Private Tales Pen and Sword

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Character Biography
Dimitrius stood a ways outside the city, overlooking the Field of Urus, the god of war, where his Legion trained. Thirty thousand men in all. Five cohorts of five centuries, each century was one hundred men, except for the first cohort, which was double strength, so the first cohort had two hundred men per century. And that was just the infantry. He had four centuries worth of javelin throwers, and two centuries worth of cavalry. The infantry, the Legion proper, were all armed and armoured uniformly, they all wore the lorica musculata of steel and open faced helmets. They carried large, rectangular scutum shields and used the long spatha swords for stabbing. The javelin throwers wore lorica hamata, mail armour, and wore cloaks of wolfskin, they each carried long hip quivers of twenty javelins, and carried small pelta shields and gladius sword for close combat. The cavalry wore lorica hamata as well, and wore the same helmets as the legionaries, they too carried spatha swords and they carried smaller but still large, oval shields.


He wore a lorica segmentata, an armour of segmented plates, and carried a scutum shield of a slightly smaller size than that of the Legionaries. His helmet bore a horsehair crest of red, and a red cape fell over his shoulders down to his ankles, a mark of office. At his left hip was a gladius, where's all legionaries save the centurions and the Primus Pilus, the senior centurion, because it was easier to draw without exposing oneself to the enemy by moving the scutum out of the way.

Behind him was a grand city, a mighty city of white stone and marble. It was fast and glorious and proud, boasting great architecture, skilled masons and devotion to the divine. Though the architecture was outdated, it was still ingenious, with sewers, an aqueduct and public baths of cleverly heated water, continuously circulating to keep it clean all throughout the day. And around the city was a stone wall mounted with scorpion ballistas, and a portcullis gate. On either side were banners of red, emblazoned with a wolf. A symbol of strength through unity.


It was then that a man in a simple linen jerkin and a band of iron around his upper arm came to him, a slave, and in his hand was a scroll. He gave the scroll to Dimitrius and stepped back, head down, waiting. Dimitrius broke the seal and read the words written. An emissary was on her way to the city, a complimentary transport had already been sent, and Dimitrius was expected to take over negotiations. A woman by the name of Medja was on her way, now being escorted by slaves to the city. Dimitrius dismissed the slave and called the Primus Pilus over and instructed him to take over the observation of the drilling of the Legion. Dimitrius came to the front of the Imperial Palace, though they were not an empire yet, and waited with the Preatorian Guard at the palace steps for the emissary to arrive.

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Nurum was...impressive, that much was certain. As the Vizier of Stars for the Empire of Amol-Kalit, diplomatic missions often fell upon her shoulders, and this day's subject in particular was a rising nation not dissimilar to her own. The approach to the city made one thing clear: Nurum was militarily mighty. The sheer number of men, their arms and armaments, and their apparent discipline was imposing. Medja found herself wondering what a conflict might be like should negotiations fail. Carnage for both sides was the only thing she could picture.

The city itself had a pristine, almost art-like aesthetic about it. While Kaliti buildings often matched the desert around them in terms of color, or were perhaps painted in vibrant shades in the case of Ragash, the people of Nurum seemed to favor stark white. Fashion, meanwhile, seemed to be limited to the armor and red capes and plumes of the military; simple, white robes of the common folk; and linen jerkins of what seemed to be slaves or a labor class. In her own gown adorned with gems and golden accouterments, Medja couldn't help but feel starkly out of place.

Nonetheless, the vizier allowed herself to be guided by one of the laborers to what she was told was this city's palace. She was flanked by a retinue of four of her most trusted Emerald Hands, the most elite of her private enforcers. Obviously a quartet of guards would not stand long in the face of Nurum's military if things should go sour, but she'd found that some deterrent was far better than no deterrent in these situations. It was not as though she herself was defenseless, either; quite the contrary, there were few mages in the world who could match her in terms of ability. Where she truly prided herself, however, was as a negotiator. She had not clawed her way to the top through magic and force, but through words and manipulation; today would be no different.

