Open Chronicles The Red Cloak.

A roleplay open for anyone to join


Character Biography
The last thing you'd remember before you got yourself in this predicament is travelling from Alliria towards the direction of Elbion. It was a well trodden path you'd travelled the last place you'd expect anything to happen with it's busy foot traffic. As you were travelling on this path you encountered a young woman, she had a rather sweet face a demeanor and boy howdy was she upset.

She was in a white gown the bottom of it soiled from what appeared to be travel and her bright red cloak was torn and frayed towards the bottom. She'd had her hood up but you could see her dirty blonde hair peeking out in ringlets. As she held her wet face in her palms you'd felt urged to help the lonely distraught woman, upon speaking to her you'd realize she has or had very broken common tongue as if it didn't sound right coming out of her mouth and an accent you couldn't place.

You'd forgotten the exact conversation other then that you agreed to help her look for something important, a child, or a cat? perhaps. As you followed her into the thickets of the wood off the path in the direction she claimed this thing ran off in you felt secure. After a few moments of walking and her calling out a name you saw her turn to you before flashing you a smile of pearly whites; yet this wasn't a smile of relief no, it was a smile that showed you were prey.

You couldn't recall if you'd tried to run or not but just remembered sharp little claws in your ankles before being clobbered in the back of the head, and that is how you now found yourself here; suspended from a stalagmite in a strange cave, in this cave there appeared to be a ... goblin? camp. The woman you'd agreed to help was sitting on a rock staring at you waiting for you to come to.

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The Captain of Dawn awoke, in a strange camp with familiar scents and sounds. "A goblin camp," she said, unimpressed. Somehow, in the commotion of helping a lost young woman, she had become separated from Syr Edelbert. Worse yet, she had been knocked unconscious and captured. Not exactly a flattering tale to bring back to the Monastery, but she was in one piece still, her equipment mostly gone, but they had at least left her the dignity of her armor.

"A common brigand then?"
She asked the young woman who sat across from her. "No, most brigands don't take up with goblins," she smiled, and bowed her head in a show of respect. "You are of a higher mind then," she flicked her chin up at the young girl. "Tell me, young lady, why keep me alive, hmm? Hope to earn a ransom?"

The Dusker, her companion, Syr Edelbert, was like searching for her now. Or, thinking she had ventured off on her own. No, he would know that wasn't like her. He'd surely be searching for her. All she need do is flare her magic energies, and he would find her in due time. But, escaping on her own certainly would save her from some of the shame.
Keldorn had been traveling on the road when he heard it: a goblin attack. Thankfully, it wasn't him being ambushed, but another. Unfortunately for him, he had sworn many oaths that forbade him from just abandoning them, even if they were just a stranger.

He would pull on the reins of his courser with a snarl. "Vekna, stay close." He would then swing down from his horse, pulling his scabbard free from the saddle and attaching it to his harness. Once the buckles were clapped and he was pleased with his preparedness, he would leave the main road and hit the trails.

Hopefully the Goblins would surrender long before he had to slaughter them all.
If there was one thing Dauner was good at, aside from psychological tricks and hoarding money, it was getting himself into dangerous situations. This time was no exception, as the mercenary slowly made his way along the road he'd though would be a shortcut back to the city of Aliria. Well, it was not. He'd been walking for god knows how long, with no apparent end in sight.
As he walked towards the city, he noticed a knight dismounting from his horse. There were obvious signs of battle where the knight investigated. From the looks of it, there was going to be some fighting wherever the trail lead, and Dauner was more than happy to join in on the fun.
As he approached the knight, he got a distasteful stench coming from him. The kind that only meant danger. Dauner knew from experience that this stench meant there was a possible danger to his demon blood. However, this only serve to spur the daredevil on towards the knight. He'd completely hide his demonic side under his human side so as not to be discovered.
"Hello, friend" he'd call out. "Mind having an extra set of hands on your quest?"
She watched as the lady came too. They’d kept her armour on but rid her of her weapons. Ziganni wouldn’t allow their female captives to be undressed by the goblins. The men however could walk trails in their loin clothes and need not worry of such vile concepts.

