gerra's legion

  1. Maho 'Jerik' Sparhawk

    Open Chronicles The Ash on the Breeze

    They sent forth men to battle, But the men are put to rest in the seas; And home, to claim their welcome, Come ashes on the breeze. _____________________________________________ It had been 2 weeks since they began to sail down the Baal-Asha river, and towards Cerak. Even he was amazed at...
  2. Cuthwyrd

    Open Chronicles To Reach the Reach

    Few secrets lingered in the mountains of the Spine, not from the eyes of the Fyiama, at least. Hardy humans with traces of Mountain-Elf blood running in their veins, they lived with their sheep and goat herds, dwelling in small huts cut from the very bones of the mountains. Many lived their...
  3. Maho 'Jerik' Sparhawk

    Quest The Siege of Belgrath Part 2: Battle of Irithul

    2 Days had passed since the Siege began... The battlefield was laden with dead. Both Dwarf and Orc corpses lay still on the hard ground, harsh in the daylight. Blood sank back into the soil, running rivers underneath the ground on which soldiers still fought. The Steel of Molthal clashing with...