Private Tales The Urathiin Syndicate

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Rämna Sisters

Faith and Melody
Character Biography
Vel Anir did not sleep. The sun had nearly finished its day’s journey across the sky, and it expressed its relief in a show of deep red and orange. Still, the activity in the tightly winding streets did not cease. Where the daytime storefronts were closing the night life was opening up. Pubs lit candles and torches, and street vendors of a less savory variety began to crawl from the alleys.

Faith was breathing heavily as she ran down one of the side streets. Her feet hit the ground lightly from within soft boots, and her heavy cloak flowed out behind her, adding to the flying mane of dark hair. Seven men pursued her with dirks and knives, perhaps one had a proper sword. They called after her and amongst themselves. They knew this area far better than she did, and they cut her off from alleyways and crossroads.

This was bad. She should have just surrendered the items but she could bring herself to do it. They had seen her religious symbols, her prayer talismans. Though they were pretty to look at they held little to no commercial value. But they were precious to her, and she had let sentimentality surpass her judgement.

She had managed to blind them for a moment with a flash of divine light, but they had caught up to her quickly. Angered by her disobedience, Faith doubted they would settle for just the talismans now.

A small group of them had run around in front of her, and she cut to the left down a side street.

A dead end.

Faith shuffled back and forth like a rabbit stuck in its own den, frantically looking for a way out. The group of bandits had gathered at the only exit, and they had started to laugh. A tall blonde man sheathed his sword and approached her.

”Caught like a rat,” he mused, the other men following slowly behind him.

Faith turned and backed up to the wall, unpinning the shining emblem on her cloak. ”Here, take it,” she said, tossing it on the ground in between her and the advancing horde.

”Oh… it’s too late for that, lass,” he said in a severe tone. ”You’ve got to compensate me for that chase, now. In fact, you’ve got to compensate all of us. Maybe two at a time!” the men guffawed behind him.

She felt sick, and tossed a sack of coins on the ground as well. ”Please, take it all and leave me. I have no fight with you.” She looked at the sky, it was getting steadily darker. If she didn’t sleep soon…

Most of the men stopped about ten feet from her, but the blonde man, the one who appeared to be the ringleader, advanced. ”On your knees, bitch!” he roared as he swung a heavy fist at her, and Faith recoiled, shut her eyes as the sun dipped below the horizon.

His fist stopped abruptly in the air. Her hand had lashed out at the last second and held firm to his wrist. He made a noise of confusion and tried to pull free but she held him fast, her knuckles white.

She looked up and one wild eye peered out from behind disheveled hair. And was that… a smile?

”Evening, boys,” she said in a lyrical voice. She pulled her hand to the side and the man’s wrist bent with a nauseating crunch and a yelp of pain. Slamming his own fist into his face she sent him falling to the ground. She lifted her right arm just above waist level and pointed a finger at the group. A bolt of yellow lightning instantly arced to the closest ruffian with a bang, charring his shirt and causing his body to convulse on the ground.

”Woohoo, damn Faith, you prayed hard today!” Melody cackled, looking at her hands and wiggling her fingers. Small sparks of light fell from them. She glanced down at the man writhing in front of her, clutching his wrist. Her expression hardened. She bent over him. ”I think I can take on more than two of you at a time,” she said before she brought her boot down on his throat. Hard.

Jeremiah had been laying extremely low for a while now. Avoiding the glances of authority as best he could and not doing anything that could be considered inconspicuous. Since his encounter with the young healer, he had decided it'd be best to go invisible. He'd left her rearing at the acts he committed against those criminals. His body being clearly more sturdy then that of a human it was hard to not assume how bone and metal collided. He'd even killed one. Though it was far from the first time he'd killed a man.

What ran through his magical head was the concept that he'd felt no regret for the murder. He believed they deserved it for how they treated those around them. He couldn't decipher why his brain wouldn't allow him to grieve for someone even if they had done wrong. He was man made, but he was given free will by way of magic coursing through him. How it would not register made no sense to him.

