Wynnyec Imalkra
Wynn is one of the nicest people that you’ll ever lose your coin purse to.
Tattooed, modesty dressed, and with a few scars from dissatisfied customers or kids from the streets of Alliria.
Skills and Abilities
Bluffing, dice rolling, and waxing poetically.
Biography & Lore
Wynn was born to two half-elves in The Shallows of Alliria. Both of his parents were often absent either due to crime, drugs, or simple neglect. As such, he grew up with his role models being other street urchins or gangsters in the slums of Alliria.
He learned quickly that his talents for theft or fighting were limited but his sleight of hand and ability to cheat at cards or other tavern games was exceptional. He pursued opportunities in gambling or straight scamming people and has managed to build a modest life for himself by taking advantage of travelers or naive residents.