger rivers. They were more often paid to protect merchants or chase down pirates.

Rayth saw it all as one grand adventure. His high spirits were often a sharp contrast to the sullen, determined nature of the fighting men and women of the Paragon. Most had been soldiers or sailors before joining the crew. He suspected some had suffered serious trauma in war. He had been born into wealth, had never meant to end up in a place like this.

"I'll tell Captain Deschain you would like a conversation. He might take you up on the offer." Rayth pointed towards the stern castle of the Paragon. A tall, square-shouldered man watched events unfold in stern silence. He looked to be in his late forties or early fifties. His reddish-brown beard was nearly cropped, whilst his hair had started to turn grey. He made no reaction at all to Rayth's gesture.

The Paragon was a modern, fighting caravel. She had a square sail on the foremast and lantern rigging on the other three. She was sleek, light and maneuverable with an elevated fore and aft castle to give archers firing positions. Nowhere near the size of heavy merchant freighters, and couldn't go toe to toe with wallowing naval vessels with decks covered in rows of spearmen. She was fast and took the small, elite crew where they needed to go.
Reginald spat, glaring up at Rayth. "You won't get away with this, scum." Eislyn said nothing but there was a slight tightening of her jaw.

"Well now," the young woman exhaled into the briny air, addressing Rayth. "Shall we? No time like the present to get on with taking a hostage." Like a true noble woman, with head held high, she stepped carefully off her transport and onto the caravel. She felt the lingering gazes of the foreign crew's eyes, particularly the men. Rarely did her beauty go unnoticed.

Reginald was seething. He would get one subtle nod from the emissary as she debarked.
"I'm afraid we will," Rayth apologised to Reginald. This was only the last part of the plan. Flying a stolen Felder flag they had attacked a Gorrin scout and vice versa. With the neutral diplomat - of royal blood - abducted en route the blame game would start. Before long the Felder city fleet would hopefully blockade Gorrin's trade port.

During that time their employers, who ran the rival Vessick trade port a hundred miles down the coast, would take full advantage of luring merchant companies into altering their routes.

It was a bit cloak and dagger for Rayth. Since he had been a young boy he had been caught up in stories of wild adventure on the seas. The captain chose the work they took and it sounded as if the job would be profitable.

As Eislyn walked across the plank with her nose held high, Rayth just aboud managed to resist the temptation to push her into the river. Being fished out of the water would probably dampen her spirits.

Following her over to the other side, Rayth suspected most of it was noble upbringing. Saving face with a bold show. Either she was exceptionally brave or she would be terrified beneath that facade.

He stood with her on mid-deck making - or attempting to make - idle conversation as they expertly dismantled the other ship's rigging and tore the sails apart and threw them overboard. Her case was brought over by two women who looked as if they knew their way around a sword. They did. They hadn't balked at searching through a noble woman's undergarments, but a cursory inspection hadn't revealed the hidden panel.

It wasn't long before they were seperating the two vessels. There was a light breeze. The sound of the Paragon's sails catching it joined the sound of the birds that circled the vessels, hoping they were trawlers.

"Well then," Rayth said, clapping his hands together. "Now we can't be overheard I should probably clear up a few things. We've no interesting in killing you, torturing you or meddling with you. Just need to keep you out of the world for a few weeks. You have a room between myself and the captain. Don't trouble the crew and they won't trouble you. Once the damage is done and Gorrin and Felder are at each other's throats we'll drop you at a port with enough coin for a boat home. Any questions?"
Eislyn searched the faces of those carrying her trunk for any signs that they found the smuggler's den within. It didn't appear so. Well, that was one thing going for her out of the many that weren't.

Bravery did not mean the absence of fear.

Verdant gaze, like sun hitting a field of shifting greens, panned back to her host. "I hope you don't think you're the first group I've met who've sought to profit from war as a third party. Nor do I think you'll be the last," she spoke quietly, sharp-eyes driving the point home.