Then came another Vel Anir evening; one that he would not soon forget. The cries of men calling after a woman fleeing from them. He stalked. Stayed closed and followed behind the crowd of ruffians while not getting too close to catch their attention. Eventually they cornered the girl. That voice. Could it be...? He peered around the corner to learn that yes, it was Faith. The healer from days before.

The threats spewed by the men were disgusting, as they seemed to want to make her into a plaything. Jeremiah was about to pounce before something shifted in Faith. Her cowering nature and docile tone changed entirely. She'd not only deflected her attacker but brought down two of them on her own, throwing their threat back into their face. Even still, they greatly outnumbered her. He stepped forward into the alleyway.

"Evening, gents!" He called loudly and they all turned towards the automaton swiftly. The closest one really wished he hadn't turned around, as Jeremiah instantaneously grabbed the back of the mans head and slammed his own bronze cranium into it, sending his top hat flying and incapacitating the man.

He threw his cane and coat, as was signature, and put up his fists. "Gods help you if you can't fend a healer off, well. I have bad news about squaring off with me."

Rämna Sisters
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Melody much enjoyed the wet crunch of the blonde man’s neck beneath her heel. Blood spouted from his mouth, and then he was still. She looked up at the rest of the gang, her face resuming a devilish smirk. They looked shocked at her sudden transformation. Her appearance was unchanged but her demeanor could not be more different.

Jeremiah’s loud greeting caught the attention of the men and Melody, and she quickly looked up to see a very sharply dressed man with eerie glowing eyes. Jeremiah? Faith’s voice echoed in her head.

Did they know this guy? Was he here to intervene or woah-ho-ho! Melody cracked a true smile at the automaton’s headbutt and his stylish, if not dramatic, throwing of his coat and cane.

That was all she needed to see, and the distraction was most welcome. She charged at the group from behind with surprising speed. The first man to turn got a punch in the throat, and he fell gurgling to the ground. The second she grabbed by the arm, turned around, and then broke his elbow over her shoulder. Another crack, another scream.

A third assailant, his thoughts finally collected, stabbed at her with a knife. She grabbed his wrist and punched him square in the nose, breaking it in a bloody splash.

She moved with a sort of violent grace, her blows amplified by the holy power Faith had charged up that morning. The cleric must not have gotten to use it because Melody had rarely felt so saturated with might.

She could see several of the men converging on her mysterious helper, and she sent a second bolt of light crackling towards them. It chained between two of them before someone grabbed her from behind.

He held her arms close to her body. She slammed her head back, felt his teeth crack, but he did not let go. She tried to step on his toes but he lifted her up, squeezing the air from her lungs. She could feel her ribs popping.

”Gah... Jeremiah!” she yelled, hoping Faith was right about who this was.
Three approached him with the intent of stopping him. Unaware of his physicality, one thought it a good idea to kick him where the sun doesn't shine. His foot was met with copper and a sharp gear. Jeremiah let out a hearty laugh before he rose his leg up over his own head and dropped a monster heel on the top of the assailants head. His face hit the ground so hard it splintered the tile.

The other two were met with a lightning bolt from his acquaintance, but she was impeded swiftly. The man grabbing her by the waist and aiming to crack her open. She called out to him and he looked up as he did. Her voice... Was unusual. Damn the semantics, he needed to move! A stream of steam shot out from behind his ankles as he moved at almost invisible speeds. When he reappeared into the untrained eyes view he would be right in front of Melody. Reaching behind her and grabbing the face of her captor.

Jeremiah lifted the man upright as he clamored and kicked for the automaton to let go of him. "How does it feel to be overpowered, chap?" He spoke calm but vile as he crushed the mans jaw in his palm before dropping him to the ground.

As he did so another man appeared in front of him and delivered a heavy blow to Jeremiah with a hammer to the stomach. The automaton hit the ground after flying back a bit. Harder than he'd been hit in a while. He stood up to face the man with the hammer who was separating him from Melody and the final member was approaching her swiftly.

Rämna Sisters
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The man dropped Melody to the ground, which she hit on her knees. She could scarcely breath, her sides protested loudly at each attempt. Wheezing, she looked at Jeremiah's knees as he swiftly neutralized her attacker, dropping him just behind her.