She didn't know the meanings of most the words the woman said and it conveyed on her face. She hated when they spoke in big words it made her feel dumb. She translated most of what she understood to her goblin companions in a series of grunts, clicks, and growls. Upon their consultation she began the rough manner of speaking in the common tongue. "Gold, you have." she said pointing at the woman, "we take." she said pointing to her and her friends. "Where?" she'd ask.

It was then she heard the loud crunches in the woods outside the goblin camp. This was their home and there was many little ones in their little nest. Scared she'd speak to her goblins in a louder urgent tone, telling them to guard the woman the best they could. "Me Ziganni, you stay." She'd tell the woman firmly before truding off to investigate. In her wake she'd left a circle of goblins staring up at the woman blankly.

Ziganni didn't appear to carry weapons although scars could be noted across her visible body, from wrestling with her goblin companions. She was what many would consider conventionally beautiful with fair skin and blonde hair, despite being raised by goblins she was generally well kempt. After a short time in the forest she'd come face to face to two men. Bad news. "Why here?" she'd ask them slightly irate.

Helena looked down at the goblins who were gathered around them. Had understood... little of what transpired between the young woman and her squat companions. The dialect of this region was far different than the goblins of the Spine, though she picked up some meaning.

Danger. Outside. Strangers.

Still, she smiled confidently at the little ones gathered around her and staring up at her with big eyes, and closed her own eyes. Breathed in, breathed out. The ropes were well tied, but fire ate away at hemp easily. And with the focus and training she possesed... a focused read ray of flame sprayed out from the tip of her finger, like so many candlewicks burnt at once, and she held it to her wrist.

She winced some, sucked in breath through her teeth, but held silent still. No sound greater than one might expect from someone tied up in an uncomfortable position against hard stone. Slowly, the rope gave way to the magically focused flame. Pops and hisses.

The goblins seemed too worried about what was going on outside, and the little ones too. Eyes moving too and fro with some worry.

The last bit of rope snapped free, and Helena loosed her wrists from the bending, and brought her arms before her, rubbed at the sore spots where they had rubbed a little too tight. Some goblins noticed her, and started grumbling to the others.

Helena went on and used her magic flame to cut the bindings on her legs free.

A short goblin picked up a pointy stick and just it at Helena with some menace. Spoke to her in its tongue.

Stop. Hurt.

Helena could make that much out. She looked up at the little person, bindings undone. "Why would you do that?" she asked them with a wolf's smile.

The other little goblins started shouting out.

Free! Trouble!

She managed to understand. She raised her hands, showed her palms. "I help, Ziganni," she tried to assure them. "I help you,"

In the time it took Dauner to identify the threat that Keldorn was, his amulet had already warned him of the presence of a demon by burning his chest. Even Vekna's ears pulled back and he winnied at the new steps. Only one thing caused that: Demons. The scum of the world and they walked in every form.

His gaze shifted to Dauner and suddenly the burning stopped. A demon that could hide its appearance. He didn't have time for this. Whoever was taken, didn't have time for this. "Your mask and honied words don't fool me, creature. So no, I think I won't be taking your help. If it were a different day, with different stakes, we would be crossing blades."

It wasn't lost on him that the arrival of a demon meant he had ensnared the goblins. They were known to do that. Perhaps if he slayed the beast he would free the Clan and be able to get them to be peaceful again.

The wandering Templar was ever aware of his surroundings and the sound of the underbrush would cause him to start trailing it. Either the goblins or something else. The voice that spoke was definitely human, but the words, the phrasing were goblin. She could have been possessed by Demon but that was ruled out with

His gaze shifted to the woman, his sword still not drawn. "I am here to reclaim whoever you attacked, Goblin." He would circle so both Dauner and the Goblin girl were in view. "Vekna, hir i camp. Ni indóme maht- sí."

