Private Tales The spider and The crow

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Draven Helmer

Character Biography
Draven walked the halls of the academy, the grey cold stone walls flanking either side as he made his way through them, candles lit the long corridors as night had descended on Vel Anir and his shadow wasn't the only thing following him.

some distant back character had been following him, he couldn't got a clear enough view without tipping them of he knew he was being watched and he waited for an opportunity. The route he had taken had lead them both to a quiet part of the academy, a place where he wouldn't be disturb 'asking' them a few questions.

Turning a sharp corner, he pressed his body against the wall waiting around the corner for his stalker to turn it, he didn't have to wait long before he pulled them around it force their back against the wall, rest his weight on his forearm across their collar bone and knife to their neck. He instantly recognised the woman in front of him, Victoria. the rather strange and deranged Dreadlord Initiate. his eyes scanned her face with an intensity and ferocity as he processed everything.

"why are you following me, are you planning to kill or are spying for some noble?" his tone was harsh and serious he was clearly not fooling around as he waited for young women to respond.​
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Victoria didn't necessarily feel the need to hide her presence, but she did keep her distance. Draven fascinated her for reason she didn't quite understand. She was curious and wanted to learn more about him. So, with a soft hum, she followed him down the cold stone hallways of the academy. Fingertips traced the cracks in the wall as she followed the other initiate.

He turned a corner, and she pursed her lips slightly as he vanished from view. She approached the same corner, we strong arms reach around and pulled her into the wall sharply. The stone dug into her back as Draven pushed her against it, pinning her effectively.

Victoria blinked slowly, not even phased by the knife at her neck. She feared nothing, she was fear. "Neither, I just wanted to learn more about you out of curiosity." Her answer was honest and blunt. She was not a liar after all. "Are you going to cut me?" She lifted her hand and touched the tip of the blade with a finger. "I do like the color red."

Draven Helmer
He hadn't expected that would have been Victoria that was following him, to call her weird would be an understatement she was practically crazy but crazy had its uses. His eyes were focused intently on her pale face searching and reading its expressions for the real truth behind her words.

"That depends on how you answer this question," his eyes narrowed on her "why are you curious about me?" it seemed she wasn't afraid of death or at least getting hurt. he was genuinely curious as to why she was interested in him but he kept the knife at her neck, he didn't trust her right now and it was always better to be safe than sorry.
Victoria laughed low and dangerous as he continued to hold the blade to her neck. "Trust me, if I had nefarious ideas towards you, you'd be dealt with already." She blinked at him, doe eyed and with a slight pout. "What are you afraid of? A tiny little thing like me, I mean you have the advantage here."

She batted her eyes once more, a sly smile now painting her lips. "Maybe I'm curious about your abilities. Maybe I'm curious about your past. Maybe I think you're hot. Would ruin it if I told you, now wouldn't it?"
"Looks can be deceiving especially when magic is involved." there were no truer words than that, magic makes everything complicated, for better and worse. he did catch the threat or at least the idea she could beat him in a fight, he would let that slide from now.

He would slowly pull the knife from her neck letting it find its way back to its sheath in his boot, stepping back and releasing her from his pin. He would indulge her for now. "you have my curiosity and now my attention, so what do want to ask me?" he was hoping that last part was true if she found him he could use that, perhaps even wrap her around his finger.
Victoria smirked as he pulled the knife from her neck. She leaned her head to the side, and studied his scarred face. She walked her fingers up his chest, leaning in with a coy smile on her painted lips.

"I want to know why you're so grumpy all the time. I want to know why you think you're better than everyone. Well, not better than me." She waved her hand around vaugly. "Everyone else."
Draven was taken aback at how forward she was, she certainly didn't sugarcoat anything or beat around the bush, he respected it even if it was unexpected. "I don't think I'm better than anyone, in the same way, I don't think I'm better than a blind man, I pity them, as they are brainwashed into believing this new republic is somehow different to what we had before, we are still ruled and controlled by nobles, they've just had to give the leash to a servant and give him their commands."

He spoke through gritted teeth trying to bite back some of his anger and disdain, that was one reason why he was 'grumpy', the others were far too personal for him to give out to her, not yet anyway she would have to earn them if she wanted them.
Victoria laughed, her atm wrapped over her stomach as she doubled over. Tears were in her eyes as she fought for control of her laughter. "Everyone thinks I'm the crazy one." She took a finger and pushed it into his temple, a sly grin on her face.

"I am my own person. There is no leash around my neck. I do what I want, and bite the heads off of those that get in my way." Her eyes flashed dangerously and she stepped closer. "I'm no one's dog. You should be more like me."

Draven Helmer