Fable - Ask Friends and Sisters

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


Demon Touched
Character Biography
Narumi Tsuri

Khari moved over the city streets in a blur, her black cloak snapping as the wind rushed up and over the rooftops of the city.

Magic flowed through her veins, a small pulse that ebbed over her form as she dashed from building to building. A small rune glowed on her palm, the magic shifting her form so that those who laid eyes upon her would see little more than a blurb. She was far from an expert in Rune Magic, but the art had been taught to her long ago.

It was easy enough, just a series of markings. Runes like this helped her in completing her task, allowed her to go without being noticed. They were far from perfect of course, but they did the trick.

The Daemonette came to a stop a mile away from where her target lived, her form suddenly coming to a shrieking halt. A gust of wind fluttered her cloak, fingers tightening at her side for a moment. Violet eyes shifted towards the Estate in the distance, watching as the lamplights allowed it lit the walls. She frowned a moment, head shaking as she walked towards the edge of the building.

It was passed midnight now, the streets were quiet.

Yet something felt...wrong. Yet she could not put her finger on what it was.
She had been tailing the figure ever since her eye caught a fragment of the dark creature as it passed over a building. While most of the time playing cat and mouse with the many assassins of the noble or merchant class lead to a dead end as practically everyone has motive for removing their competition. However, this time her interests lie in the assassin alone, not it's employer.

Keeping her distance and using her own wind magic to silence her steps as she studied the figure more and more, Narumi was fairly sure that who she was following was none other than Khaari, the Dynast's resident 'problem solver'.

Gliding softly towards the building that the Bloody Blade stood on, her excitement at finding the exact assassin she was looking for cause Narumi to use a bit more magic than she needed cause a gust of wind to flutter Khaari cloak ever so slightly, but enough to force Narumi to hide as while their game was at an end sneaking up on a assassin that is clearly on edge was a sure fire way to start a bloody confrontation.

Peering ever so slightly around the chimney, Narumi's jade eyes glowed swirled with magic as she sent a stronger gust of wind towards Khaari revealing the women's exotic yet blurry features do to the women's magic, but even with the magic Narumi was well aware that she was the only demon blooded assassin and rune mage in Dornoch as both were equally rare.

Matching her body with the chimney to fully conceal herself once more, Narumi breathed her words into her hand before spreading it into the wind. Shortly after her words would dance around the building a light whispers surrounding the assassin. "I've finally found you Khaari of the Bloody Blade. They say you're a monster. Yet from what i've heard and now seen, those stories were greatly exaggerated. I'm not here to fight; in fact I have been wanting to speak with you for awhile now, however due to politics and the watchful eyes and ear of the many informants I could not simply visit".
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The wakizashi that Khari carried on the small of her black flickered from it's scabbard in and instant. A flash of moonlight flickered across the black blade, fingers tight around the hilt as she held her breath and prepared for some sort of fight.

A bare glow appeared on the tips of her fingers of her other hand, just barely lit enough to be seen through the dark of night.

For a brief moment Khari seemed ready to pounce, though as Narumi made her intentions clear some of the tension ebbed from her form. It was clear she was still more than ready to fight, more than ready to kill if she had to, but she would not lash out just yet. "Who are you?"

Khari asked suspiciously, her voice laced with tension.

In the dark she could not clearly see Narumi, but had there been more light she might have been able to see some of the resemblance between the woman and Ichika.

For now though, her instincts of survival kicked in. This was not the first time she had been approached in the night by someone who apparently meant well. She was the Dynast's agent, and many had tried to turn her over the years.
Khari's response was predictable and the exact reason why she remained out of sight from those prone to strike first and ask questions later. Peering back out from the chimney to get a better idea of where she stood on actually having a conversation. From the look of it though the glow of her blade and her stance made it clear that she was still on edge, however unlike herself she lacked the same level of ocular ability as herself most likely adding to her lack of trust.

Raising her arms up, Narumi slowly walked out close enough for the magical light radiating from Khari's weapon to better accent her features, but far enough to defend herself as her eyes glowed with a healthy hue of magic. "I think this answers your question, but you seem to have difficulty seeing in the dark... Strange as I would have thought your infernal blood would have gifted you dark vision". Shrugging while her eyes peered towards the belts on her waist and left thigh holding her kuni, giving Khari the good ahead to disarm her if it made her feel better before meeting Khari's violent eyes again. "If you still do not know, I am Narumi Tsuri fellow attack dog, but of the sea and the younger sister of Ichika the one you worked with recently and gotten along rather well or so I'm told". Wiggling her figures and smiling to show that she still meant no harm as she waited on Khari's next move. Though most would be nervous, Narumi still held onto her smile and acted rather confident as she was sure that Khari was no doubt aware of who she was and how dangerous she could be.
Khari had often wished that her daemonic gifts had included sight of the dark, but such a gift had slipped past whatever infernal creature that touched her soul.