She could also see the man with the hammer as he approached, but she had no air with which to sound a warning. He hit the automaton with a heavy and metallic clang. The fact that Jeremiah stood up after absorbing the blow was very impressive. What is this guy?

She didn't have time to wonder, though, because the last scoundrel was approaching her. She painfully sucked in a wheezing breath of air. Her vision started to blur a little less, and the ringing in her ears was quieting. Closer he came, wielding two knives in his dirty hands. He was approaching slowly, gloating almost as he closed in on her. Three steps away... two.

Melody raised her hand and shot a column of light that pierced through his chest, knocking him back and blackening a spot on the wall behind him. Her hand came back down and she focused on breathing, watching Jeremiah spar with the hammer-user. After a moment she was able to rise. Her sides still hurt with each breath, but the pain was becoming more bearable.
  • Dab
Reactions: Jeremiah
The man he faced swung his hammer at him with reckless abandon. It baffled him as to how someone with such lack of tact could even land a hit on him. The weapon was a problem though. Anything blunt was bad for him. Indentured metal was a difficult thing to repair as it took finding someone who was able to repair a being like him in the first place. This was nigh unheard of from what he'd come to understand and was able to avoid too hefty of injuries until now.

It was a blessing that this man was so easy to read otherwise he may be suffering a great deal. The biggest issue about this man's seemingly endless stamina when it came to swinging his hammer around was that Jeremiah could not find a single opportunity to counter him. Normally he'd be able to deflect the man but was trying to avoid catching a hammer to his forearm.

Eventually, the ruffian stumbled, his own tactic working against him. Upon this happening the automaton was able to grab the mans wrist and prevent the hammer swings. His opponent reached into his pocket with his free hand and revealed a dagger which he promptly tried to shove into Jeremiah's head. The dagger shattered into dust the second it connected, and a hardy laugh could be heard coming from Jeremiah as he started to crush the man's wrist inward.

"I almost feel guilty breaking someone like you. Then I remember what the lot of you had to say to this woman. What occurrences transpired in your life to turn you into something like this?" The man was beginning to cry and crumble before Jeremiah. "The threat of murder and making her a plaything, what scum." His tone resonating the same sinister feel he'd shown at the banquet. "You deserve this. Remember that." With that, he lifted his leg and stomped on the face of the man he'd held by the wrist. And stomped again. And again. Over and over. Until the mans face was naught but bright red pulp. He pushed the man down with his foot, severing the broken arm from his body and his limp corpse toppling like a discarded doll.

He looked at the severed arm he held for a second before dropping it. Then his gaze turned to Melody. Wiping blood off his hand with a handkerchief from his shirt pocket.

"It's intriguing to me, how you look exactly like someone I know by the name of Faith. Yet it would be obvious to anyone if you asked me, that you aren't her. Care to explain that for me?"
Complete and utter brutality. That is what Melody witnessed as she watched the "battle" between Jeremiah and the fool with the hammer. That wasn't really a good term, considering that it had ended the moment the metal man had gotten hold of his opponent.

Well, the fight had ended, but Jeremiah wasn't done. Flecks of blood made it all the way to the ground right in front of her, and the sound of the man's arm being torn away was enough to make even her stomach take a turn. She was very glad that he was on her side.

He approached her, and she managed to stand up. The feeling had come back to her legs and she rubbed her sides. She's have some nasty bruises come morning, but nothing her sister couldn't handle.

And speak of the devil. Or rather, about as far from the devil as you could get. Miss "Holy Creator" and "divine mission" apparently had a history with this... man? Was he wearing armor? Whatever it was fit him extremely well, but why had he put clothing over it? His hands, those couldn't possibly be gloves.

"Yeah," she said in a strained voice. "That would be my sister." Breaths were coming easier now, that was good. She could not manifest the healing light that her sister could, but whatever magic she held within her was doing its part to speed the natural process along. "We're, uh, kind of like twins, you could say."

She stood up straight, feeling her organs move back into place. "I've never seen a man take a hit like that and get up," she continued, "I suppose I owe you thanks. So uh... thanks."

