Private Tales The Road to Bhathairk

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Erling Thenn

Erling squinted at the carriage through his spyglass, frowning. It had come to a stop right in front of the tree he and his men had lain in the middle of the road. Just as expected. Banditry didn't have to be original for it to work, you know. What wasn't expected was that it wasn't the Orcish merchant he'd been expecting. This one looked like a carriage made for transporting prisoners - or elsewise something important enough to warrant such a reinforced escort. The men driving it had the colors of the Iron Fortress.

Iron Fortress was farther up the road, maybe a day at full tilt. No one had been there recently and no one in this neck of the woods wanted to. They were cooped up tight and pretty racist besides. What were these chumps doing out here with a carriage like that? The drivers hopped off of the carriage and went for the tree. They took up trying to lift it, then pushing, and finally, a crossbow flew out of the trees and took one of them in the chest.

Erling lowered his spyglass and collapsed it, then turned to look at Kjar. "Did I say shoot?"

"Nope," Kjar replied, and slammed in another bolt. "But they were gonna move the tree."

Erling frowned. The other driver was scrambling back for his seat before two crossbow bolts from the opposite side of the forest found their mark in him. Two in the back, and he fell straight on his face. Good grief. The horses pulling the carriage were spooked, but they couldn't get moving.

Kjar turned the crank, "See? They shot too."

"Only because you..." Erling started, then figured, why bother? He snatched up his own crossbow and exited the forest.

Across from him, Agnar and Squalch also exited the treeline with crossbows in hand. They ignored the dead-or-dying guards and joined Erling at the back of the carriage. Interestingly enough, the door was shut with a padlock. Maybe Erling could have broken it off with his sword given enough time, but he didn't quite feel like it. "One of you search those dead fucks and get the key," he ordered.

Agnar and Kjar went off to do just that, leaving Erling and the Bullywug to mind the door. A faint rustling from the inside caught his ear and, using his bandit's intuition, he began pounding on the iron door.

"If someone's in there, you best say something now," Erling yelled, "Otherlike we'll probably shoot you like your pals out here."
Erling Thenn
If it wasn't for the iron bars on the iron door to her iron cage of a wagon, Eislyn Gray would've passed out long ago. While it was near the end of summer, the days were still quite warm and blistering. Head was still reeling from the betrayal by her royal guard. And the sudden jolting stop of the carriage and pounding on the door did not help her ailment.

But who were these men?

Fear gnawed at the bottom of the princess' belly. Perhaps if they opened the door, she'd be able to outrun them? Dash into the woods and lose them in the trees. The girl didn't have many other options. She had no weapons and even if she did, she had no idea how to use them.

So, like any royal, she thought to command the situation. "You, sir, will do nothing of the sort. You will open this door at once and let me out immediately." There was a tremble along her lowerlip and she was glad her face was hidden well within the shadows of the box. Fingers began to gather the folds of her gown so that if the door was, indeed, swung open, she would take the leap and bolt into the sunlight.
Erling looked bewildered at the iron door and then to Squalch. The Bullywug’s huge amphibian eyes stared blankly at him in return. Erling had not worked with a Bullywug before, but the frog-like creature had so far behaved better than Kjar and Agnar.

“Now who do you suppose that is?”

Squalch croaked once, then fell silence.

Erling had no idea what he said, if anything at all. “Yeah, probably,” he replied anyway.

The Sculptor hopped up to the edge of the wagon and pushed his face into the windows. There was a rather sorry looking, feminine feature huddled in the corner of the wagon, groping at the ends of her dress. He couldn’t get a good look at her in the gloom of the wagon, but judging from the voice she was rather young. Erling could feel the baking heat of the wagon just from where his face was, and the interior stank of discomfort and sweat.

He did not envy her lodgings. She definitely wasn’t the pile of treasure Erling had been hoping to find, but whatever. Erling was not a nice man, but he wasn’t keen on letting dainty wenches roast to death in prison wagons. That was just cold. Ironically.

“Maybe I will,” Erling said, craning his neck to get a better view. It didn’t help. “But this seems a pretty heavy wagon for such a fanciful young lady. Could be dangerous. What'd you do to get put in there? Kill your husband?”

Squalch croaked again. Or maybe it was a laugh. Hard to tell.
Erling Thenn

Was that a frog bring? Despite her situation, she was curious. The Iron Fortress was only filled with humans. That's what happened when one had a xenophobic father and king. Her prison shook slightly as the bearded man insisted on getting a better view. Long-sleeved arm came up to wipe across her damp brow.

A brief look of horror crossed her face as he spoke about murder.

