Fate - First Reply After dark

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join


Character Biography

A muffled voice. She heard it. Barely, but it was there. Memories. A friend. Joy. No. There was...nothing. Everything is midnight dark. Everything is blank. And everything is so...weak. Lack of strength, not even enough to open eyes. Warmth cuts deep into oddly cold skin. The feeling is almost comfortable—comfort with a hint of sad nostalgia. A nostalgia that was still fresh.


The voice rings again. This time it's louder. And closer. All clear. Orla lets out a grunt, shivering slightly in strain. The body responds with a pang in turn. Finally, she squints and tries to open her tired eyes for a few seconds, letting in dim candlelight illuminating her surroundings. Yellow animalistic eyes opening to glance at an unfamiliar sight.

"Are you okay? you collapsed outside the tavern here."

"I'm- I'm fine, I just need to be on my way," she reassured the man, who though clearly inebriated had chanced upon her pathetic form crumpled over by the taverns alleyway. In another time she might've found herself in there, but things changed. She found herself avoiding the social trappings she once frequented, only going after dark or to contacts she could rely on not to turn away her freakish visage away.

I should've never broken into that stuck up bitches house.

"I can get help if you want girl, you seem not well." the man replied worryingly, gesturing towards the distant castle that whoever ruled this town resided. If he might have been sober he'd of called the town guard by now, and not even Orla's illicit back alley glamour potions would've saved her from being torched on a stake or beheaded. Without them, she was reminded of what she was, a disgusting creature and a victim of her own ill choices. She had developed a desire for them like one might want for water to quench their thirst. It was an unhealthy dependency which had developed over the past two weeks. As she desperately sort out whatever means possible to stave off her illness, but it only gave her a somewhat false hope in the fact it maintained her appearance to be a little human. She still loathed the sun but at least the potions allowed her to blend in and visit taverns at night.

But she had run out of the potions two days ago and was now suffering the dire effects of withdrawal that she became so intimately familiar with. Blackouts, vomiting, hallucinations and voices in her head all came. Yet the overwhelming burning urge to feed was king, and she could not avoid its call. First resorting to feeding on animals, she later switched to feeding on humans and elves. Anyone she could catch after dark when the sun had passed, and the domain of her kind arose. She still remembered her first feed, a young man not much older than her, and she had mauled the poor soul as he returned from guard duty. His bloodied remains found by his family face deep in the mud. Orla had fled town the next day. Like the coward she was.

"Talk to me, are you okay there?"

He spoke again.

Yellow eyes met him in turn and widened.




Her once idle form sprang to life in a sudden predatory lunge as she tackled the larger man against the alley wall with force way beyond someone of her size that was once living. A soft thud could be heard as the man's head smashed against the cold brick mortar, blood oozing all over the wall as he fell down against it unconscious.

At least he won't feel it. That was at least a blessing.

Straddling the now unconscious man, she pulled her head back and sank her teeth into his neck, tearing the man's throat out with bestial savagery that a wolf possessed when taking their prey.
Generally speaking Jorg did not like cities.

They were crowded, messy, and tended to smell a bit too much for his nose. The Wolf didn't really enjoy them either, and as he moved through the crowds of the night he could feel it reeling and roiling in the back of his mind as it tried desperately to claw its way to the surface.

Both of them knew that it was not yet time and that the time would not come for some days yet, though Jorg could practically feel it approach.

In the back of his head he had considered leaving the city and changing at will, giving the damned monster a chance to run around and not risk it turning in the middle of a crowd...but he'd enjoyed his nights far too much as of late. Plus, it was never easy shifting at will.

Hurt too damn much.

His own thoughts roiled around in his head as he walked, lips thin as he stepped by the opening of the alleyway. He wouldn't have seen anything, too dark even for his eyes, but then he heard a sudden crunch as a body hit the wall.

Most wouldn't have heard the echo, but his ears? His ears were a bit better. Lips thinned, head turned and with a frown he slowly shifted to step into the alleyway.
He may have been many things, a father, a son, an honest man and even a hard toiler. But she had to feed, and she didn't pick with a clear bias or inherent sadism. She had to survive; she had to feed. It was her or them, either her living to another pathetic day or spending her last few moments on a pyre. Us vs them mentality served her well enough when she was human and making living robbing other people, it sanctified her deeds in a strange but narcissistic way.