Looking over his shoulder, she thought she could almost make out a lone man watching their ship as they got further and further up river. No doubt it was Reginald. It seemed this whole event was causing him more pain than Eislyn. But pretty soon, the dismantled vessel was nothing but a blip on the backward horizon.

"Care to give me a tour?"

Throat cleared as her fingers came up to tuck a wayward strand of blonde-hair behind one ear. The breeze was picking up.

"And what might I call you? I have many names circling in my head right now but I doubt you'd appreciate any of them." The corners of her lips twitched ever so slightly. The lady was a negotiator and a noble-woman. Of course verbal sparring was her sport.
She seemed to be trying to take the measure of him. Rayth didn't like when people tried to take from him. Yet his smile grew only sweeter.

"It's of no surprise you've met our like before; it's an exceptionally profitable profession," he declared. "But I do hope I am the first handsome, war-profiteering devil to hold you hostage."

The tour started with him taking the steps up to the aft deck which was elevated. The surly captain was nowhere to be seen now, which did not surprise Rayth. He was not fond of nobility. At the wheel was Geelyn, the part tiefling, part ogre helmswoman.

"And my name, my name. I wonder what things you would call me in lieue of..."

"Shut up Rayth," grunted the helsmwoman.

"Or...that," Rayth said with a shrug. He might have been second mate, but his age often meant that he wasn't afforded quite the same respect as the other officers.
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  • Cheer
Reactions: Eislyn Gray

A surprised bubble of laughter escaped her throat, breaking her proper demeanor. "I was going to say something more along the lines of," she squinted at his jaw. "Scruffy-looking."

Hands clasped at her front as she followed along for the tour. Intelligent eyes took in not only the spots of rigging and navigation but also the people. The princess had a keen eye for detail and she certainly didn't want to overlook anything that might be used to her advantage.

Eislyn dipped her head in thanks to the helmswoman. Many, if not most nobles, were proud beings and looked at other races or lower positions as beneath them. While Eislyn's father may have matched that description and was very much a brute, Eislyn took on her finer qualities from her mother.

Everyone had worth. Value.

"Rayth," she spoke as if trying it on. He did not want to know the names she'd been thinking.

"Have you been in the war-profiteering deviled business long?" Chin tilted slightly as her gaze panned up, silently taking in how many crew were on watch in the crow's nests above.
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Geelyn didn't react in the slightest to the nod of thanks. She did turn her head at the comment of 'scruffy looking'. Geelyn was a strange mix of breeds. She had a full tail, but only vestigial horns on her head. A head that sat on a thick, muscular neck. Her entire build showed the signs of her ogre heritage whilst her skin was a pale shade of scarlet.

"Oh she is a fuckin' silver tongued little thing," Geelyn said. She had a thick accent, reminiscent of the shanty towns from the Bayou Garramarisma, south of Alliria. "Just an hour and she finds ya weak spot: insulting your dress sense. Ha!"

Rayth grimaced slightly and turned back towards the helmswoman. "Would that you let me choose your attire, you might almost be mistaken for a woman one day Geelyn," he replied.

She spat on the floor in his direction.

"Charming as ever," Rayth muttered as he led Eislyn down the stairs. "And I've been doing this long enough."

Turning back on himself he ducked through a door and took them into a narrow corridor. They were on the same level as the mid-deck, below the aft-castle. The rear of the vessel was the captain's room. Rayth was afforded his own room as second mate. He could stand up and touch both walls with his arms out but it was luxury compared to the lower decks where the crew shared hammocks.

"This is you," he said, opening the door to the guest chamber. Half of the floor space was taken up by her case but there was a bed she would fit in. As long as she didn't roll over.
Yup. Geelyn was her favorite crew member so far. The sky was already reaching a deeper twilight, indigo swaths coming up from the opposite horizon of the sun. It would be night soon.

“Charming,” the princess managed as she took in the very small space. Still. Workable. Better than shackles. As the faintest circular mark around her right ankle could attest to.

Her line of work was certainly not safe.

Stepping inside, she took the door in her hands, turning carefully in the small space. “Thank you for the tour. It’s been a...trying day. If anyone needs me, you know where to find me.”