She felt a twinge in her mind and knew that Faith was chastising her lack of courtesy. She pushed it away. "Faith only told me your name. How do you know each other?"

At this, there was another ripple in the waters of her consciousness. Was that... guilt? Now she was even more curious.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Jeremiah
Jeremiah began to gather his tossed aside clothing while he listened to Melody speak. When he gathered it all, he re-dressed himself and fluffed his coat after buttoning it completely. His dapper aesthetic returning. "Twins, huh?" That sentiment she spun him felt wrong. There was usually a freckle or a mole or something to show the difference between twins. They were however completely the same. What a phenomenon.

"You do not need to thank me. I revel in knowing you're safe, as well as knowing men like this meet their maker."
He rubbed the handkerchief he had against his knuckles and arm to clear the reminder of the blood that stained his gears, a jet of steam exerting from his shoulders.

"Faith was a wonderful addition to a banquet I held in this city not long ago. She did great work helping and healing those around her that were handed a worse card in life. I however displayed this..." He motioned his hand to the many corpses that surrounded them. "...and she found me less than respectable. I cannot blame her for this. I'd just wish I'd had been more concerned with apologizing then saving my own skin."

He looked at all the men that surrounded the concrete, noticing that they were all dressed relatively similar. He leaned down towards one and reached into their pocket revealing an insignia of some sort. "What did you steal from these men and why? They were after you due to theft, no?"
  • Yay
Reactions: Rämna Sisters
A banquet, eh? Melody felt a pang of envy as she imagined it. Being the daytime consciousness Faith was granted far more opportunities to engage in... well... life. But Faith also deliberately kept Melody in the dark by making sure to sleep before sunset whenever possible, and struggling to repress her sister's stirrings during the day. It was all terribly unfair in Melody's mind. Faith chastised her for being reckless, but here she was going to parties! Just heal one or two people and everyone thinks you're a saint.

"Don't take it personally," Melody said as the metal man wiped the blood off of his hands. "Faith has never understood that sometimes you just need to hit someone." More ripples in her subconscious, and she took pleasure in her sister's agitation.

She walked a few steps away and retrieved the holy symbol that Faith had thrown on the ground. She brushed it off, looked at it. The ruffians hadn't wanted it after all, but she knew it was important to Faith's work, which was keeping both of them fed.

She didn't actually know why these men had attacked them. She could vaguely recall some foggy emotions of fear, and there was some running, but she hadn't truly woken up until the man had tried to hit them. Nevertheless, she knew her sister better than anyone in the world.

"We, I mean I, didn't steal anything. They were probably trying to steal from me." She picked up the sack of coins, wishing Faith would stop throwing it at anyone who looked at her the wrong way. "These talismans look valuable, but they're not."

Walking over to Jeremiah and standing behind him, she looked over his shoulder as he pulled the insignia from the man's pocket. It was a strange design, a crescent moon surrounding a skull that held a sword in its teeth. "The hell is that?"
While he hated to admit it, they did agree that sometimes it was worth knocking out a few teeth. He always found himself taking it too far. As he had in this instance. As if insatiable bloodlust consumed him after feeling the crunch of bone beneath his fist. He did so in order to be rid of the wretches that caused harm but a conundrum was always present in his mind whilst he did so. That should be mulled over later.

He listened to her speak. We she said. Was Faith here? He doubted that they'd separate. Something felt off about it. If they hadn't taken from these men however it was likely as she said; a random attack. With these numbers they may have been a gang, and with this insignia...

He stood up and looked backward, ensuring no one else was coming. "I do fear we may have poked a larger bear than intended, my friend."
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Melody knelt next to another one of her attackers, and sure enough, the same insignia was found in his breast pocket. The symbol was odd, indeed, and she couldn't make heads or tails of it. She felt Faith stirring in her mind. Odd, she should be asleep.

Those men... they had been watching me during the day.

What did that mean? Melody pondered. Faith was better at this sort of thing. It meant... it meant that it hadn't been a random attack! They had targeted Faith for some reason. Was it for her talismans? Her skills? Her looks?

"This guy's got one of those, too," she called to Jeremiah. "And, uh, they were watching me before they attacked." That sounded about right. Maybe he would know what it meant?