Rosy lips pressed into a thin line. Many folk feared magic where she was from and a plan was beginning to form in the back of her mind. It occurred to her to tell them she was a royal. But that was what had gotten her into this entire mess, wasn't it?

"Perhaps I am a powerful sorceress and I'll grant you and your a wish if you let me out."

Eislyn wasn't a particularly good liar but she tried. Standing, with dress in hand so she wouldn't trip over the material, she walked closer to the opening in the doorway. A shaft of light caught her high cheekbones. She was careful to remain out of arm's reach from the bearded barbarian. It was clear she was trying for bravado but she was very much scared and exhausted.
"Who, Squalch?" Erling guffawed and glanced behind him. Squalch blinked, one eye after the other, and Erling wondered if the frogman were silently pleased to be mentioned. But probably not. He returned his attention to the lady-in-waiting. "You try wishing yourself out of that carriage?"

Maybe she had, and it was Erling who fulfilled the wish! That would be the first time in a long time Erling Thenn was the answer to anyone's prayers, much less a princess.

Even if Erling wanted to jam his arm through and grab at her, he wouldn't have fit between the bars. The disheveled woman that marched towards him certainly would have, though, but Erling doubted her hardest punch would hurt him terribly. She was dressed finely, and her hair stuck to her face with sweat. Almost pitiable, but Erling could already tell her dad - or dead husband - had a lot of money, so not too pitiable.

Before she could say anything, Agnar and Kjar came back around. They held out the keyring to Erling, and the Sculptor stepped down off the wagon to take it.

"What's in the carriage?"

"A regular damsel, I'd say." Erling said, taking the key and inserting it into the lock.

"No shit?" asked Kjar, "How's she look? She pretty?"

"See for yourself."

The lock clicked and the door swung open. A semi-circle of three rough-looking Northerners and one Bullywug stood around the carriage, staring expectantly at Eislyn Gray.
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Erling Thenn

A part of her wanted to shirk away, finding her prison suddenly more protective than it was enclosing. The other part of her that wanted freedom and a breeze won out though. Booted feet stepped carefully down onto the dirt and gravel road. Yes boots! It was clear a part of her had been prepared for this journey just not to make it as a prisoner.

Hinging at the waist, she scooped up a broken stick that littered the path. Could've been a crude walking stick. Gripping it was both hands, she held it like a sword, one woody-end (not sharp but splintered) pointed between the three men. Well. Two men and one frog-man.

"How dare you remark on my looks like I'm just some object in YOUR presence!" She swung the stick around. It was actually a bit heavy. More of a branch. "Stay back. Each of you. Don't try anything."

The end of the branch-stick rested to point at the bearded barbarian.

"Especially you. Now. Back off."

She took a tiny step forward and then another. Gray-blue gaze darted between all of them.
Shock played across Erling's features, but only because it took him a few moments to process what was being waved in his face. It might have looked like a dagger, or some kind of short spear, but then he saw the wood, the small branches, the leaves still attached. He smirked contemptuously instead and did not move, even as she stepped towards him.

Agnar and Kjar, on the other hand, were beside themselves laughing. Squalch remained perfectly silent, staring with those big, blank eyes at Eislyn Gray. Clearly no one considered her any sort of threat, stick or no stick, so Erling folded his arms and stared her down. She was still hemmed in, though she could probably jump over Squalch if she set her mind to it.

No idea how Squalch'd react to that, though. Bullywugs did not think like men.

"Powerful sorceress indeed!" Erling laughed, though it was more like a short bark, spittle flying from his mouth. "Put that thing down before you hurt yourself."

Agnar stood himself back up, and wiped a tear from his eye. "I think we might be safer with her back in the carriage."

Kjar sniggered, but it was Erling who spoke next. "See? You're scaring Agnar."

Agnar stood about six feet tall, his hair cut close. A large, drooping mustache was braided at the ends and further adorned with small, brass clasps. His crossbow was slung over his back, but a much more sinister-looking mace hung at his side. Wrought iron, dried blood still on it. His armor wasn't much, simple leatherwork but mostly cloth. Agnar didn't need much armor in his line of work.

"You don't want to scare Agnar, d-"
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Erling Thenn

She frowned and tried to draw herself straighter as the men broke into barks of laughter. Face reddened. Except for the frog. Maybe HE would become her favorite. Even before the bearded barbarian with flying spittle could finish his sentence about scaring the big one, she brought her branch back and went to swing it rather violently against the man's arm.

She didn't wait either.

