Vittorio Vespa
Vittorio is a tall, thin man. He has two major looks that one would recognize him by. Both display his long ever flowing dark brown hair. Casually he is in minimal attire. Usually a billow tunic top as well as baggy shorts. He hardly ever wears shoes and if he does they're sandles. His other outfit is what he dons when he is acting as a dreadlord, which is usually what he is doing. He is dressed in a long black dress as well as a blood red cloak. He masks his face with a long deer skull.
Skills and Abilities
The magic that had him indoctrinated into the dreadlord initiative. Vittorio has the ability to peel back his skin and flesh at will from anywhere on his body. When he does this it allows him to harden and reshape the pieces of his skeleton that are displayed this way. He can form his arms into blades, or harden his stomach to withstand attacks this way. He does not carry a weapon since he is quite literally a living weapon himself. His skeleton also has a slow regeneration attached to it. The drawback he suffers from this is his skeleton is completely immune to healing magic. While his skin and flesh can be healed normally, time is the only thing that will recover his bone wounds. Sometimes a great amount of it.
To Reject Civility:
While Vitorrio was born in the city and is stationed in Vel Anir as a Dreadlord, he hates the city. He cannot stand the bustle or the politics. He loves nature and all things born from it. He has studied the wilds of the world with great intent and can discern tracks and paths easily. He knows a great deal of grown flora and wildlife and has an amazing ability to never find himself lost, even in foreign lands. Also, while he cannot speak with animals that do not share the language he speaks, they find themselves being very comfortable around Vittorio. Animals will fight by his side and leave his allies alone through body language.
The magic that had him indoctrinated into the dreadlord initiative. Vittorio has the ability to peel back his skin and flesh at will from anywhere on his body. When he does this it allows him to harden and reshape the pieces of his skeleton that are displayed this way. He can form his arms into blades, or harden his stomach to withstand attacks this way. He does not carry a weapon since he is quite literally a living weapon himself. His skeleton also has a slow regeneration attached to it. The drawback he suffers from this is his skeleton is completely immune to healing magic. While his skin and flesh can be healed normally, time is the only thing that will recover his bone wounds. Sometimes a great amount of it.
To Reject Civility:
While Vitorrio was born in the city and is stationed in Vel Anir as a Dreadlord, he hates the city. He cannot stand the bustle or the politics. He loves nature and all things born from it. He has studied the wilds of the world with great intent and can discern tracks and paths easily. He knows a great deal of grown flora and wildlife and has an amazing ability to never find himself lost, even in foreign lands. Also, while he cannot speak with animals that do not share the language he speaks, they find themselves being very comfortable around Vittorio. Animals will fight by his side and leave his allies alone through body language.
Vittorio is relatively quiet. When he is not acting as a Dreadlord, he is known to be very polite and thoughtful as well. This is typically a facade. He has an embedded hatred of civility and technology. He detests a great many but does find people he enjoys from time to time. He gets along with very few of his Dreadlord comrades. Even so he is a great teammate. He looks out for his squad and even his superiors when he can. While being one who prefers nature, he is not foolish enough to think the life he leads does not have its purpose. He is an avid reader and botanist and spends most of his free time doing one or the other, if he is not out in the wilderness.
Biography & Lore
Vittorio was born in Vel Anir to a moderately rich family. While they weren't considered exactly noble, they were making great profit as a blacksmiths. From a young age even he found his attention drawn to animals and nature and had no interest in his family's trade. He and his father would argue immensely about this as he would try and explain how his blacksmithing was damaging to the critters that lived around them. His father couldn't have cared less and tried to get him to understand the value of money and societal expansion.
His magic was something he'd kept hidden from even his parents due to its terrifying nature. Yet the beasts of the woods and even stray cats would offer him no judgment, only a friend while he learned who he was. He was not picked up by the Dreadlords since his magic was a secret for so long.
A fateful night came where Vittorio had brought an animal friend home. His parents were livid at the idea and his father even physically kicked the cat out of their home. That was it for Vittorio. He had had enough of his parents, and the humans he knew. His hatred spawned from that moment. He revealed the bones of his arm for this first time, only to shift it into a long spear and using it to murder his mother and father.
He was arrested and was supposed to be executed, yet a Dreadlord took notice of his ability and offered him a deal. To preserve his own existence he would have to join the Dreadlord initiative as he should have three years prior. A deal he promptly took.
The training seemed to deal no mental effect to the boy, despite the volatility of it. He was already a killer by his indoctrination and seemed quite okay with the idea of doing so. By his twentieth birthday, he was made an apprentice. And is where he is in the ranks of the Dreadlords to this day.
His magic was something he'd kept hidden from even his parents due to its terrifying nature. Yet the beasts of the woods and even stray cats would offer him no judgment, only a friend while he learned who he was. He was not picked up by the Dreadlords since his magic was a secret for so long.
A fateful night came where Vittorio had brought an animal friend home. His parents were livid at the idea and his father even physically kicked the cat out of their home. That was it for Vittorio. He had had enough of his parents, and the humans he knew. His hatred spawned from that moment. He revealed the bones of his arm for this first time, only to shift it into a long spear and using it to murder his mother and father.
He was arrested and was supposed to be executed, yet a Dreadlord took notice of his ability and offered him a deal. To preserve his own existence he would have to join the Dreadlord initiative as he should have three years prior. A deal he promptly took.
The training seemed to deal no mental effect to the boy, despite the volatility of it. He was already a killer by his indoctrination and seemed quite okay with the idea of doing so. By his twentieth birthday, he was made an apprentice. And is where he is in the ranks of the Dreadlords to this day.