"I've never seen anyone move like that before and, and after... oh Gods he ate them. He ate them..." - Jamm Kato, Former owner of the Golden Griffin Public House. Found rambling in the ruins of his establishment.
Of the strange beings in the world perhaps few can say they are stranger than the Devil Swordsman Vlash. Why focus on his odd hairstyle or gold and pearl neclace and bracelets with which he adorns himself when so many features strike the viewer like a knife to the brain. He has a third eye atop his forehead and if that was not enough his left eye is pierced with linked rings of unknown origin. His teeth are not unlike that of a shark and he has been seen to tear them out himself that a new one might replace it. He has only two thin slits for a nose that barely pronounce from his face. His arms (of which there are also three) each end in six fingered hands which might be the most unsettling thing about him. To look at him with his garish dress (often of Imperial design, perhaps hinting to a country of origin) and his disposition to wield three swords at once makes him a ferocious looking figure. One of casual and often sudden violence.
Skills and Abilities
"He's got bloody three of them!" - Vlash has three arms, two on the right and one on the left and none of them are for show. When wielding a sword in each hand he is a match for any warrior in melee combat becoming unpredicatable with his movements and striking with devastating speed.
"It ain't no man!" - Vlash is not Human and many have underestimated this simple fact. He does not need to eat or drink like a human and is not subject to many limitations a human body may have, such as drowning or starving. He can also bend his body in ways that seem unnatural for his frame like being able to rotate his torso 180 degrees with seemingly no discomfort.
"Sweeter than wine!" - Vlash seems to suffer no ill effects from eating sentient beings.
"Oh that's just not fair!" - In circumstances where Vlash looses a limb he can regrow it in a few hours. Wether he can do this with his head is unknown.
"It ain't no man!" - Vlash is not Human and many have underestimated this simple fact. He does not need to eat or drink like a human and is not subject to many limitations a human body may have, such as drowning or starving. He can also bend his body in ways that seem unnatural for his frame like being able to rotate his torso 180 degrees with seemingly no discomfort.
"Sweeter than wine!" - Vlash seems to suffer no ill effects from eating sentient beings.
"Oh that's just not fair!" - In circumstances where Vlash looses a limb he can regrow it in a few hours. Wether he can do this with his head is unknown.
Vlash is vile, egotistical and greatly amused by the pain of others. He once claimed to kill a dog just so he could drink the tears of the child that owned it. He cares nothing for wealth or status but is fond of nice clothing and jewelry which he heaps on himself. His only true loves however are swords and ruin.
Biography & Lore
Somewhere in secret a Devil Woman ate 101 human eyes and her belly grew large with child. For 101 nights she carried him and when he was born he walked tall as a man in mere moments. The Devil Woman dressed him in the clothes of dead men and gave him gifts of three gleaming swords to wear that he might be unequaled in that skill and pierced his eye with rings of star-metal. Then she sent him into the world to carry forth her hatred for all that dwelt there.