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Tinker Smithe Printable version

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Tinker Smithe

Biographical information
Vel Anir 17 (assumed) Vel Anir
Physical description
Human (assumed) Male 5'10 Fit Charcoal Aqua marine beech wood
Political information
Soldier; Crafter; Scholar; Tinkerer; Toy maker
Out-of-character information

Do not disturb me! Let me work! I'm close.... Very close.... Why are you still here? Leave me to my work! Vel Anir won't reach her potential if you keep disturbing me!


Hair of charcoal. Skin of beech. Eyes like aqua marine gems. Face unaccustomed to smiles nor frowns. Scars of a beast upon the right side of face.

Skills and Abilities

Ergomancy: Energy manipulation. Infusing to burst. Infusing to enhance. Infusing to animate. Time is required. Time and touch. The greater the time, the more often touched, the longer touched the greater the effect.

Craftsman: Smithing. Tinkering. Toy making. Engineering. All trained. All known. All experienced.

Educated: Writing. Reading. Soldiering. A scholar soldier. A soldier scholar. Much is known. Much is not.


Irritable. Obsessed. Workaholic. Dry.

Biography & Lore