Vekna would snort before racing off in the direction Ziganni had come from. The sure-hoofed courser would cruise through the forest with both speed and familiarity.

The song of steel slipping free of its scabbard would sing as Keldorn unsheathed his sword and held it in a two-handed grip. "Are you and your Clan being held under his sway?" He would ask the girl, his gaze now shifting to Dauner.

It wouldn't be long before Vekna burst into the Goblin camp, jumping over several of the small minions. Helena would be able to tell it was trying to avoid hurting them, before coming to a stop before her.

Helena Dauner Ziganni
If it weren't for constantly having to suppress the cursed blade strapped around his back. Dauner would be sure to keep a constant suppression on his bloodline. His identity was an easy breeding ground for misunderstandings from hot-blooded knights who could sense his demonic blood. They somehow always ended up thinking of him as evil, not that he wasn't, but he knew how to keep himself in check, and was no worst than over half the humans one might encounter in the world.
"Your mask and honied words don't fool me, creature. So no, I think I won't be taking your help. If it were a different day, with different stakes, we would be crossing blades."
This took Dauner by surprise. He had properly suppressed his bloodline, so it couldn't have been sensed. The only explanation that could come to mind, was that he had been discovered, even before suppressing himself. And suppressing his blood while suppressing his sword at the same time required a greater amount of energy than he was used to expending.
Since he'd already been seen through, it was pointless keeping the mask on. He released the bloodline suppression on himself. "I wonder what gave me away! Sorry, but I'll pass." he said, scratching the back of his neck. "I've more than my fair share of knightly blood" he added. It might have been interesting to hang around a little longer. He was confident in not losing in a fight against the knight. However, he was also tired from a long journey and needed some place to lay down his head.
Before he would be able to leave, however, he'd notice approaching breaths. These were the same as those given off by a group of creatures called goblins he'd met when he first fell through. But there was another breath among them. One more similar to that of a human than a goblin.
"Interesting" Dauner murmured as the goblins surrounded them. He paid more attention to the human, who appeared to be the leader of the group.
Before him was a beautiful young woman with an irritated look. However, he didn't have much time to admire her beauty, as slanders were being thrown at his name.
"Are you and your Clan being held under his sway?"
"Oh no! You figured it out!" Dauner said mockingly. "It's nice to be young and lively, but didn't your parents teach you not to draw your sword recklessly? You're going to get yourself killed someday". Dauner turned to Ziganni. Albeit bearing scars, that did not decrease the girl's charm. "Hello there, beautiful. I'm Dauner" he said pointing to himself. "He's hot-head" he added pointing to Keldorn. "We are not enemies. We come in peace" he continued, turning to look at Keldorn holding a sword in hand. "At least I don't"
He spoke using the simplest words he could think of to make it easier to understand.
  • Popcorn
  • Bless
Reactions: Ziganni and Helena
Ziganni looked panicked as this foul looking man creature sent his creature to her family. "Monster." she growled at him, "Me family." the only thing that stopped her from attacking was his blade, she wasn't stupid enough to attack a man with a sword drawn like that. She couldn't help her family if she was dead.

She snorted, the man asked if she was held under the other man's sway. She thought hard about what sway meant, control? "Ziganni belong to Ziganni." She'd say with an unimpressed tone, her eyebrow cocked and hands on her hips, "You think girl object, Ziganni NO object, Ziganni NO owned." She said angrily.

The other man said he was Dauner, his pointing helped. But he said he came in peace. "You false." she said jabbing her index finger in the man's chest, "Hot-head no peace, hot-head KILL Ziganni family." she said stammering over her words. Despite not speaking well her words carried passion.


The Goblins panicked as their captive escaped. The captive spoke Goblin tongue? They looked surprised as the captive offered to help Ziganni.

