stranger n a strange land

  1. Raul Renaut

    Roleplay OOC Oh, So Many Grimy Streets Plotting

    Thought I would get this started, to make plot idea discussion a bit easier, as we've had none at all so far. So far from Raul's perspective, he has arrived in Elbion, searched for locations to sleep and to get jobs, (boarding houses, taverns, inns, message/notice boards,) passed through a back...
  2. Raul Renaut

    Open Chronicles Oh, So Many Grimy Streets

    Were all city coins usually this sticky? Raul had spent a sum total of two hours in Elbion when this particular revelation hit him. One in the outskirts, and the other in the city proper. Only now does he see that he much prefers the outskirts. In fact, the first indicator that the outskirts...