When she looked back at him and saw the glowing eyes the feeling of guilt returned. Faith really had hangups over this man. Tell him the truth.

That seemed like a really bad idea to Melody. "I need a drink," she said instead. "There's a pub nearby. Do you... drink?" Chances were the locals would recognize this symbol, and between herself and the copper juggernaut next to her, they could probably pry out some information.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Jeremiah
"They were watching you?" This was disconcerting. These men carrying an insignia while following young women around town spelled err in every sense. He knew there were wandering gangs but not of any that held any merit. There was a heavy possibility they were traffickers of people. What a disgusting trade. What he wouldn't give to have a piece of everyone of these bastards.

He laughed heartily to her question of drinking. "I don't think my body would handle alcohol very well as it may cause damage to it. I think it's the same for you actually!" Another laugh at his own lame joke. "I do not mind taverns though and will happily follow you there, as we clearly have a conversation topic..." His eyes wandering over the corpses they stood amidst.

"I shall follow your lead there. I'm still a bit unfamiliar with Vel Anir, as surprising as that may be."
  • Haha
Reactions: Rämna Sisters
”Follow me, Jerry,” she said, smiling at his joke.

She led him around a corner and down a couple of blocks before stepping into a small pub. It was poorly lit and the bar had seen better days, but the keeper didn’t seem the type to ask too many questions. She took a seat at one of the far tables, signaling the barkeep for one drink of... whatever.

”So. My sister told me you‘re trustworthy. What do you think we’ve stumbled into here?” she asked. ”I’ve dealt with thieves before. I, uh, have to get my sister out of scraps from time to time. These guys were hard core, and I’ve never known pickpockets to all carry the same symbol.” She looked at those glowing eyes, the copper skin.

The fine clothes, the bizarre strength, none of it made sense. Faith must have sensed her confusion. Tell. Him. The. Truth. She demanded again. Melody pushed her aside again.

”I‘m sorry... what are you?” she asked.

MELODY. Faith interjected, mortification evident.
"Jerry?" He didn't understand shortened names very well. He didn't understand last names either, really. He never had either. It didn't really matter too much. He followed her with a light and proud whistle as he walked into the tavern. There were few patrons but everyone's gaze turned to him. He knew himself to be quite the anomaly. The technology he existed as was confusing even to himself as his master perished before he could truly learn of the craft.

He nodded as she spoke. They were in agreement on one thing. "The way those men acted didn't seem to be that of pickpockets, anyways. A matching insignia would likely be representative of a collaboration of men like this. What an awful thought." He leaned inward. "My fear is this may not just be a wandering gang, but a sect of an entire syndicate. Though their symbol looks unfamiliar to me so I cannot say for sure."

At her question he laughed again boisterously. It even spooked a nearby patron. "To be honest with you, friend, I'm not quite sure myself. I am not biological yet I have rational thought. I am with no brain yet I have free will. I believe my purpose in life would be much clearer."
  • Dab
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The metal man spoke the way scholars wrote. Faith loved her books and scrolls, but Melody always found it hard to work out the looping penstrokes. What was it called, script? Yeah that's it. If Jeremiah's words were visible, they'd be written out like that.

A syndicate? Melody didn't know exactly what that meant but it didn't sound good. If those guys were part of something bigger, how strong was the group? The men had been easy enough to take down, but then again she might be dead if Jeremiah hadn't stepped in when he did.

Luckily her question hadn't offended him, though his laugh did startle her. No clear purpose in life... that hit a little closer to home than she would have liked. Maybe if she had been deliberately put together she'd feel a little better. What was she anyway? A side effect? Some mental leech that lived off of her sister's mind and body?

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. She blinked herself back to reality. "Eh, I've always thought 'purpose' was overrated. My sister has enough of that for both of us." She stood suddenly, picking up the insignia from the table and bringing it to the barkeep, slapping it down on the bar.

"Hey, you seen this before?" she asked brazenly. The moment he looked down his face turned to horror. In a second he had regained himself, but he was still white as death.

"What do you want?" he whispered, "Please, no trouble. I pay my dues. Have your drinks on the house."