Without further ado, Eislyn promptly and firmly closed the door in Rayth’s face. Then she would begin to rummage around in her trunk, specifically going to hide the bottle of liquid within her bodice.
She would find herself uninterrupted for several hours. If she opened the wooden door to the small porthole in her room she would know that the last light of the sun had not long vanished behind the hills to the west. In the morning it would rise from behind the teeth of the spine to the distant south east, escaping that maw once again.

She would also have heard a distant cry. Not quite like a gull or sea bird. More like a startled mammal.

There were two heavy knocks on the door.

"Your ladyship?" called Rayth. He knew all the correct formal titles for all ranks of nobility, but chose to ignore that part of his upbringing for now. The captain had made it clear that he was on babysitting duty for the rest of the voyage.

"Would you keep your window tight shut please and stay in your cabin for now. Might have heard some shriekers ahead. Shouldn't bother a ship this size but just in case."

Shriekers were humanoid creatures often mistaken for Kivren. They were not the sentient creatures from the deep ocean. They inhabited freshwater, often in the murky shallows in small numbers. They dragged a lot of fishermen to their deaths every year.
  • Sip
Reactions: Eislyn Gray
Calm fingers strapped one of the daggers to her thigh, beneath the skirts of her dress. She hastily pulled them back down, fingers smoothing out the material as Rayth knocked. The young woman tugged open the door.

"Actually no," a small, self-deprecating smile in the scoundrel's direction. "I'd much rather be above deck for this. What if the ship gets taken and I'm trapped in my room only to die a slow death? Would much rather get it over with."

Without waiting for the man's response, he'd find a sudden, stubborn, and perhaps surprisingly strong arm, for a woman of her stature, guiding him out of her way as she stepped into the corridor. And of course, these creatures provided a good opportunity for the princess at escape.

She was also a swimmer.
"What? Wait, no!" stuttered Rayth as he followed after her. She strode with purpose. And enough balance to suspect she spent long days at sea from time to time.

"The entire point is not actually dying not picking a..."

"Keirn!" boomed out a voice. Rayth stopped, his face twisting into a grimace. He wiped that expression from his face as he turned to look up at the captain. "What the fuck is she doing above deck?"

"She just ran out captain I was..."

"Up on the aft castle," he called down at them both. A distant shriek cut through the sound of boots on deck. "If she gets killed I'll leave you trussed up outside her father's castle by way of apology."

Captain Deschain turned away and walked out of sight towards the wheel. Rayth waved Eislyn after him as he plodded up the stairs. The aft-deck was the highest and easiest to defend. Rayth expected that the captain also wanted to keep his own eyes on the girl.
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Reactions: Eislyn Gray
Verdant gaze followed the captain until he disappeared from view. She'd have to get to him somehow. If this opportunity didn't work. The girl turned and followed quickly behind Rayth in the torch and starlit darkness. Didn't want them to change their minds and forcefully put her back in her quarters.

The shrieks in the night were unnerving and there was the slightest tremble along the fingertips that gripped the fabric of her dress so she wouldn't trip as she climbed those stairs. Wooden boards half-soaked with sea spray creaked beneath her feet. When she reached the top, she thought she could make out the darker lines of shore just on either side of the river they were traversing down. A lone fire even twinkled in the distance.

Perhaps some travelers or small river towns.

Behind them, they were protected by the back of the ship rising up like a wall to the rigging above.

There was a second screech, much closer this time from the starboard side. The girl whispered to Rayth.

"Perhaps you should give me a weapon?"
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Rayth Keirn
Rayth turned towards her at a deliberately slow pace. Both of his eyebrows were arched so high it seemed as if they wanted to migrate to his hairline. It turned out he could paint a picture of incredulity with his face perfectly well, despite the light.

The captain was within earshot again. A stout dwarf was at the helm now talking to him. If he was paying any attention to their prisoner and the second mate that had been lumbered with her then he did not show it.

"This is a ship of professionals m'lady. Whilst I do appreciate the attitude I'd rather not have an amateur on deck.