She dashed forward, hoping to shove but more likely squeeze past his form and into the open. Didn't think much beyond that. About how long she'd run. Or where she'd hide. Maybe she'd get to the tree line. Or maybe she'd bounce off his bulky frame and end up flat on her back.
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The branch hit Erling with a mighty thwack, splintering against his plate armor. Erling was quite surprised - he had not thought the little minx had it in her. But the bandit's surprise was limited, seeing as she then tried to shove past him. Being the quite large man that he was, Erling merely shoved back with considerably more force. Perhaps more than was necessary.

"Salty bitch!" Erling spat, "Put her back in the carriage!"

Agnar and Kjar obliged, moving to take her by either arm and toss her violently back into the carriage. Nobody took a swing at Erling Thenn and got away with it free of charge!
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Erling Thenn

A yelp of surprise and frustration escaped her throat as she found herself on the ground. She winced, feeling a bit dazed. While Erling was used to dealing with men his size and then some, Eislyn just didn't have the bulk or training to absorb a shove like that.

The goons were on her before she even had a moment to catch her breath. She finally managed to gulp in air, a flare of pain crossing her chest. Then another breath.

"How dare you call me that, you barbarian!" She wavered between dizziness. "And unhand me at once. How dare you treat me like this! " She resisted as best she could. Much like a rabbit trying to break free from a dragon. Still. She got a good kick in on one of their shins before her feet were off the ground and she found herself a tumble of skirts and limbs in a heap back in the carriage.

"Wait until my father hears about this!"

Hand shoved tousled heaps of blonde hair away from her reddened face. Hands drew into small fists. To be fair. She'd told that barbarian to step back. He was the one who had chosen NOT to move.
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Reactions: Erling Thenn
The minute Eislyn Gray was back in the carriage, Kjar sat himself on the ground, clutching his shin. His tangled, red hair draped across his features as he sucked in air. "Goddamn!"

Squalch gave a long croak.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact it did, fucker!"

Erling slammed the key into the cage door and gave it a turn, locking it in place with the same urgency as he would if they had just thrown a rabid animal in there. "You understand him?"

Kjar grunted and shifted a little on the ground. "Of fuc- what? You don't?"

Erling exchanged a glance with Agnar, then looked over at Squalch. The Bullywug seemed impassive as ever. Both men decided not to press the issue any further, so Erling decided to continue back with business. For the most part, they ignored the Eislyn's high-pitched protestations and endless, obnoxious rattling.

"We've still got to hit the actual caravan," Erling said, stroking his beard.

"Well, what about the fucking mule we got in there?" Kjar complained, rocking back and forth a bit. "Sounds like she's got a rich bastard of a dad. We could ransom her and make a lot of what we'd get from the caravan."

The problem there was that Erling was contracted to loot the upcoming caravan. Most of his pay was coming from the money he'd get once the job was done, not whatever baubles he took from the traders. Not that any of his three companions needed to know that. More loot for them anyway, right?

"Or he'll kill the lot of us. This is Irontown, remember? They're not given to negotiating," Erling said.

Kjar hissed in pain, but Agnar shook his head. "Not if we've get ourselves a better hand. Find someplace else to keep her-"

"Someplace far off," Erling interjected.

"-And then send the ransom demand."

Erling frowned. He didn't like the idea of dealing with the Irontownies. Bunch of creeps, and apparently their princesses weren't much nicer.
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Reactions: Eislyn Gray
Erling Thenn

Her protests quieted down as soon as she realized they would do no good. Back leaned against one wall, arms encircling around drawn-up legs as she sat. No, no. This was all wrong. All she'd wanted was to get one more ingredient for Liza's cure. Her sister was dying and so far, all Eislyn had managed to do was get herself captured. Twice.

Merlin's beard!

"Please don't do this," she spoke quietly. Pale, blue moon eyes lifted to the opening in the barred-door. "Please don't send me back and don't, don't take me away. I have to get somewhere. It's a matter of life and death."

She was a princess and had never begged. For her sister though? For Liza? She'd do anything.

"Please. Is there nothing I can say to change your minds?"
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Reactions: Erling Thenn
Erling and the others quieted down once Eislyn got to begging. Ah, the old "stand outside your jail cell and talk loudly to someone else about what I'll do to you if you don't cooperate" routine. Was there any problem it didn't solve? Admittedly Erling still had to work on shortening the name. Still, she really must have been a soft one - Erling didn't even have to mention the thumbscrews this time!

He shushed his men and stood back onto the carriage, face at the bars. Just like before! Only now they were making more progress.

"You could start by answering my questions as I ask them," Erling said. "That sound good to you?"

Erling didn't wait for an answer. Didn't much matter what she thought sounded good if she didn't want to end up back at her dad's castle and for Erling to get filthy rich off it. Seemed a little strange when she said she didn't want to go back, though. He'd start with that. "What were you and your lot doing out here? What's with the prison cage?"

