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Biographical information
Revash Qelnoth, an underground city of Drow and Grey Dwarves 67 Elbion
Physical description
Drow Male 5'1" 322 lbs Bone White Lava Red Ashen Grey
Political information
Out-of-character information
Jabez 09/17/2024

Born in darkness with no House nor allies. A childhood of constant battle produced a strong fighter. But the dark caverns and their shadows taught him how to get the edge. Fleeing to the surface as soon as he was able, he left the underground world and began to make a name for himself in the light of the world above.


He stands only as tall as the shortest humans. But he is still much bigger than a dwarf. Well muscled grey skin fills out the proportions of a strong and agile warrior. And yet for a warrior, his form is lithe and deceptive. Elven features and a devious expression mark his countenance. Firey eyes scan his surroundings carefully. And long white hair like strands of spider's silk frame a face full of mischief and pride as it regards you for but a moment.

He certainly isn't dressed like a warrior. More like a thief. Dark fabric. Mostly black. Possibly concealing light armor. A hood ready to be donned. A small traveling purse, ideal for carrying tools of larceny is strapped to his side. And a very sharp dagger of Drow design appears to be his only weapon. (It's not.)

Skills and Abilities

Physical prowess and combat skills

Agile parkour and graceful dancing

Stealth and sleight of hand

Acting, persuasion and haggling

Hunting, tracking and investigation



<What is your character's personality like?>

Biography & Lore

<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>