As she reached the steps of Nurum's palace, she eyed an armored man who towered over his kin and wore armor that looked far more decorated than that of the other soldiers. Medja smiled as she floated forth and bowed politely.
"General Tirtii, I presume. It is an honor to meet you." She addressed the man, ever the picture of poise and grace. "I am Vizier Medja of the Empire of Amol-Kalit. I pray that peace can be found between our peoples."
He snapped to attention, his right arm shooting up at an angle in salute the Preatorian Guard followed his lead, saluting and saying "Ave!" in unison. Then he spoke. "Salve. I am equally honored to meet you Lady Medja, and I am confident that we can reach a mutually beneficial agreement." He says clearly and without stuttering or beating around the bush, a straightforward man. "If you will follow me, I will show you where you will be staying for the duration of the negotiations, if you wish to be shown around the city I can do that. Once you are settled, we can begin negotiations."

The Preatorian Guard formed double file on either side of her, this was intended to be a sign that they would be willing to protect her if it came to it, to say that she'd be able to trust them, but it could easily have been taken as aggressive action or a threat. She was lead through the palace to a room with lavish and comfortable furnishings, there was no door, only curtains, and not thick enough to block light. There was a feather bed and pillows, sheets of wine red linen and a table with a lounge-couch and a fruit bowl. Perhaps not as fancy as the ones she had back home, but comfortable.

"These are your chambers for as long as you are with us, your guards will be similarly treated. If you want to see our fair city, I will be happy to show you. If not, negotiations can begin, which will take place in the Senate Building."
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Again, the discipline of Nurum's military was impressive. The uniformity rivaled that of the Immortals, that much was clear. Dimitrius himself was direct and to the point, qualities that Medja appreciated though sparingly exhibited herself. The vizier nodded in response to the general's greeting.
"Very well. After you." She replied politely.

The Emerald Hands shifted a bit as the Preatorians collapsed around them, initially wary and discomforted by the rigid formation that they formed. Even as they made their way to Medja's lodgings they remained alert and ready to strike, though Medja was confident that there would be no such outbursts. Not yet, anyways.

The quarters that had been readied for her were surprisingly luxurious. Nothing quite so lavish as her tower back in Ragash, but easily a room she could see herself lounging in while entertaining guests. It almost reminded her of Aivrid's lunch room the more she looked it over. How curious...were all foreign diplomats given such lush accommodations, or was this a special effort put forth on behalf of an Imperial dignitary? Perhaps time would tell.

"Options, options..." She hummed aloud, folding her arms across her chest and resting her head in her hand. She was not fully familiar with Nurumian customs as her research had only taken her so far. Fortunately there was always the play of probing for information. "I would like to get a better sense of what Nurum is like, but I don't wish to delay negotiations. What say you, General? Shall we tour or talk?"
"I don't see why you can't bring up your offers and demands whilst we see the city. That will give me a chance to inform you on how the Senate is likely to take them, and it will give you a chance to adjust accordingly. But the decision doesn't rest with me. Even so, the Senate has things to discuss, and you arrived a little earlier than expected, so we have time before negotiations can begin."

If she chose to tour Nurum, he'd oblige, "right this way them. You have already seen our Forum, others might call it a bazaar or market, and it on its own isnt terribly unique. Our most significant buildings are likely our temples, if you’d like to see the insides I’d be happy to show you.”


“Next we have our auditoria,” He says motioning over to a massive, oval building roughly six stories high, and completely composed of arches on the outside of each, statues of famous people and deities were in each one. “This is for public announcements and games. You may or may not like them as they can get eh... violent.”


Once they had been to the auditoria, he took her to the center of the city where she saw a large palace, likely a government building. “This is home to the dictatorio, the military governor. We can’t go inside but it is still worth seeing in my opinion. After that the only thing that’s left is the bathhouse. Not many know it, and most cultures have bathing as a private activity, but we have always seen bathing as a communal, social activity, though we do have a few smaller, more private baths for visitors who find this uncomfortable. Would you like to go?”

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Reactions: Medja
"Very well, a quite efficient plan."
Medja observed intently as Dimitrius gave her the grand tour. Nurum was opulent, that much was certain, but in many ways it painted a reflection of many Imperial cities.

"Our most significant buildings are likely our temples"
Certainly not unique to this land. Many of the shrines of worship dedicated to the Annunaki were similarly illustrious. Unsurprisingly the structure was off-white and brimming with columns. These folk really liked their columns.

“Next we have our auditoria,”
Ah, yes, what city was complete without a place for the unwashed masses to find amusement watching senseless violence?
"I'm quite familiar with the odd arena, General, and you're correct in assuming that I am not a fan." She offered, scanning the now familiar architecture over. "I prefer my entertainment to be a little more...dignified."

