Recent content by Former and the Foal

  1. Former and the Foal

    Quest We Can Do This!

    Kade Anvar Kikwi Kenai Katzcha Weylin Kyrel It ran and it ran...Yet... no way, how could this path of (seemingly) infinite length end so abruptly. Stone by stone fell, and soon if she did not move. No, this was no time to be daring. This was too soon little fledgling. She snapped around like...
  2. Former and the Foal

    Quest We Can Do This!

    Fear Will Make You Fall. As if a horse could read, let alone script from some skyfolk, what is this? A circus? Well...maybe it could be a circus. It definitely would be an honest job with honest pay. More honest so than this danger-filled tunnelling and dungeoneering. Far less dangerous too...
  3. Former and the Foal

    Quest We Can Do This!

    Kade Anvar Kikwi Kenai Katzcha Weylin Kyrel Horses were many gracious things, but this one was obviously without intelligence. It's bravery, likely a ruse from lack of forethought and strategy. The equine zoomed further and farther. No dingy bridge could stop it either. In fact, as the...
  4. Former and the Foal

    Quest We Can Do This!

    Nosing across the floor, she put her attention towards the adventurers as they came upon a massive stop-thing. Exploring is over! Or has it just begun? The foal in a pace, trodded over to the gate, her long face pointing between the bodies of the assembled. Little wingy two-leg seemed to be...
  5. Former and the Foal

    Quest We Can Do This!

    Life was easy when you had no job nor obligation. Alternatively, those who could say would speak that it was quite difficult without thumbs. But your ancestors made due without just as easily, in fact, they made due with just 4 fingers total, one per limb. The lil foal, white and dotted red...
  6. Former and the Foal

    LFG - Quest The Rookie Team

    I will give a reply today~
  7. Former and the Foal

    LFG - Quest The Rookie Team

    VigiloConfido Concentrate that text ay, more punch per pound. Or should I say more punch per paragraph?
  8. Former and the Foal

    LFG - Quest The Rookie Team

    If everyone makes shorter posts it won't get as bogged down!
  9. Former and the Foal

    LFG - Quest The Rookie Team

    That sounds too dangerous for our qualifications. What about exterminating a cellar full of giant rats?
  10. Former and the Foal

    LFG - Quest The Rookie Team

    Aight, here we go lmao.
  11. Former and the Foal

    Private Tales Requiem

    A horse stood vigil for days on shattered land. His long head dipped low, his fur hot like the sun. No grass nor brush would tempt his taste. No water nor dew would quench his thirst. Horse. Stand as long as you must. What has been made cannot be undone. That fear of loss, now you must face...
  12. Former and the Foal

    Open Chronicles Beach Episode

    The little equine gleefully skidded across the floor. Tap tap tap tap it's long legs dances and dances, kicking away socks and pebbles. Yet with a woosh came the wave and oh no. Wet feet. Trot trot trot the equine stepped back and charged after Rizzo on the safe dryness of the pier.
  13. Former and the Foal

    Open Chronicles Beach Episode

    Neigh neigh neigh neigh, whiny, ♫ . Looks like the elf was not the only loudmouth in town. The little tune, in fact, made the horse take to the wind and run in a rather quick beat. Enough to start kicking the sand at all behind her. Would seem like she'd win soon too, the curvy pier was a few...
  14. Former and the Foal

    Open Chronicles Beach Episode

    The foal lept in surprise before landing on her four parted feet once more as the creature split into two. The small equine looked more like a potato on toothpicks than a graceful beast it will grow up to one day be. With the increasing excitement of the dark elf, the foal seemed to get more...
  15. Former and the Foal

    Open Chronicles Beach Episode

    OH, but the big and vast sea was not the only marvel to behold on this day. The little foal strutted backwards, kicking up some silt, arching its neck and gazed upon the tall person of four legs and four arms that walked alongside the coast. Why it had a second pair of legs kicking about in the...