When the woman finally said her name some of the tension ebbed away from her. The Daemonette's stance shifted, blade pulling back, the glow at the tips of her fingers extinguishing. She pulled herself a bit more upright, those odd red lines within her horns pulsing slightly as she looked Naruni up and down.

With a bit more moonlight she managed a better look at the woman, now seeing the resemblance that carried within her features. "Ah."

She said simply.

The paranoia of two decades under the Dynast instantly set in. She thought of all the ways this could be some sort of trick, how they could trap her or try to use her. How Ichika could have betrayed and set her up.

Khari tightened her grip on the small sword, deciding to quell those thoughts.

"Ichika made it easy." Khari said in complement. "I could not have cleared my name without her."

That was the simple truth.
Lowering her arms along with the withdrawal of the Daemonette's blade Narumi was honestly surprised by the Assassins’ reasonability; as Khari was well known for her crass and often hostile behavior towards others. Though while Khari looked Narumi up and down, the Captain shifted to her side covering herself halfheartedly. " How shameless first you get close to my sister now you leer at her younger sister's body".

Joking aside she wondered about the pulsating red glow emanating from the woman's horns. Perhaps it is another runic magic, but I am unaware of its intent. Perhaps it is perception enhancing rune though why did she use it now instead of later. While Runic magic was not her forte she did read up on the uses and effects. Some may say runic magic is old and antiquated, however for an smart assassin runic magic was perfect as they can lay their magic ahead of time and seal their targets fate before they even know their life is in danger.

Even with hostility postponed and an effort to break the ice or at the very least ease Khari's concerns. The Assassin still clung to her blade as the years of living among a court and world that hated but also needed her has made her just as untrusting as those she despises. Giving the Daemonette a small, but pained smile as she saw a bit of herself in Khari.

Speaking plainly and singing her older sibling praise, the Infernal Woman once again completely shattered any and all of the information Narumi had gathered on her. "Really, I would have thought she would have made it a bit more challenging since she is unshakable when it comes to procedure". Resting her cheek on her hand as she looked out to Khari's intended target. "I don't see why you were even a suspect. You've served dutifully as the Dynast's 'monster' all your life. You strike fear into all those who think about betrayal and those that fight against it are quickly ended at your hand". Looking back to Khari's violent eyes. "But instead of stepping in and protecting such a loyal subject the Dynast simply allowed for you to beget more hate towards yourself and now my family as we assisted in quelling another threat. Some would say it's rather cowardly and in a culture so fond of honor to".

Stretching and moving to rest on the chimney as she yawned. "Though enough about that as I'm more curious about your relation with Ichika as it seems that you hold her in high regard. So much so that you're even giving her sister the time to talk despite her suspicious methods and annoying musings".
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Khari's face was like that of a marble statue.

Her expression never changed as the woman spoke, whether it was regarding the subject of the Dynast of Ichika. She was used to such words, being called a monster or a slave of the Dynast.

She could remember questions of her loyalty as far back as when she was a child, something that she had always ignored. Her 'mother', if one could even really call her that, had always cared for her. Though not in the same way many parents would for their child.

Khari knew better than to expect such things, knew that things were complicated within the city of Dornoch.

The Dynast would never have let anything happen to her, even if she had been proven guilty. That was something Khari was sure of, so sure that she could not have put it into words. "Ichika?"

She echoed.

"As I said, she helped me clear my name." A shrug rolled over her shoulders. "She is well suited to take your mothers place."

The Damonette contended.
Grinning at the statuesque Demon as she spouted off a similar practiced line that would make a golem look lively by comparison. "Well aren't you just the perfect servant, even as I insult your master in an attempt to see a silver of the real Khari, you remain calm and respond so dutifully". Pointing to her eyes, "Look my eyes are green with envy as I know I could never offer the same comforts of the Dynast, so I guess I'll just have to suffice with our little talk".

Shuffling against the chimney to get more comfortable as chipping away at the wall before her might take some time. "Why so calm cool and collected? What happened to the Demoness that spit fire and let everyone know exactly what she thought of them, why do I deserve so much more 'respect' as you showed neither my mother nor my cousin any"? I'm hated and reviled, by if not all but a select few of the highborns. You must know that I constantly poke and prod at them and the system taking their toys or using their vices against them. It's really unfortunate that I'm so irreplaceable and have many of their darkest secrets locked away as I'd more than likely be dead by now.