This was unexpected. "What? I don't..." she was confused. "I'm not... just tell me what this is."

He looked at her, mirroring her confusion. “Are you… not with the family?”

”What family?” Melody said hotly. He was making her feel stupid.

His face darkened, but it did show some relief. “No questions.” He said shortly. “Have your drink and leave,” and with that he went back into the kitchens and did not return.

Melody’s drink had arrived by the time she sat back down, slumping into her chair. That did not go as expected. ”Whatever this is, people are scared. He asked if I was ‘in the family.’ The hell does that mean?”

More stirrings in her mind. She was loath to relinquish control, but perhaps someone smarter should take the reigns of this investigation.
Jeremiah shook his head. "I'll have to disagree. I think purpose is it for all conscious beings. Be it something as simple as survival in the mind of a dog, or one more grandiose like thoughts of conquering in the head of a commander, we exist in futility without it." He crossed his leg, his hands very animated while he spoke. "It is what drives us out of bed and I've always known it to differ from person to person. People are driven mostly be fear or love, and it is my thinking that passion and purpose are also derived from these emotions." He stopped himself.

"Oh heavens forgive me, I have quite the habit of rambling." He laughed once more, much more tame this time.

The automaton watched the interaction between her and the bartender with intrigue. This insignia meant something they would want nothing to do with.

"A family?" He responded curiously. He tapped his foot with a hand to his chin in deep thought. He snapped his fingers, which really only made a clank, and pointed Melody's way.

"Aha! I believe I have it. The term family when it comes to criminal organizations usually refers to a mob, or mafia, meaning one family has control over a large group of criminals that act under their decree." He lowered his hand a bit.

"Wait, that isn't much of a good thing now is it?"
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"No... no that's not good." Melody answered. The fear on that man's face haunted her. She just couldn't shake it. It was shock, confusion, helplessness. What did this family do to people? A peculiar feeling came over her, one that she did her best to avoid in her night-to-night life. A profound desire to help, with no small bit of personal revenge mixed in.

"Jeremiah," she began, "We could stop them. I saw you fighting those men in the alley, they couldn't touch you. The two of us together..." she looked around the tavern, keeping her voice low. "...we can help people."

Faith was fully awake within her mind, but to Melody's surprise, she was not chastising her for being impulsive or foolish. She felt a sense of... encouragement? Pride, even. I have never known you to care so much. The thought was a tad insulting, but it carried warmth within it. Yeah well... don't get used to it.

Something caught her eye. She could just see into the kitchen, and the barkeep was talking to someone in hushed tones. He looked frightened again. He glanced out the door and looked directly into Melody's eyes.

"I think we might be in trouble again." As she said it, a hulking man in dark clothing stepped out of the kitchen, completely obscuring the doorway. He looked at Melody and Jeremiah, and impassive scowl on his face. On his breast pocket was embroidered the sigil they had been discussing.

An enforcer had heard about the little mice sniffing around where they ought not to be.
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  • Devil
Reactions: Jeremiah
"Well, you're just like your sister aren't you?" Jeremiah said joyfully. Both sisters seemed to show an innate desire to help those in need. It brought him immense happiness to have met both of them. "You're always looking for ways to help, and I admire that about your family." He could not unfortunately make any faces, or he would show his appreciation some way other than his tone.

His joy would be cut short as Melody pointed out that there was more problematic things to come. As one may expect from dealing with a mafia. He let out a mechanical sigh and stood up, sliding his chair back to make a terrible noise against the ground it was planted on.

"Well sir, you certainly aren't shy!" Jeremiah called to the giant mafioso as he looked at the both of them. His tone somehow both joking and threatening.

"Do you mind if we step outside for this? I'd hate to stain this lovely barkeeps tables with your maggot filled brain matter!"
The mafioso looked at Jeremiah angrily. Or... was that just his face? It looked liked it had been broken and put back together several times. The nose was swollen and crooked, and the jaw didn't seem to close quite right. His eyes were different sizes, and numerous scars ran across his visage like cart-tracks in the mud. His hair was blonde and mossy, and looked as though an extremely rough-toothed comb had attempted to tame it.