"Also I suspect you'd stick me first," he said with a shrug.
  • Sip
Reactions: Eislyn Gray
"Maybe I'm the best swordswoman in the land?" A waggle of her blonde-brows. Stick him first? "You can always acquiesce to my request and find out." Eyelashes with the tale of innocence flashed in the man's direction. Though, she knew Rayth wasn't that stupid. Even if he looked a little like it.

There was a scream on the portside as an unfortunate crew member was caught off-guard and dragged overboard with a splash. Eislyn tensed and took a step toward the opposite railing. Another flash of movement as two dark figures slipped onto the boat. Webbed-fingers flashed in the torchlight.

Another shuffle to the railing.
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Where Eislyn had been standing Rayth's right hand was flung out. The soft rasp of his sabre being pulled free with his left was full of menace. Apparently the young officer did, in fact, take his job seriously. It hadn't been entirely apparent obvious if that was the case so far.

The captain swore before calling out orders. No one had really expected the shriekers to climb aboard such a large boat. It had to be a large swarm of them.

Rayth took two quick steps across the deck. His first swipe drove one shriekers back. The second bared its teeth. His curved blade hissed and caught the creature under the jaw. It dropped to the deck, clasping the wound and writhing around. Jet black blood was spread across the deck.

A loud click, a thud and the first shrieker went down with a crossbow bolt through the chest. The dwarf at the wheel set about reloading. Geelyn and several others made their way up onto the after deck.

"Keep away from all the railings!" Rayth called out to Eislyn. "They can swim under the boat in a flash."

The caravel was made for close up engagements, which meant it was at least quite defensible. More of the monsters had scaled the hull now.
  • Dwarf
Reactions: Eislyn Gray
By the time she heard Rayth's warning, she was already looking over the starboard railing at the churning, dark-waters below. The young woman wondered if she could make it. Would the shriekers be more occupied with the larger prey?

Back turned to the railing as she heard a thunk hit the deck near her as another shrieker met the fate of a crossbow bolt from the good aim of that dwarf. And for a moment, her gaze appreciated the second mate's fluidity with his sabre. Perhaps she'd have to be careful not to underestimate him. Even with that mouth of his.

Something cold and wet curled around her upper arm. Eislyn jerked back on instinct, coming face-to-face with the sharp teeth and eyes blacker than night shrieker who had her in its webbed-hand. There was a hungry grin on its face as it jerked her toward himself, aiming to pull her over the side of the boat.

"No!" The princess yelped, free-hand swinging a fist at its surprised face. She hit something as she felt her feet leave the deck. It was Geelyn who caught the folds of her dress from behind, swearing like a true sailor.

The shrieker hissed, refusing to let the emissary go.
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Reactions: Rayth Keirn
It hissed and opened its mouth, eyes falling to her wriggling fingers. It looked as if the shrieker was not going to leave without at least part of a meal.

Geelyn worked her way up the dress and wrapped a thick arm around Eislyn's waist and started to pull them back towards the deck, but the beast held tight and opened its mouth wide.

Its inexorable desire to bring teeth to her pale flesh stopped when there was a glint of steel.

Rayth was beside her at the railing, hand around a knife he had sunk into the shrieker's eye.

"No biting. Classy girls like this aren't use to that sort of thing."

It shuddered, convulsed and then plummeted back to the waves. The sudden surge and splashing that followed was it being torn apart by its fellow beasts.

Geelyn fell back to the deck with Eislyn. Rayth stayed at the railing, stood at their feet with both blades drawn.
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Reactions: Eislyn Gray
A normal lady would've fainted by now. Eislyn wasn't a normal lady. However, that didn't mean she was immune to shock. She was still human.

She was breathing hard as her back hit partially against the rough form of Geelyn and her hip hit the equally hard surface of the deck. Wide-eyes stared up at Rayth and that dark-blood oozing from the tip of his dagger. Face was partially veiled by the straw-colored hair strewn haphazardly across her features.

That could've been her in that churning water.

