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Ygdnuk Maghuroth Printable version

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Ygdnuk Maghuroth

Biographical information
Bayou Garramarisma 63 Nomadic
Prefers Swamps
Physical description
Orc Male 6'7"
5'5" (with hunch)
320lbs Grey
Light Brown Roots
Pale Green Brownish Yellow-Green
Political information
Swamp Fisherman, and Rune-Carver
Out-of-character information
TheRelicOfOwls 12/31/2022 Link the source of your character's image (use a reverse google image search if you are stuck)


An overall aged and rugged scape with relatively small eyes, wide nose, and an even wider mouth with four thick tusks curving out. The tusks at the edges of the mouth are slightly longer, about 3" while much smaller 1" tusks are next to them at the inner part of the mouth. The skin is leathery, but not as wrinkled as one might expect, and the deep earthy green of his youth has paled closer to yellow over the years. Finally, the entire face is framed by white hair, from the wild lengths that make his mane to the long beaded beard.

Despite his age and hunched stance he is very muscular - as orcs are expected to be - with a barrel chest, thick abdomen, and clearly toned arms and legs. He does seem to have a slight bowing deformity in his left leg, and what appears to be burn scars over the entire left leg, hip, and lower back.

Ygdnuk lives almost as if a man of cloth: he doesn't care for much to wear like many of his kin, but does find a little comfort in hiding his injury and concealing his face. He therefor wears a simple long, tattered, cloth cowl is almost large enough to pull over his entire figure save for below the knee. Beneath this article of clothing he wears nothing else but a hide loin-cloth and a reptile leather belt with an attached pouch for small materials.

(1) He has a series of five necklace straps with feathers, bones, beads, and teeth tied or strung on, and a single large medallion with runes carved into it suspended in the middle.
(2) A spear head that broke off and is now used as a knife. Tucked into his belt.
(3) A tall makeshift crook with a hanging lantern.

Magical Discipline

Skills and Abilities

A lifetime of living in the labyrinth of pathways through thick foliage and sky blotting canopies of the Bayou have granted Ygdnuk an intuition with direction. He is easily able to trace where he's been through memory and use of simple techniques, as well as discern a path to his destination after a moment or two of study.

Hunting: Large Reptiles

This aged orc has caught his fair share of large game in the past, but none as often as the countless varieties of scaled behemoths known to make traversal of the Bayou so treacherous. Ygdnuk has found several common weaknesses between the giant reptilians and how to exploit them, making him a sort of specialists with these sorts of beasts.

Fishing: Shallows and Swamps
Yet another by-product of his lifestyle in the stagnant waters of the swamps, Ygdnuk has become quite adept at spear and hand fishing in shallows, ponds, and other murky swamp waters. It stands to reason the might also do just as well along a sandbars and other such areas where clear water only makes it easier.

Creative use of Runes
Ygdnuk has found that there is always more to learn in nature, and much the same applies to use of runes. Despite his years practicing, he realizes that the only way to mastery is to seek diversity in scenarios, materials, and need. He could never hope to learn all there is, but he has certainly made a habit of finding use of his craft in most situations.


Quiet and to himself, usually only heard responding with sounds of irritation, but shows great kindness in his actions to those he might come to know. Even to an adversary he would extend mercy, but he is no fool, and if others might be in danger he wouldn't hesitate to reach for morally ambiguous solutions. He is significantly less concerned with his own well being, believing to have lived a full enough life, despite having his own ambitions to live for.

Biography & Lore

Ygdnuk has aged into a hermit of sorts. Years of infighting, strife, as well as life and death decisions over things he now considered pointless would have made him bitter had it not been for finding peace in nature and an old friend.

He separated many years ago from his tribe of hardy Swamp Orcs - a people that could find fun in wrestling oversized crocs for a meal that would only last half the day for such ravenous folk. Originally he sought a thrilling life in piracy, but found the lifestyle lacking a certain substance he continued to search for but could never find until left for dead by his mates after a crippling injury.

Alone with a hunch and a limp the youthful Ygdnuk trekked the Bayou certain he would meet his death, but instead came upon an elderly human somehow wiser than his many years. Ironically Ygdnuk would find himself return to fishing for a living - the life he tried to leave behind due to it's drab qualities - but would now find himself whole, with a friend, and newfound knowledge of runes alongside it.

The elderly human would eventually pass, and the aging orc would burn the swamp-side house down, to continue building his bond with nature and it's language in the form of runes.
