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Zelici Printable version

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[var]princess zelici[/var]

Biographical information
Country of Origin: Laketopia

Queendom of Origin: White Dragon Queendom

City of Origin: Capital City Vetrus
Actual Age: 4,002
Physical appearance in human form: Late 20s
When asked she says she is anywhere from 22-25 years old.
Nomadic. She tends to travel to stay ahead of anyone looking for her.
Physical description
Prismatic dragon: white scaled
Female 5' 7" in human form and the same when measured from the shoulder in dragon form. 180 lbs White Light Blue pale
Political information
Runaway princess. Currently working as a mercenary for hire or does odd jobs to pay her way.
Out-of-character information
Zelici 6/13/2024

<Briefly describe what your character looks like> In dragon form she looks like a white western style dragon. She can fold her wings flat to her back and swim in water like a snake. In human form she is a pale young woman with light blue eyes, white hair and striking features. She often wears travel clothes that need replaced, but what armour she has she keeps in good shape and well oiled. In human form she keeps her horns and tail and her fingernails and toenails are claw like. When her boots wear out she goes barefoot until she can buy a new pair. She has a beaten brown leather travel bag on her back and she travels light.

Skills and Abilities

Her main powers are telepathy, telekinesis, and freezing cold fire. She does have a breath weapon (it is water), but she doesn't often use it. She is a midrange fighter and prefers to fight with a short staff or spear, but she can also use daggers and a short bow. Zelici prefers to use magic in a fight if given a choice.


Zelici is a stubborn, loyal, free-spirited, and rebellious woman. She hides any self confidence issues she has behind a mask of bluster and confidence. She loves booze, inimate relations, and adventures. Her belief is that if she must take the throne one day she will see the world and live among as many different people as possible. That way she can rule better than queens that came before her.

Biography & Lore

Zelici was born to the main white dragon bloodline and is the eldest daughter. This makes her the most likely heir to the throne. However, she was born with a curious and rebellious streak that led her to plan and execute her escape from royal life. She ran away from home 3 years ago and has been on the run ever since. She lives as un-royally as she can. She wants to experience life before she is chained to a mate and a throne. Zelici is determined to put off her destiny as long as possible.
<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>