"Save Ziganni and babies." they told her in the simplest way their tongue could allow, the Goblin brandishing the stick switched directions on the courser that entered their midst. They looked at their captive as they would Ziganni for direction. "Lead." they'd tell the lady.

  • Aww
  • Cheer
Reactions: Dauner and Helena
Helena was surprised to see a warhorse break through the cave. Trained creature that it was, it managed to avoid trampling the little goblins and their homes. Sill, she could see that the steed's blood ran hot, and it was ready to kick and bite at a moments notice. Some of the small goblins stared at it in horror, like a hunter might a great bear, or dire wolf, out in the wilds. Spear clutched in their hands, they pointed it at the warhorse, unsure of what to do next.

They urged her to save the young woman, and the children, even as their little bodies trembled, they asked her to lead. She nodded, and turned her eye to the great courser. She took in a lungful of breath and brought her hands to center, the pointer finger and middle of her right hand clasped by the ring and little of her left, as the other pointer and ring created a line of sinew and flesh through her midsection. She whispered. "Oh great beast, oh spirit most wild, spirit most free, I beseech thee. Lend this humble heart your ear, so together, we may do away with fear." Her mana rooted into the earth, tangled with the energies of the room, those swirling reds of flame, and the cool base of moisture and stone.

Animals within the cave would smell a most pleasant and calming aroma that urged peace.

Out, the tendril of magic flowed, and if the courser were to accept her plea, it would steady, calm, and follow her. If not, she hoped the valiant creature would know to follow her all the same. She opened her eyes, and looked to the mouth of the cave, and swift strides carried her to the exit, her white cape, which her captors were kind enough to leave her with, fluttered behind her.

Outside, with a small band of Goblins about her, and maybe even a horse, she found the scene of frantic energies and harsh personalities. One man had steel drawn, and the young lady seemed red in the face. Then there was the last... creature. Magically trained as Helena was, she sensed its proud demonic nature wafting from him like a foul and blood-soaked stench.

She wasted no time in focusing her mana once more, though her blood ran hotter, and her energies coursed through her veins and out in expansion. A shield of light shimmered around her and the little goblins that were in her troop.

"Hark, intruders!" She called out, voice hot with wroth, She noted one man had the look of a knight, and she reasoned the horse was his companion. "Why do you trespass on this goblin tribes land?" She demanded answer, and was already harnessing her next spell. A warning, to any eye trained to see the flows of magic.

The small goblins who had followed Helena waved their spears, and motioned to their tribe members to join them.

  • Popcorn
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Dauner and Ziganni
As Helena used her magic, Vekna would nudge her with his snout before snorting. He was eager, but not to fight the goblins. He was worried about his rider. So when she began to march out, the courser would go with her, leading the group before splitting off.

When Dauner began to speak, Keldorn took the chance to position himself between him and the girl, at enough of an angle to see whether or not she would try to strike him from behind. "If you wish no quarrel demon, then you will depart these lands. This will be the one time I offer one of your kind such a mercy."

Then the goblin girl decided to accost the demon, she was bold. And he was prepared to defend her.

More noises, more arrivals. And a voice. "I was drawn to these lands by the sound of a goblin attack." He would look back to her and thankfully, she seemed to have some distortion to her appearance. "I take it, you're she."

His gaze shifted back to Dauner. "This demon was conveniently in the area and offered his help. I thought perhaps he had them as thralls... but maybe he has something more nefarious, yet planned. Have her get her Clan to safety." His words were for the woman behind him channeling magic.

