monster slaying

  1. Siris Tireal

    Open Chronicles Intruders of Spire City

    Siris hated few things, nothing more so than Gemini. But, even if he was a patient man, he wasn't a fan of waiting either. Even when he knew he had no choice, he abhored even the idea of standing around for others. Too bad he wasn't able to make this trip alone, or he would already be halfway up...
  2. Fenic Creed

    Open Chronicles The Beast Pits

    An open invitation struck the Allirian streets and the villages of the reach, a cave was hosting the event of the century with or without legal approval. A new game has been created, a new coliseum, a new gladiator, a new bloodbath to tickle the fancies of the bloodthirsty populace, a new...
  3. Septimus

    Open Chronicles Beyond the Wall

    He'd arrived in the dead of night. It was a habit of his, really. A habit that did little to help his reputation as an ominous figure among the village populations. The torch in his left hand crackled, it's orange glow bounced and reflected by the recent snowfall that had lain undisturbed long...