Still, looking into the mans now lifeless eyes. Orla wondered if perhaps it was a small justice she might eventually face the pyre. But then she never chose this affliction and still existed, albeit in a hollow pathetic shell of a human now turned vampire. The forlorn hope of going back to what was once kept Orla alive in a sort of existential limbo spent fearing the living and fearing the sun. A cruel type of 'existence' yet one she was assigned to by the cruel guiding hand of fate.

Something approached.

Ignore them. Feed upon the corpse.

She pulled her head back, wiping away blood from her lips which caked the lower half of her face. Eyes adjusted in the dim darkness and Orla instinctively reached for her dirk. Not that it was much worth, the thing was rusting and might've been better suited for cleaning fingernails. And yet, she had cut many a throat and maimed many a fool looking for revenge.

"Who goes there?"

The vampire played it calm and spoke with a soft girlish voice; one Orla had used many a time to lure merchants and sappy noblemen into an alley where her friends waited in ambush. But her friends were either locked up or reviled her current state. So this trick came to serve her desperate desire of self-preservation and survival by the passing days and nights.

"I do." Jorg said as he stepped forward in the darkness.

His eyes could see well in the dark, but all that he could make out was the slender form of a woman within the night. Lips thinned for a moment, fingers curling as he was tempted to reach towards his sword. He stayed himself though, glancing instead towards the figure.

Nose scrunched as he scented the air.

The stench of blood was strong in the alleyway, something that he couldn't have missed even if he tried. His fingers flexed again, a breath filling his lungs as he glanced again at the woman. "Are you alright?"

Was she bleeding?

There was something wrong here. He did not know what, but his hair stood on end and the wolf in the back of his head was quietly raging at him. He felt tense, and the stench of blood filtered I to his nose stronger and stronger as he stepped forward.

The woman came into better view, more than a silhouette but still not fully in his view. He could recognize some of her features though, she appeared paler than most.

Orla slowly and instinctively crept off the now still corpse, eyes fixated on the threat before her. Whatever or whoever he was, he wasn't stupid. At least she hoped he was, and she didn't need to be chanced upon again and have another half-wit do gooder bringing down half the town on her head.

"I'm- I'm fine, who are you?"

Again with the diversionary questions, she looked for purchase. Maybe an angle of escape or moment where she could dispose of him too if he proved dangerous. Yet he was no farmer or dim town guardsmen. That she knew very well. Orla took note of the man's attire with all the inquisitiveness of a predator stalking its prey. Yet ironically the man before her could very quickly put her down. Maybe it was a small blessing, and perhaps the gods saw it fit to end her pitiful existing of feeding on farmers.

"Jorg Tierel." He had no shame of his name, no shame of who he was. There was no point in hiding himself, that was something that he had learned a long time ago. Even in a city like this, he was an upstanding citizen.

Hell, if he cared to show his seal, he was a Prince.

"What are you doing in here?" He frowned. "These alleyways can be dangerous."

The stench of blood was now thick in the air, and there was a wrongness that he couldn't quite put his finger on. Jorg didn't know what it was, but he could scent it in the air. Was it coming from the woman or something else in the alleyway.

His gaze narrowed. It had to be...
Something in her demeanour changed instinctively, and she stood upright directly facing the stranger. A pale hand lightly touching on the grip of her blade, which was looking to be very likely needed sooner or later. He wasn't a fool, but she wasn't a coward either, she'd incapacitated bigger men than this fool. His name didn't matter, but his intentions did, and he smelt of death.

"I could ask you the same."

The once girlish tone of innocence quickly faded, being noticeably replaced by her raspy inner-city Elbion accent. All she could do now was wait for how he'd respond; perhaps he would play hero and attack her. And she would leave this fetid alleyway with two bloodied bodies left in the shadows. Or Jorge could play a good man and they'd both walk off unscarred and alive. They had no quarrel. Yet.