Dauner Ziganni Helena
Dauner scratched the back of his neck, as a cold sweat ran down his head. It seemed the girl had mistaken him to be comrades with the same man that look as though he'd lop off his head if given the chance. This felt a little disheartening, but he didn't bother to clarify the misunderstanding. Just by seeing the hostility Keldorn showed, the girl will come to know soon enough that they weren't together.
"If you wish no quarrel demon, then you will depart these lands. This will be the one time I offer one of your kind such a mercy."
"And, why do I have to be the one to leave?" Dauner asked. It was almost sickening how much prejudice some people had for demon kin. He never could understand how an entire race would be blamed for the actions of the few, or the majority in his case. Moreover, humans weren't that different from demons in his view. "I really have no grievance with you, but I'll be more than happy to help teach you a lesson in manners" he added.
As he finished speaking, he noticed some slight fluctuations in the surrounding energy. The world energy seemed to concentrate towards the inside the cave. Shortly after, another girl walked out of the cave. From the looks of it, she was the one responsible for the earlier fluctuations.
"Hark, intruders! Why do you trespass on this goblin tribes land?" she asked as she readied herself to attack.
Dauner raised both hands to shoulder level. "Now, now. I'm the good guy here" he said, in an attempt to calm the girl down. "I'm just trying to help, but someone, and I'm not calling names. But someone, seems to have a problem with that"
"This demon was conveniently in the area and offered his help. I thought perhaps he had them as thralls... but maybe he has something more nefarious, yet planned. Have her get her Clan to safety."
"Haven't you thought of how it's strange that you were conveniently here, and declined all help, but rather acted aggressive the whole time. To me, it seems like you're the one with nefarious plans in mind, and are trying to keep me away since I may get in your way" Dauner spoke, raising an eyebrow at the knight's true objectives. A battle of words was not a battle he'd lose in, especially with one who was quick to draw his blade.

Keldorn Ziganni Helena

  • Popcorn
  • Devil
Reactions: Helena and Ziganni
It wasn't long before all of the Goblin tribe was following Helena like a little army. Despite their small size they were mighty where it counted; the heart. Ziganni saw the woman leading her family and smiled a smile of relief, she felt even apologetic for attempting to rob the woman mere minutes before.

She looked to the woman leading her family and looked her in the eye, she hoped the woman could feel her thanks and regret in one look, as Ziganni didn't have the words to form such emotions.

The Goblin's brandished their sharpened sticks and spears at the man with the sword, as he looked the most threatening. It didn't take long for Ziganni to get the scoop of the situation from her family, and exchange the information she'd learned.

It was irritating that this man had set himself in front of her, although maybe his heart was...pure? In a way? She'd put a hand on the warrior man's shoulder before making him look at her to shake her head back in forth in a no motion. Her Goblins couldn't fight a trained warrior, any attack and many of them would meet their demise.

But with the lack of common tongue Ziganni couldn't understand the dispute at hand and her and her goblins were reduced to staying, her family had asked the Lady to lead and Ziganni trusted she would as she could actually understand the situation.

A smirk crooked the corner of Helena's lips. "Just trying to help?" She echoed his sentiment, though her tone made it clear she bought none of what he was trying to sell. "You face no pretender here, stranger," her eyes rippled with the silvery light of loch, like moonlight upon the surface of a lake, and she could see more clearly now, the blood soaked energies that poured from the demonic entity. "I see you for what you are, and no amount of honeyed words will make the matter any different," disgust was clear on the lady knight's face, nose wrinkled up and lips pressed into a humorless line. She kept her mana focused, its intent clear as the air around her grew warmer.

In her mind, she saw the golden wash of flame, shaped it. A sword of shimmering red blaze, ready to be drawn and wielded if need be.

"You both claim to have come to help," she raised her chin proudly, and her frame swelled with a long inhalation. "But as you see now, there is no need for your assistance," Helena motioned an open palm to the little tribe, so ready to defend their home. "These kindly goblin folk and I had a simple misunderstanding, but the matter has been corrected, now." she brought her hand back to her hip, where it rested in defiance. "Now the only trouble is the sort you bring before us all," her eyes were fixed on the one who swirled with magick most foul. "And any trouble you bring upon these people will mark you as my enemy," she told both men.

"Ziganni," she called out. "The little ones, they need you now," she said more slowly, some part of her mind understanding her situation more, if only a little. Helena craned her head to invite the young woman back. "You go with the others, find them safety," she did not know what would happen next, but harsh as the other knight was in manner, he spoke some truth.

