Private Tales Touring around Alliria

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Gunnar Bergstrom

The Exile
Character Biography
A few years before present day in Alliria

A light headache sent a throbbing sensation through his head, he was up early this day because of a small job, shouldn’t take more than a few weeks. He was going to help escort a merchant through most of the outlying villages near Alliria, luckily, he packed light enough and used an ox. Horses were deathly afraid of Nordenfiir’s after all and he preferred to keep himself anonymous as much as possible. They were to meet at the southern gates at Aliria.

When he arrived there he saw a man standing at perhaps 5’7 and lithe in shape wearing a strange wooden backpack which was no doubt filled with a bunch of weird potions or the like. His name was Alaik Felden or so the poster said, asking for multiple guards for a set amount of money. The money wasn’t a lot but the poster said it included pay for meals and he certainly ate plenty to make it worth his while. There was also a distinct lack of steady work and the fact that he’d get steady pay plus a possible bonus if his merchant business went well was a great plus.

Gunnar couldn’t help but wonder who the other people were that were going to show up, he hadn’t met the merchant before but he had seen the wanted ad. In all honesty Gunnar didn’t expect anyone else to show up but he didn’t expect there to be a lot to worry about on the road either.

“Alaik Felden?” He said as he arrived, looking at the smaller man which sketched a rather stark distinction between the two both in size and demeanor. “I’m here like requested, heard you needed a guard and you’d pay daily plus food and a possible bonus.”

The man looked up, momentarily stunned by the size of Gunnar but by clearing his throat he regained some composure. “Ahh, yes I’m Alaik and yes, I’m worried about bandits you see! I’m a merchant and a doctor and I go around the villages and check up on people and sometimes I get to make a little money, hence why I can’t pay a lot.” Alaik spoke with a smile, he was a rather gentle man it seemed, but with a good heart and he wanted to help people.

“Alright, consider yourself safe.” Gunnar said, not willing to waste a lot of words. He simply kept himself to the side, waiting a few minutes as no one else had shown up. “When are we leaving?” His tone rather stern, he didn’t like to waste time and he was eager to get on the road.

“Oh! We’re waiting for at least another fifteen minutes, I was hoping for at least two guards…-“ He stumbled for a moment, looking at Gunnar with an apologetic tone. “I mean… Not to say that you couldn’t protect me by yourself of course… You certainly look like you could but… Well, safety in numbers right?” He said with a nervous chuckle.

Gunnar simply shook his head and shrugged. “You’re the boss, just know that I started working after I arrived.” He said, crossing his arms and leaning against a nearby wall, waiting for just a single other guard to arrive, mumbling under his breath.
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Nelya had been in Alliria when she chanced upon a poster looking to hire mercenaries for a simple escort job. Being somewhat new in the business of being a mercenary, she was not about to be picky when it came to selecting jobs. Her employer was to be someone by the name of Alaik Felden who needed protection as he travelled through most of the outlying villages near Alliria. Glancing at the meeting location, she began to head towards the Southern Gate.

She hoped that there was still a spot for her, and it was not already full up by the time she got there. You never really knew with these type of missions, and the city was filled with all sorts of mercenaries looking for jobs and coins to earn.

It had been two years now since she left her home at Belgrath to make journey to the human city of Alliria. She was travelling a lot these days. Just four years prior, she had made some sort of pilgrimage to Fal’Addas to learn more about her people, after receiving the blessings of her Dwarven parents.

She had always been curious about her parentage, and while the three years she had spent among her the elves had not been a successful one as far as finding her parents were concerned, it was not a total failure. She picked up the Elvish language there, and caught up on the Elvish culture she never knew while she was there, a language that she never got to learn because of her Dwarven upbringing. Several moments later, Nelya finally arrived at the Southern Gates of Alliria.

A brief glance found her gaze at two men. One was a lithe slim man, a stark contrast to the tall hulking figure leaning on a wall close by. The big one definitely had the look of a warrior. Maybe even one of those Northerners she had heard so much about. Nelya approached the pair an announced her intentions. “Greetings. I am here to offer my services regarding the escort mission?” Turning twin white orbs towards the smaller one, she asked. “Alaik Felden? You are him, yes?”

Gunnar Bergstrom

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The allotted time had almost passed, he didn’t care if they spent a whole day here as long as he paid for his services. There had been plenty of people coming and going while they were waiting, a bustling merchant city like this, it was hard to expect anything other than that. “Seems no one is coming.” He said to Alaik, a slight shrug of his shoulders as he really couldn’t care less.

“Yes it seems you may be right..” Alaik said with a disappointed tone of voice, the man must be worried about something to need a minimum amount of protection. The truth of the matter was that when you speak of the devil, he’ll appear and so did Nelya Ironfoot, who as Alaik was about to give up greeted them.

