hunting party

  1. Nadya

    Completed Sound the Alarm

    A cockatrice had thrown the Outer City into utter chaos this afternoon, and the merchants that bred the volatile creature managed to herd it away from the main populace. It was now a task for the Thunder to hunt and kill the cockatrice, equipped with mirrors to deflect any direct eye contact...
  2. Zephyrine

    Completed A Sea of Sorrow

    "My poor boy!" The wailing was incessant, filled with a loss so devastating, it irritated the Initiate's eardrums this early in the morning. This was the second day of the mission, and still the mystery eluded Initiates and Dreadlords alike. There was no use in pretending anyone could sleep...
  3. Wilhelm Anireth

    Fable - Ask The Field of Gold

    Artists impression of the Field of Gold, outside Vel Anir circa 739 * * * "Well, they didn't spare any fucking expense on this did they?" Wilhelm stood in the entrance of the royal pavilion with a goblet in hand so he could watch the servants running around like ants to prepare what people...