Nerves shot down his spine as he watched her move, hand flickering down towards the blade. Lips thinned for a few seconds as he considered, eyes wandering over towards what he now knew what a body crumpled onto the floor.

The wrongness was still there.

There was something more to her, something that he couldn't quite tell. Jorg was no monster hunter. He had only ever met one other werewolf and a Vampire was still something of legend to him. The like wasn't common in the Wilds where he was from, there one had to deal with the reality of many other monsters. Hydras and the like we're far more of a concern than Vampire. "I tend to stop when I smell blood."

He told her.

There was a tenseness to him now, ready to lash out if she did the same.
Inquisitive one.

"Let's not fool ourselves here, I think you know the real situation here, and I think it best we don't take things further downwards, for both our lives sake."

She offered the man a bloodied uncertain smile while taking another sly step back, Orla could see as well as anyone with a bit of sense that she could perhaps outsmart the man. He didn't seem that quick, at least most fighters weren't. In her defence though half the ones she saw growing up as a child in Elbions inner streets were big loutish brutes with soup brains.

"Don't you... agree?"

Her eyes drifted again to the man's large sword, and back to any avenue of escape Orla could potentially make out, she didn't want to kill him if she had a choice. One festering corpse in an alley would be treated with concern but eventually written off, two however would be cause for the town guard to mount patrols beyond the walls. And she didn't need that heat.

Jorg stared at the woman for a brief moment, then glanced at the corpse, then back to the woman. He couldn't really disagree with the statement. If this were Mallian he would have been honor bound to kill her, but this wasn't his home city.

Fingers tightened still though. "What..."

The question hung on his lips for a brief moment. In the back of his mind the Wolf was still screaming at him, howling for him to kill, to murder, maim, and do whatever he could to obliterate the woman that was standing in front of him.

"What are you?" He still had no idea.

Not even a guess.

Orla stopped momentarily, eyes shifting to the back of the alley and back at the threat again. Sighing to herself, she took another step back and afforded the man a sly unsure smile. Revealing fangs as sharp as knives, bloodied and marred from feeding on the drunk patron not long before.

"Let's not escalate this stranger."

She raised her hands once more, waiting on his next move. If he were stupid, he'd lunge at her first and afford her a natural line of escape. If she was dumb and unlucky, she'd take the initiative and charge the man and never leave the alley alive.

The fangs sparked something in his mind.

It was like a small line of knowledge was drawn between himself and whatever the Wolf had been screaming in his head the whole time. The moment Jorg realized everything seemed to fall into place, his lips thinned, and his hand grasped his sword.

Could he even kill a Vampire?

There were stories, old stories, that said the bite of a Werewolf was like poison to her folk, but Jorg had absolutely no idea if that was true. Most legends, as he'd found out, were complete and utter bullshit, and he wasn't entirely sure he could fight a creature of the night. "You killed a man."

He pointed out, taking half a step back.

Did it really matter? He wasn't a city watchmen, didn't even have any authority here. Jorg knew that he should walk away, but for some reason...he couldn't.
"Very observant, but that doesn't change the current reality of this situation, kill me and get that reward of a few guineas but you won't be getting it easily."

She shrugged nonchalantly, but she was scared there was no denying that but she didn't need him to know. Orla slowly pulled her knife out, examining the cold serrated steel. It'd never failed her before, and it wouldn't fail her again soon. She took a few more steps, anticipating his response. Only a small window of escape remained in sight, but she'd take her chances there and then.

"Go on..."

He frowned a moment, wincing at himself.for getting into such a stupid fucking situation.

Jorg cursed himself. He should have known better, should have just avoided this goddamn mess. Fingers tightened and as soon as she drew the knife his own blade flickered out and his lips opened to scream at the top of his lungs. "Guards!"

Making friends had been a lot easier once upon a time. He'd been able to walk into a dark alleyway and wander away without a single problem.

Issue here? Well there was a dead man on the floor, and even Jorg's morals only stretched so far.

"Murder! There's been a murder!" He just hoped to the goddess Mallia that he didn't turn out to be the next victim.