Standing up and walking towards Khari, "So I ask why, again do you give such leniency to me as I'm just another highborn lady who plays with the souls others just like the rest. Don't you think I'd be far superior to my dear sister. My dear sister whose kindness and nativity will be her end". Stopping as Narumi's smile and playful voice turn to a cold and empty gaze. A look Khari would know all too well. "You'd throw your friend and the single most important thing to me to the wolves"?
Khari blinked. "You mistake me."

The Daemonette let out a laugh. There was no diplomacy to her tone, just amusement.

"I don't care about you." That was the simple, innumerable truth. Khari held venom towards some of the nobility, towards those who thought they had authority over her. Yet most of the time they all meant so very little.

That was why she slaughtered them when told. Why she killed on the Dynast's word. She was more than an assassin, more than a killer. Her lot in life was to do as her mother commanded, and that was something she did exceptionally well at.

"Your cousin was a stuck up bitch who stood in my way." She stated simply. 'Your mother thought she commanded me."

Khari slowly stepped forward. "You? You stopped me on a roof top. Asked me about your sister. I'm not some creature biting at everyone outside my cage."

She chuckled.

"You're nothing, no one but an insecure little girl who seems to be terrified she can't catch up to her sister." With a single smooth step Khari stepped past and away from Narumi.
"There it is, that's the Khari I wanted to see. Though I'm disappointed that your rebuttal was A, what I want others to think as it was at best a half truth long ago and B, the same tried response from others". Shaking her head in disappointment as Narumi thought that she would have found a kindred spirit in Khari as they were both outcasts within society.

Holding her hand up, "Our conversation is not done, and I don't know why you're even going to that estate as your target is not even there". Clenching her already raised hand while allowing one finger to remain as to tell the Hot Blooded Woman to cool down for a moment longer.

Producing a coin with her other hand, Narumi would flick it down to the streets. However, there was a lack of an echo from the metal on stone; instead footsteps replaced what would be the cries of the coin reaching its destination.

"Now I know you have questions about the how and why I know this, but I'm not going to tell you. Instead just look and listen".

Shortly after a cloaked figure would climb the walls of the estate that Khari believed held her target. Once the figure reached the walls they would promptly kill and make it look as if they made a mistake by letting the guard fall into the interior of the estate alerting the guard. In an instant a small army of guards and mercenaries poured out of the estate and surrounding buildings. Quickly the cloaked figure ran and jumped into the water to where a convenient fishing vessel passed by allowing for safe escape.

Letting some time pass to allow Khari to take in what she saw before she slowly walked to the edge of the building they stood on. "A certain group of someones pooled together to get rid of a certain bloody blade. It's a good thing I managed to find you or who knows what could have happened". Turning her head to spy a small group heading off to no doubt contact their employers while the rest gave chase. "Looks like we'll have to talk our conversation on the go".
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Khari did not answer, she was woe to do so in that moment.

In truth she had not known if her target was in the estate or not. There was no way to tell these things really, she was a one woman show. Breaking in had been as much about killing her target as finding Information if he wasn't there.

It seemed now a good thing that she hadn't done so either way. Those soldiers would not have caught her, her magic would have seen to that, but if one had seen her it would have been the start of many rumors. Rumors that the Dynast would have no doubt been furious with. For a moment she lingered still on the edge of the roof top.

Just because this woman was Ichika's sister didn't mean there was any trust.

She had seen the way that her friend had been treated by her cousin, why would this be any different? Family in Dornoch could be as much rival as they could be ally. Yet for now working with the woman suited her.

So the Daemonette followed in silence, dashing forward with inhuman grace.
Placing a pin in their conversation for the moment, the two women followed the group of guards through the backstreets of Dornach. Keeping track of the guards was easy enough as the clinking of their armor made it possible to track them with only requiring a minimal amount of visual contract to make sure their targets are not lost.

Finally their chase would come to an end as the guards reached a tea house. Kneeling down examining the building for entry points, she resumed their conversation as her impromptu companion had moped enough. " A bit cliche, but a good place to set up if comfort takes precedence over secrecy. Must have been real confident in their plan, almost as if they knew that you'd lack any knowledge of their location. Makes you think on why you were sent with next to no information".

Not pressing too hard on the matter for now, she pointed to the windows on the second floor. "Could enter through there if you want to hold the element of surprise, or would you like to live up to your namesake and go in through the front and through anyone one the way"?
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