This is home to the dictatorio, the military governor.
Perhaps the one place that was more modest than it's Kaliti equivalent. Annuakat's ziggurat and Ragash's palace were the embodiments of excess, and while the manor was indeed impressive, it didn't compare to the places Imperial leaders called home. Maybe that was a good thing, though; Nurum's use of a senate and governors meant that the power was more...spread out, per say. There were many in the Empire who resented the Emperor and the Divan for their elevated positions in society, though said positions were hardly unearned.

After that the only thing that’s left is the bathhouse.
Medja's ears pricked up visibly. If Nurum's bathhouses were anywhere near similar to those in Ragash and Annuakat, a visit would be most welcome. She had, after all, just finished travelling all the way from Amol-Kalit with hardly a moment's rest.
"Truth be told, a relaxing soak sounds most welcome right now, General. I've always found that discussions are easiest when tensions are lowest."
Medja's ears pricked up visibly. If Nurum's bathhouses were anywhere near similar to those in Ragash and Annuakat, a visit would be most welcome. She had, after all, just finished travelling all the way from Amol-Kalit with hardly a moment's rest.
"Truth be told, a relaxing soak sounds most welcome right now, General. I've always found that discussions are easiest when tensions are lowest."

"Then I'll see to it that you get a private washroom, unless you wish to use one of the communal rooms." He says leading her into the bathhouse. As she had observed, his people really liked columns, and arches too. There were four communal rooms, all unisex, and all with a long rectangular bath filled with steaming waters, with spigots in the side continuously filling the baths as the cold water was always replaced by warm water as it was constantly kept through a heating cycle. Each bath was surrounded by tall columns topped with arches, and often with statues, usually with minimal clothing, above the arches. There were ten private rooms for visitors, they were smaller, circular and similarly decorated and heated.

Once she had bathed he walked with her to the city center, a circular courtyard with pillars on all sides at eaven intervals, also topped with statues. "Overall, what do you think of the city?"
The vizier enjoyed her private bath as well as she could, taking her time to appreciate the Nurumian construction. When she was ready she donned her clothes and returned to the general.

"It is a marvel of civil engineering, I must admit. Your architecture is nearly as well composed as your military." Medja replied. Even the art in Nurum seemed to value a certain level of perfection if the marble statues in the bathhouse were anything to go off of. Pristine and white was a running theme in this city. The only thing that stood out from that scheme, perhaps ironically, were the soldiers. The reds that marked their armor, dulled as they were, were almost refreshing among the uncolored marble and linen that lined the rest of Nurum...but these were all thoughts that she decided were best kept to herself.

"I am prepared to initiate negotiations whenever your ruling council is ready to receive me, General." She announced. It was about time to get into the meat of why she was here in the first place.
"It is a marvel of civil engineering, I must admit. Your architecture is nearly as well composed as your military." Medja replied. Even the art in Nurum seemed to value a certain level of perfection if the marble statues in the bathhouse were anything to go off of. Pristine and white was a running theme in this city. The only thing that stood out from that scheme, perhaps ironically, were the soldiers. The reds that marked their armor, dulled as they were, were almost refreshing among the uncolored marble and linen that lined the rest of Nurum...but these were all thoughts that she decided were best kept to herself.

"You honor us with your words madam. I am overjoyed to hear that you approve of our city." He says this with utmost sincerity, honesty filling his words. He meant what he said.

"I am prepared to initiate negotiations whenever your ruling council is ready to receive me, General." She announced. It was about time to get into the meat of why she was here in the first place.

"Yes indeed. It is nearly two, so the senate should be expecting us soon. The military governer and the senetorial officers will be present, along with the senators of course, so you will be speaking to roughly forty people at once. Your offers and demands will be voted upon by the senators, while advised by the officers. Follow me, I will take you to the senate."

They would walk through the city, escorted by the preatorian guard, to the senate building, the grandest building in the city by far. They would climb steps, flanked by eavenly spaced statues of soldiers and gods, while guards stood at posts between them. They would approach three large arches, under which they passed to enter a long courtyard, still with statues, and with a large doorway at the end, to the actual senate.

