Suggestion New map, marker corrections


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The new maps are wonderful, however, looking at them for a bit I noticed some issues that impede clarity of readability.
Here are suggestions for the new map, since there are currently some visibility/consistency issues:

First the issues:
-Portal stones, landmarks, battles, towns/villages have all the same shape, while cities have a square shape.
-Town/village/settlements and battle marker colours are, so similar that it's hard to tell the difference even after looking at them for a long time.

I'm not sure how many different shapes there are available to choose from but:

- Battles and towns/villages need a more distinct colour difference. Either battles pink or towns black as an example.
- All types of settlements should ideally have the same map marker shape (from cities down to hamlets).
- It would be best if portal markers and/or battles have a different shape than landmarks and/or cities/towns.

The first would already greatly improve readability, the other two are just for consistency so you know what you're looking at on first glance.
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Just giving battles and settlements a different colour is a pretty good thing.
(i think it already looks a lot better)

With how it'll look in the future, it'll be even more important to have good distinctions. But that's something only time will tell.
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