Tall and large build, dwarfing most around him. Usually wearing all black with a hooded trench coat. May be seen with a longsword on his back with finger bones tied around the hilt or a large assortment of knives and tomahawks attached to belts and a chest harness
Skills and Abilities
Particularly skilled at assassination and capturing live prey, he is mainly one for stealth attacks. He has an unnatural ability to blend in wherever he is despite his large size. Possibly magic, this skill started after he lost his memory.
A dark and broody man, X keeps to himself as much as possible. He is also a schizophrenic with a couple of voices telling him to kill. As such, he tends to go for killing jobs, but he will do live capture if he gets to terrify the prey.
Biography & Lore
Not much to say here. He woke up in a tavern one day with no memory of his past, not even his name. When the owner had him sign out, he just put an X on the line. He wandered around for a couple years while he sorted out who he was, eventually settling down in Cerak for a better chance at employment with his skill set.