With a shudder, she gulped down her emotions, pushing back against the tidal wave of shock coursing through her blood-system. There would be time to cry in her quarters later. Alone.

Steady hands, girl.

The voice of her father hissed in her ears.

With a rough pull, she found herself on her feet, Geelyn releasing an arm from around her waist but not leaving the princess' side. "I'm glad your dagger is as quick as your mouth, Rayth." Her version of a thank you. Only the teeniest tremble in her voice. Geelyn's smirk wouldn't be seen by Eislyn.

Looking down, the girl clutched her bloodied and roughed-up knuckle against her chest. Punching that shrieker probably hadn't been the smartest thing to do. Then again, she hadn't had much choice. She winced when she flexed her fingers. There were more screams as the crew took more of the creatures down.

The beasts seemed to be receding. But a shadow loomed behind Rayth. "Look out," she yelled and without thinking, slipped off one off her shoes and launched it at the creature, just over Rayth's shoulder.

Oh bother, her favorite shoes.
  • Yay
Reactions: Rayth Keirn
There was a soft, wet think behind Rayth. The only other sound was that of slow cogs being turned as Geelyn tried to think of a cutting remark for Rayth to follow the dagger and mouth speed opening.

He turned slowly, even though his knife hand had come around quickly to cover his shoulder. He turned to face a shrieker that had managed to look confused. It was difficult with their faces. There was a dark black bruise across the pale silver skin above its eye. In its webbed and clawed fingers it almost gently cradled the fancy shoe.

Another thunk. The shoe might have hit the monster hard enough to give it pause, but the crossbow bolt that struck almost exactly the same spot put a complete stop on its existence. It stumbled back towards the railing and Rayth darted forwards. It was a strange course of action given the inevitable end of the shrieker with a bolt in its head.

Another flash of silver. Rayth turned back towards them holding up Eislyn's lost shoe.

"I do appreciate the help, but this looks as if it was tailored on Broad Street, Alliria and..." Rayth vanished under a shadow as another beast launched itself off the railing, catching him unawares whilst he was busy trying to show off.

The shoe fell to the deck, almost completely unharmed.
  • Yay
Reactions: Eislyn Gray
Bhathairk, actually,” she managed. The princess only had time to inhale a breath to yell another warning as Rayth went down. The breath came; the voice didn’t. Her second shoe was lobbed toward the back of the creature’s head.

Geelyn easily stepped around the smaller woman and got two hands on the shoulders of the webbed-fingered beast, going to pull it off the second-mate using pure strength. A snide comment came from the woman’s mouth toward Rayth Eislyn couldn’t quite hear. Something about how the man had met his match? Getting his knickers in a twist?

Only now Eislyn was exposed. There was a sudden thump and hiss as a beast who’d been stalking her met its end by the captain’s sword. The girl whirled to face the elusive leader of the ship.

“This, Captain, is why I requested a weapon.”

There was a yell from the crow’s nest. “Clearer waters ahead!”

Oh thank the mage’s nine circles of magic.
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Reactions: Rayth Keirn
"Still denied. Stay in your room if we find trouble again. Nothing on these waters we can't handle. Unless someone comes for you faster than imagined. Then I'd definitely have you locked up below."

The captain dismissed any attempt at an answer. He stormed down to the mid deck where a shrieker was boxed in on all sides and trying to find a gap to escape.

Rayth was back on his feet and held out a pair of shoes towards Eislyn. He turned away sharply with steel draw as another face emerged on the railing from the mid deck.

The tip of his sword lowered when he realised what it was. Someone had stuck a severed shrieker head on a spear and was parading it around from below.

"Give us a kiss Rayth!" someone called before imitating kissing noises to the time of it being bobbed.

Geelyn was dusting herself down. "I mean, it looks prettier than your usual..."

Rayth looked up at Geelyn, towards the head and then pointedly back towards her.

"Well that might be true. However, when one lives in a drought one accepts any drink put before them."

It took a beat of two, by which time Rayth had moved out of arms reach. "Why you little fucker," she called after him.
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  • Cheer
Reactions: Eislyn Gray