He was a large man. Melody was impressed that he did not burst out of his shirt when he moved. His arrival had distracted her from the comparison with her sister, something she didn't enjoy. She did not stand as Jeremiah did, instead she continued to lean back in her chair, eyeing the man up and down.

Jeremiah had no problem escalating with insults, and the man's scowl deepened, revealing yellow, cracked teeth. He started towards them, angered by the metal man's words. He barely glanced at Melody, not considering a woman to be a threat. Instead he honed in directly on Jeremiah, whom he saw as male, non-human, and annoying. Three for three, as far as death sentences were concerned in his mind.

"I wouldn't... ah, never mind." He was about to have a rude awakening. "Don't know if he can fit through the door, Jerry. You might have to make do indoors."

Two massive and meaty hands reached for Jeremiah's throat. Whatever brains this beast of a man possessed told him that necks were necks, no matter what they were made of. Only time would tell if he were correct.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Jeremiah
Jeremiah over confidently let the man approach him and wrap his hands around his neck. He couldn't imagine anyone would be able to lift four hundred pound without struggle. And here he was, being proven wrong. The hulk of a human's hand let out a magic ring as they gripped him, causing an "Oh my," to escape from Jeremiah. The man threw the automaton clean through the wall of the establishment with little effort. The gentleman tumbled in front of a drunk couple walking home and they ran in fear.

"What hap-" Before he could stand back up, a fist met his face as he turned around. Another magical whirring came from the hulk of a mans wrist. Some may misunderstand that Jeremiah does not feel pain, but he indeed does. The magic in his body serves as a nervous system to indicate when he was in danger. The man's hand seemed to take no damage from the blow either; as if he'd been wearing a gauntlet himself. Jeremiah's eyes swept up to the mans insignia. It was the same as before like Melody had pointed out, but also had a distinct difference. His had two skulls rather than one.

"Excuse me my dear..." Jeremiah shook his head in disbelief for a second at the realization she'd never told him her name. "Uh, Faith's sister whom I will profusely apologize to for not getting their title! Do you mind aiding me real quick?"
  • Wonder
Reactions: Rämna Sisters
"Oh, shi--" Melody's words were cut short as Jeremiah was hurled through the buliding. She stood so quickly that her chair tumbled behind her and her drinks fell noisily off the table. The patrons that had not left at the sight of the mafioso were scrambling away from the door, and the new hole, as quickly as they could.

"Nonononono," she muttered as she pushed her way to the automaton, shoving past panicking people and overturned furniture. She vaulted over the final table and leapt out of the newly created opening just in time to hear Jeremiah's call for assistance.

She darted forwards, quick as a shadow, and jumped to get her fist level with the man's head. She sent a whirling right hook against his ear, and the monster staggered for just a moment, calling out in sudden pain. It was short lived, however, as a crushing backhand slammed into her ribs, sending her tumbling backwards.

Melody tried to right herself and was met with a sharp pain in her side. She grit her teeth, leaning back on her elbow. "Fuckin' oaf!" she wheezed, and sent forth a thin beam of white light from her outstretched palm.

The man raised his wrist to intercept, and the beam ricocheted back to the pub, burning a fresh hole in the wall with a crack of energy. This was a big problem, no one had been able to defend against her magic before, not like that.

The mafioso was grinning now, his ugly face twisted in some stupid gloating glee. A bracelet on his wrist had been glowing, and it dimmed back to dull metal before her eyes.
"Ah, so I see!" Jeremiah said as he witnessed the ricocheted spell launch from the mans wrist. The bracelet was of some magic. And he assumed the insignia meant he was of a higher ranking in this syndicate. The two connected well, as its probably where he got such a nifty device. The giant walked towards Melody with horrible intent, he was sure, but Jeremiah acted quickly. He sprinted at the man giving him a charging "Ahhh!" as he did. He just needed his attention.

And luckily for both of them, the man was dull. He turned and let the magic ring from his wrist. Precisely what the automaton wanted. They both cock backed a fist and clashed them, sending a loud ring throughout the empty street.