"Well?" She called out hotly to the two men. "What will it be?"

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Dauner
Keldorn would have to look over his shoulder now to gaze at Helena, something he wouldn't risk doing to give the demon a chance. The goblins weren't a threat, this Ziganni, wasn't a threat, nor was this lady knight a threat. "The only aggression I have displayed is towards you, demon. Yours is a filth that cannot be tolerated. You were given the single chance to leave, now that this lady knight is safe, that pardon is quickly dissolving."

He would continue to step, ensuring he was between the demon and now the milling Goblin Clan. "Little one.." he would say to Ziganni gently. ".. get back to your fellows.. Lady Knight, the courser that entered their camp was mine. I trust he harmed none?" He would say louder without turning. "Your matter with them is resolved, then so is mine. I would prefer they remain unharmed."

He would then widen his stance and adjust his sword into a two-handed grip. Once Ziganni had moved out of the direct line of fire, Kedorn would begin to issue a short and quiet prayer. "Blessed are they who stand before the corrupt and the wicked and do not falter. Blessed are they who use the holy flame to burn away the wicked..."

He was poised to defend then attack. He would be the bulwark against the darkness.

Helena Dauner Ziganni
  • Devil
  • Nervous
Reactions: Dauner and Ziganni
Dauner felt a tinge of irritation swell up in him. His words seemed to carry no weight with the two, and they both seemed rather biased about him. While the lady knight seemed hostile to both, he felt that her true target was him. So much for interracial harmony.
"Very well!" he would reply to Helena. "I'm glad that you are in no danger, as I would rather not have to draw my blade. Contrary to what you might think, I do not enjoy bloodshed any more than you do" he continued. His gaze then shifted to Keldorn. Dauner always tried to remain as peaceful as possible at all times, trying to resolve disputes with words where they could, before resorting to the sword. However, he was a prideful and arrogant person by nature, and did not like being insulted in this way. Also, he didn't like the way Keldorn spoke. It reminded him a lot of the high and mighty nobles who used to take their power and authority for granted. That is, before he killed them.
"The only aggression I have displayed is towards you, demon. Yours is a filth that cannot be tolerated. You were given the single chance to leave, now that this lady knight is safe, that pardon is quickly dissolving."
"Pardon?" Dauner scoffed. "Oh, I'm so grateful for mercy, noble sir" he said sarcastically. "It's not often that I get forgiven for existing" he chuckled.
Seeing Keldorn prepare for battle, Dauner felt like he could reason with the knight no longer. "Why do I even bother trying to reason with a daft man" he said, holding the scabbard that held the sword on his hip, and pushing the sword a few inches out with his thumb.
Dauner would normally use killing intent to destabilise his opponent's mind, before a fight, but given where he was, doing so could cause long term damage to any who had not tempered his mind enough. In this case, most likely the goblins and Ziganni. However, the others would notice slight sparks of electric current emit from Dauner's eyes, accompanied by a slight restrictive pressure as a warning.
"I shall say this just once, knight" he stressed the last word as though implying that the man that stood before him, did not deserve such a title. "Stay your blade, or you shall get an answer from me for your unwarranted act of aggression"
Dauner had resolved himself to do battle should Keldorn fail to see reason.

Helena Keldorn Ziganni
Ziganni was torn. Her family needed her, but this other man she didn't understand why they hated him so. Ziganni and her goblins were the only ones who'd done something wrong and they'd been forgiven. That's when Ziganni decided to do something stupid, with a bark to her goblins they ran back to their cave home.

She stepped herself in front of the man who was being confronted, well as stepped could be said liberally she more so flung herself atop of him her arms around his neck before looking at the two...friends... she'd made. "Why kill?" she'd ask them confused. "Ziganni do bad, not this." she said in reference to the man she was feebly attempting to protect.