The Sculptor gestured ambiguously, probably referring to the two dead soldiers that had been driving her carriage.
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At this point, she didn't really have much to lose. She had no idea who these men were beyond names. Beyond murder. Beyond being bandits. They might be better.

Or, they could be much worse.

"They were my royal guard. I was leaving the Iron Fortress. They betrayed me and decided, much like you and yours, to ransom me instead of help me."

She grimaced but to her credit, didn't look away from that bearded barbarian behind the iron bars.

"I don't know where they planned to take me. They probably did not want to face the wrath of my father, much like you'd be wise to do."
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Reactions: Erling Thenn
That explained why she didn't seem too torn up about them getting killed. Couple of traitors, it seemed. Dishonorable bunch. Not that Erling had any problem with that. What he really took from that morsel of information was that the King of the Iron Fortress was such a lout he couldn't even screen his royal guard properly.

Not much of a threat to someone like Erling. The old Iron King was probably broke, too, but he'd have to wait for more information before deciding that with certainty.

"Huh, sounds familiar," Erling said dryly, stroking his beard in contemplation. "And where exactly were you going? Your pop's not exactly been in an 'open the gates' sort of mood for anyone these days. Much less to let his favorite daughter run around."

Erling tilted his head. "You are the favorite, right?"

Information like that was important... It'd factor into Erling's asking price if it came down to a ransom.
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Where was she going?

Twin brows lifted along her pale face. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. But it's very far off."

A wince crossed her face as she shifted just slightly. She must've hit the ground harder than she thought. Hands tightened around her arms encircling her drawn-up legs. Head turned away at his next question. Or was it a taunt?

"He is a very protective man and has been through a lot. He has his reasons even if they are not right or based out of fear. His love for his family is equal. Atleast his choices are not based in greed alone."

Now she faced him, silent accusation written across her fair features.
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Erling snorted. "Can't be that protective if you got out, can he?"

That got his men snickering again, but Squalch stayed quiet. Erling almost didn't realize that "greed" comment had been directed at him as a form of judgement. Once upon a time, he might have been offended. But that was a long time ago, back when he held similarly useless, soppy feelings and was unacquainted with the plight of the marauder, the outcast.

Now he was living it.

He didn't address it in either case

"Come on now, Salty," he cooed, as if he was talking to a baby. "No use being coy now. King-Father-Whatshisface will want to know what his fourth-favorite was looking for, seeing as it nearly got her kidnapped twice in a row. Buried treasure? A new dress...?"
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"My name is Eislyn," she said lowly, eyes narrowing on his face, blocking the sunlight and that little breeze. "Let's say we make a deal."

She stood slowly, fingers smoothing out the ruffles in her dress as she rose.

"Let me out of this sweltering box and I'll tell you what I was looking for. Perhaps it is treasure. Perhaps not. What do you and your men have to lose? It's not like I'd be able to get very far on my own. I'm sure I wouldnt be able to outrun you or the tall one."

To be fair, she just might. But it was up to them to figure out what to do with her.
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Reactions: Erling Thenn
A deal? A smile slowly cracked into Erling's face, exposing his teeth. Most of them were fine, but his canines looked to have been chipped out with some sort of blunt instrument. It did not look terribly comfortable. Most days they didn't hurt so bad, but on occasion he'd feel the phantom pains. Went away after a while, but damn if it didn't put him in a mood.

"Well, well. Allow me to do some consultation with the troops, m'lady." Erling held fast to the wagon but let himself hang away from the bars. He eyed his trio of conspirators. Kjar had gotten up now, though he was leaning mostly on his other leg. "Well?"

Agnar whuffed, "What? After all that trouble we went through to get her back in there?"

"Yeah," Kjar said, "She's probably just pulling your leg."

Erling doubted that. Instead, he looked to Squalch. "What say you?"

Squalch croaked.

"Aha," said Erling. "It seems we have a tie."

Kjar's expression soured. "That's not-"

"And in the event of a tie, ringleader's ruling breaks."

"I ain't ever heard of such a thing," Agnar said, and folded his arms.

Squalch croaked in a manner that distinctly sounded like protestation.

Erling shook his head, pulled himself back towards the door, and put the key in the lock. "You fucks, you're no fun. No fun at all." He hopped off the wagon again to make room for the door as it swung open. The men were a little more spaced out from the door than they had been previously, but either one of them could have grabbed her if she made a break for it... And there were no more branches to be seen.

Tough luck. Hopefully they liked her next sales pitch.
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Reactions: Eislyn Gray
Sweet relief.

