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- Bula, Emmeline Hildebrandt, Larewen Dragana, Maeve Blackwood
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Hey guys! I'll be listing my characters and any plot ideas I have associated with them here. I keep meaning to do this, but I'm too scatterbrained to brain it all at once, so I'll update it as I go! If any of the plots look like something you want to join in on, send me a DM via Discord! (It's listed under this name.)
For ease, I'll keep my characters in alphabetical order by their first names in case you're looking to write with a certain one of them in particular!
For ease, I'll keep my characters in alphabetical order by their first names in case you're looking to write with a certain one of them in particular!
If you have a role in your character's story you'd like filled, please DM me on Discord @ thatgrimwitch (preferred). I'm always on Discord pretty much and I love making new characters to explore and flesh out.
- Bula orc, shaman, Ashlander
- Emmeline Hildebrandt human, warrior, Noct Yaegir
- Larewen Dragana corrupted, vampiric elf, necromancer
- Maeve Blackwood undead kivren (octomaid), death bard, Captain of Kiva's Fury
- Nadine Ravencroft lycan, ranger, treasure hunter (grave robber), Gildan exile
Orc. Daughter of Mabess of the Ashlanders. Shaman. Connected a little too closely to the spirit world.Plot Ideas
- None at the moment.
Roles Wanted
- Siblings, clanmates, anything to do with orcs! orcs! orcs!
Emmeline Hildebrandt
Human. Noct Yaegir. Dual wielding, distant, lawful good. Duty focused.Plot Ideas
- Seeking information about her brother's whereabouts
- Anything Noct Yaegir related
Roles Wanted
- Emmeline's younger brother. Potential conflict if his decision to disappear has to do with their parents' murders, and if he's willingly become something monstrous.
Larewen Dragana
Swamp witch.. apparently. Necromancer, vampiric elf, corrupted by darkness, a little bit mad. Wants to be a lich.Plot Ideas
- (Ongoing) Raising the Sunken City and seizing artifacts that were meant to stay buried
- Return of her sire/ex-husband and/or son
- The revival of her House as nobility, including the return of wayward vampires she has sired
Roles Wanted
- There are several roles from her past available, including the husband, the son, or any number of vampires/undead/other monsters that Larewen might have coerced, bribed, or simply adopted in the past.
Maeve Blackwood
Zombie octomaid death bard with a ghost ship named Kiva's Fury.Plot Ideas
- Maeve's crew has vanished! Where could they have gone? Are you part of her crew? Undead kivren pirates have seas to haunt!
Roles Wanted
- Crew mates to help terrorize the sea, loot booty, and build their home upon the sea.
Nadine Ravencroft
Ranger, werewolf, treasure hunter (grave robber), exile of GildPlot Ideas
- Nadine returns to Gild, seeking a cure and lifting of her banishment.
Roles Wanted
- Allies to aid her in earning back her family's favor
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