"This...good?" she'd ask them gingerly as if reconsidering her actions.

  • Wonder
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Dauner and Helena
The two men squared off, and paid no mind to her warnings, so caught in the trappings of anger were they. Yet, she remained focused, her magic harnessed. Ziganni spoke to her family, small and fierce as they were, and Helena heard their little bodies scrabble away, could feel the magic which she had poured into them fluctuate, ripple and drift further and further from her. Good, now she could-

A rush forward, and the slash of a dirty dress fluttered before her. Left Helena wide eyed and mouth agape. How could she have been so foolish? Dropped her guard at such a moment.

She grit her teeth and watched as the girl pant over the creature. "Ziganni," she said in a low and tense voice. "Trust me, trust me who helped your family." The young woman tried to convince the other, still who was now in greater danger. Helena kept her magic swirling in her core, the air about her in a haze as she kept the shape of the weapon in her mind.

"This man is no man, but a thing in man's skin, Ziganni. He stinks like blood magic." Would she understand so much? "Both of you," she said to the men lost in the haze of blood lust. "Depart. Kill yourselves far from this place, but do not bother this young lady and her home with your squabble," she knew nothing of this entity before her in the shape of a man. Only that it was dubious at best, and reeked of the forbidden arts.

Keldorn Dauner Ziganni
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  • Scared
  • Nervous
Reactions: Dauner and Ziganni
His prayer would end early, as the young girl flitted for the demon like the world's greatest fool. The woman spoke to her, tried to reason with her. "He is not like us, Ziganni.." his sword would lower some, now that an innocent was in the way, though he was still ready to strike. "Depart these lands.. alone. You wish to prove you're not the fiend the Flame knows you to be, tell the girl to step away from you and then leave. Take her, and there is no rock in this world that you can hide under."

He had hoped the female knight would have just restrained the girl and carried her off with the rest of her Clan, but that hope was long gone.

"My sword will return to its scabbard, and you will step away from the girl and depart." As he spoke, he would begin to guide his blade back to its scabbard, he knew the risk he was taking but despite being a fool, she was an innocent fool, one of simple mind. "Your kind come to our plane to take what you will.. that is your purpose, greed. Whether it be for coin or for the flesh." Keldorn hissed. "You claim to be none of those things, now is your chance to prove it."

Even if he left, Keldorn would add this demon to the list. He knew his face, he would always find him.

Dauner Ziganni Helena
Dauner's would stay his killing intent as Ziganni made her way to him. He was quite touched, and relieved that at least one of them wasn't blinded by a narrow-minded perspective. She was like an innocent kid. Pure to the bone.
For a moment, Dauner considered sheathing his blade and walking away, if only for the sake of the innocent girl. His decision, however, was quickly reconsidered upon listening to the two others.
While it seemed clear that the lady knight was having a misunderstanding, it was still quite vexing how quick she was to come to the conclusion that he meant no good. In the end, Dauner would let her attitude slide, given that she wanted nothing but to protect Ziganni and her tribe.
Keldorn, on the other hand, was a more annoying case to handle. Although it did seem like he didn't want to hurt the goblin tribe, his killing intent never rescinded, even as he sheathed his sword.
Dauner first made sure his sword was properly sheathed.
His hand would land softly on Ziganni's head, as he offered her a warm smile. "It's alright" he'd reassure her. "They won't kill. I won't kill. It will be fine" he'd add as extra reassurance. "Please, get to safety".
He'd then turn to the other two. "I appreciate your concern for the goblins, and I understand what you're standing for. However, I would like it very much if you didn't take me for a fool. You want me to turn my back to you so you can strike me from behind? Please, get real. One more thing" he said, as he suppressed his demon side, letting his human side dominate. This completely suppressed his demonic vibe and gave off a 100% human breath from him. "I am not a 'thing', so I'd appreciate it if you kept your insults to yourself."
After speaking to Helena, he'd shift his gaze to Keldorn. "And, as for the knight. I have never denied the fact that I was a demon. It's in my blood. I was born this way, have lived this way, and would die this way... someday. But still, even as you sheathe your sword, you reek of bloodlust. Seems like you aren't after me because of what I am, but rather for the thrill of the hunt. You smell like one who enjoys the scent of freshly spilled blood. Hungers for it, even. Please share with me. How much blood have you spilled till now? How much more do you intend to spill? What will it take to quench that insatiable thirst? The way I see it. Aren't you the one acting like a bloodthirsty demon right now?" he'd raise a brow.