"Tis' a shame, really," Jeremiah offered cheerily. A circle of arcane runes and script appeared between their two fists. "That I don't have time to study this device of yours." As the circle enlarged and then quickly vanished, the bracelet shattered, leaving the oaf in a look of shock. Jeremiahs fist now pushing forward and making the knuckles on the man turn concave. The mafioso screamed in agony as the gentleman fluffed his coat once more.

"Be a doll, would you?" He said towards Melody. "Finish him off for me."
Melody shielded her eyes from the flash as Jeremiah and the man clashed in magnificent fury. She didn't fully understand what had just transpired, but she saw the bracelet shatter into tiny glowing fragments, and the man's hand buckle immediately after.

Trinkets and tricks, that was Faith's domain. Standing with a wince, she barked back at Jeremiah "Yeah... guess I owe him that." She swung her arm around, cracking her shoulder and shaking out her hand. "That thick skull of yours really hurt," she jeered, pacing forwards. "I'll have to aim for the fluff in between your eyes this time. I'd try a kick at your family jewels but... well I suspect all that muscle is compensating for something."

The man was still in great pain, but he showed anger through it. Good, it would make him even stupider than before. She ran for him suddenly and jumped over a sweep from his good arm. A faint shimmer encompassed her body as she flipped forwards and brought her heel crashing down on the great lug's head.

He fell to the ground with a deep thud, and did not get up. Melody walked to her metal friend, kicking out and shaking her foot. That one stung a bit.

"Don't call me 'doll.'" She said, putting a hand on his shoulder and looking back at the unconscious figure before them. "Name's Melody."

She watched the slow, steady breathing of the mafioso, the stuttered snoring. "Should... should we finish him off?"

No! Faith's voice echoed clearly, and Melody clutched her head. It was so disorienting when the other mind was that awake.
"Ah, Melody is your name then! I am now informed! What a spectacular kick that was!" He guffawed at their near death circumstances as was customary for the magic metal man. He peered down at the man, falling to one knee beside him and ripping the insignia off his shirt. He pocketed the symbol and put a hand to his chin in thought. Killing him would ensure he was not a problem anymore, but there were a many people looking around. Yet none calling for guards. Curious.

"I think not." He stood up and adjusted his hat. "This is a wonderful message we've sent here today. This insignia infers that the man was of a higher standing then those we dealt with en masse. Meaning he could still be considered a grunt depending on how high the system goes and how deep their pocket of people is."

He clapped his hands together and turned to face Melody. "I know! Let's play a game!" He sounded absolutely jubilant.

"Let's compete to see how many of these fun insignias we can snag. One skull is one point and so on and so forth!"

There were terrified looks from the passersby. Even with their fearful air their relief was present as well. There was a reason no guards were being called. These people wanted this group gone.
  • Cheer
Reactions: Rämna Sisters
They would leave the brute in the street then, and Melody cracked a smile at Jeremiah's idea. "That's something I can get behind!" And she laughed, immediately wincing as she did. She felt her side, something had definitely popped. Between the bear-hug earlier that evening and the backhand smash here, she was in no shape to be chasing down thugs.

"...Jeremiah," she started. Faith had said he deserved the truth after all, and he had certainly proven himself to her. "I think I'm going to need Faith to fix me up a bit first. I'm guessing she didn't tell you about... our relationship." She was never good at explaining this. "It's complicated. You'll see."

She stood up a straight as she could, and closed her eyes, exhaling deeply. She did not want to go to sleep, she didn't entirely trust that Faith would let her back out, but Faith had seemed to support this venture so far, and one way or anther Melody was no use to anyone with a broken rib.

A subtle breeze passed, and then she looked up. She blinked, took in her surroundings, and saw Jeremiah. A soft smile graced her lips. "Hello again, Jeremiah," Faith said. Her voice had not changed, but the tone was distinctly different. She inhaled sharply after speaking. "There's that, then."

She cupped her hands over her own ribs and a warm golden glow emanated from them. She sighed in relief. "That's better." She looked back to Jeremiah. "I take it you've figured it out?" He was a very smart man, after all, he would easily be able to grasp her relationship with her sister. She hoped...