Once inside the senate, there were many men who stood in front of seats, each wearing robes of white, with red sashes worn over the shoulder and held up over the forearm, telling one to keep their forearm on their gut. Other men, who stood on the sides, wore sashes of similar shape but varying colors, and one wore armor, with a cape of wolfskin.

As they entered, the herald, a man in a white robe with no sash but a belt of black cloth, announced them. "Senators, announcing the arrival of foreign emissary, all rise."

So they did, each standing in respect as she entered.

"Be seated." So they took their seats. "The emissary will now speak. Silence and attend."

Then they listened.
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Medja descended to float in front of the audience of senators and leaders, calm and collected as ever. A ghost of a smile traced the corners of her lips as she hung weightlessly in the air before the crowd of robed individuals. She breathed in gently, and without further ado, she began.

"Esteemed senators, officers, and governor of Nurum: I am Medja of Ragash, Vizier of Stars and emissary of the Empire of Amol-Kalit. On behalf of the Empire, I thank you all for your time and attention this day." She started in confidently, panning her view over those in attendance. "I stand before you not to make demands, but to extend an olive branch; to present an opportunity for both of our nations to grow and flourish together."

She paused, interweaving her fingers in front of her.
"The Empire seeks a mutually beneficial alliance with Nurum. We seek to engage in open trade, offering what unique exports we can, be they our fine annua-khal horses or our exotic produce; we seek to offer military aid in times of hardship through the might of our own, vast armies; and to uplift each other through craft and knowledge."

Medja had decided long in advance that a lengthy opening statement was not necessary. Straightforwardness had a value all its own, and no amount of honeyed words was going to make this proceeding go any faster. Assuredly, the senators wished to know what interest the much vaster Empire had in them, and so she spoke clearly and truthfully.
"We only ask parity in return. That we find a fair rate of exchange in our trade for your own goods; that your own impressive military come to our side when we face those who would threaten our borders; and that you might also share your own learnings, skills, and crafts with us."
The senate spoke amongst themselves and they seemed to prepare for a long, open debate. The Herald stood. “All in favor.”

A number of senators rose, just short of half of them. “Senator Publius, state your argument.”

“This is a fair offer for trade and support when we need it. And the only requirement is that we give the same things that they offer us, which is a fair thing to expect. This offer is coming directly from an official, telling us that this offer is completely sincere. I see no reason not to accept this offer.”

The Herald spoke other names and asked them to state their arguments, all of which were very similar to the first. Then those in favor sat down. The Herald spoke again, “all opposed.”

Another portion rose from their seats, still not quite half. “Senator Daxos, state your argument.”

“While this is apparent to be a fair agreement, I couldn’t help but notice a few choice phrases, and some omissions. In addition to their own ‘vast armies’ sounds like a soft threat to me, and some here might agree. And her request for us to share our knowledge with them was not met with an offer to do the same, and once they have this knowledge, who’s to say that they won’t cut us loose, or use that knowledge to undermine us. We have long been cautious of outsiders, and an empire that is known for conquest on all fronts is not something that I am swift to put my trust in.”

Some senators nodded in agreement, a few others stated similar but slightly more varied arguments against the agreement. Then the Senators sat and the Herald spoke again, “All who are undecided.”

The rest of the senators rose. “Senator Gaius, state your argument.”

“It is too soon to decide one or the other. This requires further observation, debate and amendments. What Senator Daxos said is largely true, this is not however, a reason to immediately disregard the possibility of alliance. The agreement must be observed further, and it must also be observed by the officers of state, and they must advise this.”

The rest of the senators were either in line with this, or were just unsure. But once the initial decision was made, the officers of state stepped forward. The Quaestor, Aedil, Preator, Censor, Pontifex Maximus, and Consul stepped forward. The Consul spoke first, the only man aside from the guards and the observing Dimitrius who wore armor, his wolf skin cape fell down his back over the red cape. “Senators, I advise cautionary acceptance, or gradual acceptance. This agreement may prove as harmful as it can be helpful if caution is not observed. But do not dismiss it. It has merit. Our people, prosper, because we made it so, because we were careful, we observed and we acted with wisdom. That same wisdom must be called upon now, for the sake of the people of Nurum.”

The rest gave similar or contradictory counsel, but it was ultimately a stalemate. The offer would have to be ironed out, observed, amended, and most difficult of all, get four fifths of the senate to agree. So the senate dismissed Medja politely, and began the debate. Dimitrius was to escort her back to her rooms.