  • Popcorn
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Ziganni and Helena
Ziganni looked around at the group confused, she trusted the woman the most. And the man she had latched to told her they wouldn't kill, that no one would kill, so with that she slowly detangled herself from the man she'd flung herself onto.

She'd look to the warrior man first with a raised eyebrow, "You no kill." she said in a stern voice, like she was scolding him. He hadn't put his sword fully into it's scabbard and Ziganni walked up to him and shover her hands down on top of his to fully sheathe the blade. Before patting his cheek.

She then turned to the other woman before smiling at her jovially. "No dead!" she'd exclaim happily throwing her arms into the air.


(OCC sorry for late reply, I broke my finger.)
  • Aww
  • Haha
Reactions: Helena and Dauner
Helena ignored the strange man's tirade. She was no sapling, fresh from the earth. Words were cheap, and trickery came in many forms. The stench of blood however, the twists of dark magick, that was not so easy to forget. No matter how well one masked it, or what face they chose to wear. Still, she let her magick ease with a long exhalation, let her energies wane, if only enough to let the ripples of magic energy ebbing from her slow, steady, almost fade. No longer a blade in fires unseen, waiting to strike, but a radiant well within her, to pull from as she need.

She nodded gently to Ziganni. "No dead," she said in affirmation. Though the day was far from done.

Keldorn Dauner Ziganni
  • Sip
Reactions: Dauner
The demon continued to spout falsities it no doubt either believed or thought made it seem thoughtful. The fact that he had told her to get away earned the demon his life for the moment and the blade was sheathed entirely. "You speak as if you are a child trying to sound clever. What I hunt isn't mortal, it is an impurity, a sickness. You would do well to learn the difference. Now begone."

Ziganni would start touching the pommel of his sword as if to ensure it would stay there. "No kill, for now."

He would whistle sharply, his courser hurrying over to his side. "Come Vekna. The lady knight is safe and the demon is leaving. We have business deeper in the Vale." He moved to his horses side and placed a boot in the stirrup before swinging himself up and into the saddle.

Ziganni Helena Dauner
  • Thoughtful
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Reactions: Dauner and Helena
Dauner let himself relax a little, as the blade pointed at him from the female knight seemed to fade. Then was the paladin. Whose words sounded as more of an excuse than a convincing reason. The fact that he'd readily kill anything he deemed evil, or as he said, 'impure', was no different from a beast killing all he deemed tasty, or a tyrant killing everyone he didn't like.

Nevertheless, Dauner would not continue to bicker with him, and would instead offer him some parting words as he mounted his horse to depart.

"You try really hard to deceive yourself. But someday, when you finally open your eyes, you'll realise that the world isn't as simple as you think it is. Anyway, be seeing you around" Dauner said, smiling as he waved Keldorn goodbye.

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Helena
Ziganni got...sad? as everyone geared up to leave, they were her first honest interaction really in a long time. She loved her goblins but she was bigger then them and wasn't meant to fit into their world.

"Stop?" she'd say semi-quietly, "Show me." she said frustrated she couldn't elebarate more. "Make human." she said grasping at straws, "Help." It was a feeble attempt but they were all so well spoken they seemed smart.

Ziganni wanted to be like them strong and smart and maybe if she asked hard enough they'd teach her. "I'll feed?" she offered it was the only payment she could give that wasn't stolen.