“Yes! I am Alaik, I’m glad to see another warrior here to aid me!” He looked visibly excited at the notion and seemed almost immediately ready to leave. “We’ll first be going to one of the closer settlements, a farming community where we’ll stay for a single night before moving on. As you know I pay you a silver a day and I will pay for room and board during the trip.” He smiled, for some reason he seemed far perkier than he had when Gunnar had arrived.

“An elf.” Gunnar muttered under his breath as he looked her over, pretty as any elf but he had never been a fan of them, they refused peace with Nordengaard and it had cost him his parents. Whether it was their fault or not, he was prejudiced towards elves regardless of blame but, a job was a job.

“Alright, I guess we can get going then, I don’t think we packed a lot of food so I’d rather get to the next settlement before I get hungry.” He said tapping his stomach, his tone stern and somewhat unpleasant, giving a light glance towards Nelya. “No funny business elf.” A simple warning to let her know he’d be watching her during this trip.

“Now, now.” Alaik said as he looked between Nelya and Gunnar. “I’m sure we’ll all get along swimmingly, let us go!” He pointed onward and started walking at a rather brisk pace, one could wonder how long that pace would last but perhaps the lithe man would surprise.

“I’ll take up the rear.” He exclaimed, resting his formidable axe on his shoulder as he followed Alaik. He hadn’t given Nelya a choice in the matter or even given her a proper introduction.
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The man Alaik Felden began to explain rather excitedly on the terms of the job, and Nelya listened as intently as she could. From what she understood about what he said, this was simply looking to be nothing more than single escort mission, unless something happened along the way that made their simple mission here a little more exciting and interesting.

A silver a day was not bad for a job such as this, and she was definitely taking it. Room and board was also paid for as well, so she really only had something to earn for this job, which suited her needs perfectly fine.

The big warrior who was to be her companion for this job, didn't seem to be happy that she was an elf. She'd caught him muttering under his breath, and her keen hearing had picked out just what he'd said about her.

Nelya, however did not give off any impression that she'd heard what'd said, and simply gave him a cordial smile as he warned her about there being no funny business. This wasn't the first time she has met people that had a dislike for elves, and it certainly would not be the last. She learnt not to let it affect her, and this allowed her to go about her life without being miserable or ashamed of being what she was. Despite being an Elf raised by Dwarves, she was proud of being a part of both races and cultures. She could have said nothing, but she didn't plan on being silent for the entirety of the trip.

Might as well make this as worthwhile and interesting as she could. "No funny business. None at all. I'm not really a funny person." They soon began to set off, and her companion voiced out his intention to take the rear. Nelya had no problems with that, and stepped forward to take the lead in front. She had noticed the lack of introduction, and didn't feel the need to request for one right now. That time would come eventually down the road.

Gunnar Bergstrom
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Reactions: Gunnar Bergstrom
Alaik seemed to be in a rather good mood, striking up conversation with the less grumpy one of the party, looking over to Nelya. “So I bet you’ve been on some exciting jobs thusfar right? Have you been in Alliria long? Do you like it?” He shot off questions like a downpour, obviously a rather energetic fellow at heart.

Meanwhile at the back Gunnar found himself following their brisk pace, his large axe leaning on his shoulder. He found himself more focused on the elf than he did on his surroundings, he wasn’t sure what to make of her and it bothered him. Gunnar thought elves were sneaky at best and he wouldn’t be surprised if she tried to rob Alaik somewhere along the way.

“All you elves are sneaks, just keep your hands where we can see them.” He chimed back to her with a scowl on his face.

Alaik looked back towards Gunnar for a moment and flashed him a smile. “I’m certain the both of you will be able to protect me, though I’m sure neither of you would harm me.” He said, rather confidently, it was obvious Alaik was a good man and perhaps a tad bit naïve. Alaik then spoke to Nelya, a little softer.

“That big guy is Gunnar, I’ve heard he’s called Wolfsbane because he hunts werewolves, I must admit I didn’t expect someone like him to show up. I’m glad you’re not as grumpy as him though, or this journey would feel a lot longer.” He gave a light laugh, it was still daytime luckily and they would arrive at the first town somewhere at dusk.

Hours went by and though Alaik may have struck up conversation with Nelya, it was obvious that currently Gunnar had no interest in any small talk. The road to the first village was a quiet one luckily and they arrived there according to the schedule. There was a small inn there as well but it seemed rather warm and homey.

“Alright! Alaik said to the both of them. “I suggest we take a load off and get something to eat, I’ve booked two rooms, I hope the two of you don’t mind sharing one, they only have two rooms, you don’t have to share a bed there. As for food and drink, well just put it on my tab, I will pay it in the morning.” He said as he entered, it seemed Alaik was rather familiar with this village and he had no qualms of stepping in, confident he was safe.