This time, she stepped down carefully. She perched on the edge of the open door, letting her legs dangle. Only her toes reached the gravel rise beyond. She sat for a moment, letting the slight warm breeze cool blistering skin. Fingers came up to tick pale-colored hair behind each of her ears.

While it was clear she would not try to run, she couldn't help the glance between the gaps of the men. And the frog. Couldn't blame a girl for wanting her freedom, could you?

"I was going to the edges of Nagai. There is said to be a rare plant that has tremendous healing properties when used correctly."

Mostl likely they didn't care about that, so she pressed forward with stating the obvious.

"Of course if folk could afford, they'd pay a fair amount of gold for something like that."

Time and health. People always wanted more time and they'd pay for it too.
It was incredible, truly, the speed with which color could drain from a man's face. Erling had seen dozens of battles, killed dozens of men, hurt at least three times as many. He'd seen crazy nonsense the likes of which most men would run screaming into the night. Agnar and Kjar might not have been as well traveled, but they were more hardened than most men.

There was no telling what Squalch was in terms of experience, but he'd been traveling with Kjar for a while so... Probably enough? Every man there looked as pale as a ghost, and they stared dumbstruck at Eislyn Grey. Except for Squalch, who expressed shock in his own way: by staring implacably. One eye blinked, then the other. A frog of few croaks, that Squalch.

Erling sighed heavily, wiped his face from forehead to the tip of his beard. "Do you know... Anything... About Nagai?"
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Reactions: Eislyn Gray
The young princess stared back. Eyes traveled between each horror struck face. It was very strange to see bandits....scared.

Even the frog.

"I know it's far. They say it's a jungle." She'd never experienced one. Obviously. But she could read. And she'd read books about places like that. Humid. Hotter than it was in her prison. Insects and predators galore. But that plant meant the survival of her sister. Eislyn would do anything for her. And she'd learned healing from her mother. She was confident she'd be able to make the poultice if she was able to get all the ingredients.

The problem were the ingredients.

"Regardless of the dangers, it's where I have to go."

There it was. The stubborn push of her chin.
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Reactions: Erling Thenn
"Told you she was full of shit," Kjar muttered.

Despite being previously good humored, Erling did not see any reason to correct him. This princess was either off her rocker or totally ignorant. Maybe a little bit of both, she had taken a swing at Erling and then tried to bowl him over. Or just dim? Oh, wasn't that the sad way of the world. All beauty, no brains. Erling shook his head in mourning, and disbelief.

"Let's start with the obvious. Nagai is a wasteland. No civilization, no treasure, nothing of value to anyone," Erling wasn't quite sure whether she was intentionally misleading him or just ignorant of Nagai. Didn't quite matter in the end, of course. "Do you even know about the Snakefolk? The man-eaters?"

"Yeah, they eat men. Swallow the poor bastards whole, if not worse," Agnar chimed in. "Imagine what they do to women!"

Erling stroked his beard, "Not much better, methinks."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know we were giving out fucking history lessons now," Kjar chimed back in, waving his arms. "Whatever anyone told you is in Nagai, they're a blasted liar. No one's ever come back, and no one ever will!"
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"I dont know about a lot of things beyond the fortress walls," she admitted quietly. She was not above admitting her faults. "Only what I was able to obtain in scrolls and books." Even those had not contained a lot about the outside world. Still. The forbidden section had been a bit more eye opening.

"I understand the danger but it's for someone I love. Have any of you ever loved someone before? Wouldn't you do anything for them? Even at great risk or even....expense of your own life?"

Blue eyes searched each face.

Squalch seemed to look at her a bit cross eyed.
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Reactions: Erling Thenn
Kjar made a motion, like wiping a tear from his eyes. "It's true," he said. "I'd do anything for my Sigrid, Gods bless her soul."

Erling turned to look. "Really?"

"Anything," Kjar nodded solemnly, only to then add, "Except get myself killed chasing quackery in fucking Nagai!"

Agnar snickered, but Erling only frowned. Would he do something like that? For someone? Maybe if they were shagging. Then again, he had shagged plenty of womenfolk and liked them pretty well, but he couldn't seem himself crossing swampland to get murdered by Naga for their benefit. Just as well, he couldn't see them doing that for him either. Maybe he just hadn't met that special someone yet.

Great, now Erling was feeling... Things. Erling hated feeling things. Made robbing people harder. He folded his arms. "And what makes you so sure your boyfriend wants you running off to get murdered on his behalf? Wouldn't he rather you keep alive and move on, even if he couldn't?"

Agnar and Kjar were now staring at Erling, having expected him to laugh instead of saying something halfway-thoughtful.
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