“I apologize for the length of this, getting the senate to agree on anything is difficult.”
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“I apologize for the length of this, getting the senate to agree on anything is difficult.”

Medja smiled knowingly.
"Not at all, dear General. I understand quite well that politics, bureaucracy...these things tend to drag out." The vizier replied, plucking some grapes from the fruit bowl that had been so generously laid out. "Amol-Kalit may be an empire, but the Imperial Divan still regularly meets to discuss and resolve important matters in much the same way."

She floated over to the lounge couch and settled down upon it, nestling down into a pose one might expect to see in a portrait. She placed a grape in her mouth and bit down, savoring the sweet flavor but wishing it were wine. She would have to sample what bottles Nurum had to offer before returning home.

"Honestly I had expected that they would want to hear more of what I had to say. I am perfectly content to wait, though." Medja finished. She hadn't guessed that the senate would fly into such a flurry of discussion after only making what she felt was an opening statement, but they were clearly an indecisive bunch. However long it took, she would simply enjoy what comforts this city had to offer in the meantime.
She floated over to the lounge couch and settled down upon it, nestling down into a pose one might expect to see in a portrait. She placed a grape in her mouth and bit down, savoring the sweet flavor but wishing it were wine. She would have to sample what bottles Nurum had to offer before returning home.

"Honestly I had expected that they would want to hear more of what I had to say. I am perfectly content to wait, though." Medja finished. She hadn't guessed that the senate would fly into such a flurry of discussion after only making what she felt was an opening statement, but they were clearly an indecisive bunch. However long it took, she would simply enjoy what comforts this city had to offer in the meantime.

"Despite it being politics, we are still a very straightforward people, which means that your statement told them most of what they needed to know, their long-distance spies and eavsdroppers will figure out the rest, and probably find a way to turn it around in a way that makes them the sole beneficiary. Our politics are straightforward but brutal and merciless. You needn't worry too much though, we ensure with utmost certainty that the Preatorian Guard are completely incorruptible, they will ensure that you aren't bothered by anything truly threatening. I'll send in a slave to bring you what you need, be it wine, water or something else. Until tomorrow then, I have to return to the Field of Dius to oversee the drilling of the soldiers, if you are in need of anything, the slave will know where to find me." He says before turning around and leaving. "I hope you enjoy your stay with us."

A few minutes later a slave girl came in, wearing the long jerkin and iron armband of the slaves. She didn't speak, she only bowed and stood aside waiting for a command.
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Reactions: Medja
They were certainly rather stark in Nurum. Even with the promise of safety on behalf of the Praetorian Guard, Medja was secretly rather relieved that she had her Emerald Hands with her. Still, she found herself wishing that she had brought the ever-competent Settra along, or better yet, Audun (if for no other reason to have someone who could actually hold a conversation with her). Alas, it seemed she would be left without company for the evening, and therefore with little to do but sample the local wine.

Thankfully enough, a servant was on-hand. Slavery was something that the Empire practiced as well, but Medja had never been particularly fond of the practice. Most slaves that found themselves under Medja's employ didn't remain slaves for very long; the Vizier had a habit of helping them to succeed and buy their own freedom after a brief tenure with her. It was another one of her own hidden soft spots that she maintained after so many years.

Unfortunately she was well aware that she could do no such thing here in this foreign land. Instead, a polite attitude, a gentleness in her requests, and the occasional attempt at making idle conversation was what she spared to the girl that served her this evening.

In the meantime, Medja waited patiently for whatever might come next and, failing that, would prepare herself for a good night's rest.
It would not be until tomorrow that anything happened. Dimitrius showed up mid morning and asked the slave if Medja had awoken yet, if she had, he would knock on the doorframe before entering. “I hope that you slept well Lady Medja. The Senators are gathered in various places throughout the senate building. Now is the time for more effective politics, bribes, threats, appeasements and the like. No actual session will convene, that will happen in a few days time. So now you are mostly free to do as you will. If you should like to go anywhere, I will escort you.”

Again, no time wasted and to the point, not rude but not overly friendly either. But she could trust him, whether she did or not was up to her. He stood rigidly, as all the soldiers did with the serious, stoic expressions held by all of them. “Or if you should like, I can bring you to our library or further explain our culture.”
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