Gunnar took a look at Nelya. “I’m gonna drink.” He said with a scoff as he moved past Nelya and opened the door, telling the staff to give him the largest mead and biggest meal they could cook a single person.

Nelya Ironfoot
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Her employer was more than happy to start a conversation, and Nelya was more than happy to entertain him. “Oh no, I’ve haven’t been on many jobs before this, no. Definitely not any interesting ones that is. I was raised by Dwarves, and only recently came back from my time spent among other elves during my pilgrimage to Fal’Addas. I haven’t been in Alliria long at all. Just a little over four days before I came across your poster. It’s definitely an interesting place to be in. It’s my first big human city.” Their conversation was then interrupted as the big brute behind her commented once more on her being an elf. Without turning around to face him, she raised her hands before speaking.

“My hands are here, and they’re more than visible to the both of you. I’m not even attempting to hide anything.”

Alaik then introduced to her the name of the big Northerner, and she finally had a name to put to the big guy. Gunnar, huh? He looked like a Gunnar to her, not that she’d ever met a Gunnar before anyhow. She just thought that he kinda fit the name, or the name fit him. A Werewolf hunter as well. How exciting. Unfortunately, she didn’t have any interesting accolades to her name. Unless you counted an Elf being raised by Dwarves one.

She gave a soft chuckle that was only audible to Alaik when he mentioned how grumpy Gunnar was. The trio finally arrived at their first destination and a small break suited her fine. Alaik then mentioned that the two of them would have to share a room, and that caused her to cock an eyebrow towards Gunnar. It was not that she minded sharing a room with him, it was that she knew the Nordenfiir didn’t like her, so it would most probably turn out to be an interesting night, that was for sure.

It seems that was enough for him to start drinking, and Nelya was only too eager to join. She was raised by Dwarves, she knew more than a thing or two about drinking, and rather enjoyed it too herself.

Gunnar Bergstrom
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All Gunnar did was listen to them as they spoke, he didn’t have much to add but if that elf was raised by dwarves then she might not have been as bad as he thought. She wasn’t as faked as most elves either, he’d never been called out by an elf quite as directly as that.

“Fine, just keep it that way.” That was the only thing he could give in retort, after that he couldn’t hear what they were saying, not until after they had arrived in the inn.

He had after all started drinking already and he chugged away quite a few mugs before he started to slow down, it looked like a man who was forcing himself to drink rather than enjoying it. “Look, if you’re gonna be this weird elf raised by dwarves thing then you may as well sit down.. Opposite of me where I can see you.” He said, still a little suspicious but her exchange with Alaik had given him at least enough comfort to invite her to sit with him.

“So, you’re an elf raised by dwarves, how the fuck does that work? And when did you suspect, you probably outgrew them long before you were an adult.” He offered her a mug, it was filled with mead that he had gotten earlier, admittedly he had gotten about five mugs so really he was just sharing one of his own.

“And if you were raised with dwarves, let’s see if you can drink like one… You can earn a little respect from me yet, elf.”

Waiting for her to seat herself he couldn’t help but fold his arms, he had never taken much time to talk to elves, he thought they were all sneaky cunts that deserved nothing less than a good bash in to the face. “We’re going to be sleeping in the same room, I’ll feel much safer once you pass out.” He smirked at that last statement, confident she wouldn’t win a drinking contest.
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Reactions: Nelya Ironfoot
Nelya nodded in response to his statement. "Yes, I'm going to be this weird elf thing raised by Dwarves whether you like it or not. Sit in front of you, so you can stare more? Alright. Have it your way."

She headed over to the seat opposite him as he began to become for chatty by the minute. Now the big guy was wondering how the whole thing worked. It wasn't really that difficult a concept to grasp to be honest. Dwarves and Elves looked nothing alike. She learnt early on, that her parent's weren't actually her birth parents. She replied casually.

"It's not like Elves looked anything like Dwarves, so it was only natural that I knew that I did not come from Dwarves, or me being a Dwarf for that matter. It's nothing complicated."

Nelya paused for a moment before she continued. "I've been to the Elven city of Fal'Addas to see if I could find my parents, but I've had no luck in that area despite living for a few years there."

She was then offered a mug filled with mead, and a grin appeared on her visage as he challenged her to a drink. She may be an Elf, but she was raised by Dwarves, and so drinking became second nature to her. "Oh, I can drink pretty well. You'll see soon yet." Downing her mug in one gulp, she remarked. "I can sleep first, if it bothers you that much, Northerner."

Gunnar Bergstrom