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Timber Dusk Printable version

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Timber "Tim" Dusk

Biographical information
Deep in the Falwood Never Kept Track, he can remember 4 dozen winters Wanderer
Physical description
Pixie Male 6 inches (15.24cm) 1 lb (under half a kilo) Rust Blue Lightly Tanned
Political information
None None that make money, self proclaimed keeper of the green
Out-of-character information
Timber Dusk 11/3/2019


Wearing clothes made of plant fibers spun impossibly well by master pixie clothiers with leaves of the rare ironbark tree acting as thick leather would on a full sized warrior. A tattoo over his right eye to symbolize his rank among the few warrior Fae. His weapons forged, for the lack of a better term, of ironbark wood, the string of his bow from a magical spider, also spun by pixie clothiers to be near unbreakable.

Skills and Abilities

While he is among the best fighters the Fae could offer, with his small stature he has extensively studied poisons, tinctures and magics. His studies, along with his size, make him an effective spy and assassin though he prefers an honorable fight. The magic he has studied comes from nature and are effected by the weather and setting he is in, beckoning vines to trip, winds to deflect and the odd fireball when the sun is high in the sky.


He has become enamored with what he has come to call, the big world. He is astounded at how much people eat, drink how large buildings are. He has been likened to a child from the country visiting a city for the first time ever, regularly. While most of his kin have grown disgusted with mans march of "progress" he finds it fascinating.

Biography & Lore

Timber grew up in the Falwood, a deep dark portion of the woods where the rarest of plants grow wild and free. His childhood was spent training to defend the woods and nature as a whole. His parents were proud traders, dealing with the elves regularly trading rare magical reagents for elven breads and other treats the pixies had not mastered making yet. This, however, was not his dream, he trained hard and joined the militia. Things were mostly quiet; stop a badger from attacking the village, help mend birds wings, things like that. Then one day that all changed, he was tasked with leaving the village to accompany a small group of elves to a nearby human settlement. He didn't listen to the particulars, something about a mage performing dark rituals, turned out to be baseless paranoia. But he saw a small human village for the first time. His curiosity was piqued, he had to know all the tings about humans and their technologies, magics, why were they so big? He had to know. Upon his return home, he announced his leaving, his family and friends were upset by this news but he had to, and after a while, they came to accept it. He said his farewell and made his way to Alliria, and has made his home in a tree in what appears to be a park. Now he looks forward to joining in on adventures and cajoling in the tavern, even though he has a tendency to end up underfoot, or wheel, or hoof, and on more than one occasion under mug at the tavern.
