Tawny is a delicate yet striking young elf, her features soft but hardened by a life of hardship. Her auburn hair is always braided, her golden brown eyes, wide and watchful, carry the weight of someone who has learned to be unseen, yet there is an unyielding glimmer beneath their timid surface.Her frame is small and wiry, built for agility rather than strength. The layers of patched leather and worn cloth she wears help her blend into the murky depths of Othronn, the deep underground city where she has spent almost all of her life. Her scars speak of the punishment of cruel hands.
- Thievery & Sleight of Hand: Tawny is an exceptional thief, able to pickpocket even the sharpest-eyed merchants and slip small trinkets unnoticed into her pockets. She has been stealing since childhood and is one of the best at what she does. It's likely how she's survived this long.
- Stealth & Evasion: She knows how to move without a sound, how to press herself into shadows, and how to disappear. Most of the time.
- Reading People: Years of servitude have made her an expert at reading faces, moods, and danger, allowing her to anticipate trouble before it comes.
Tawny was born in Sharyrdaes, a child born of betrayal. Her mother, Elirya Sylvaris, was a young Aerai elf who had fallen under the control of Vaedros Myrithar, an elven crime lord. She believed she loved him, but he treated her as a possession—something to be kept, controlled, and discarded at will.Desperate for comfort, Elirya sought solace in the arms of another. When Tawny was born, her auburn hair and golden eyes immediately betrayed the truth: she was not Vaedros' child. Enraged, Vaedros called upon Laru Ven’dath, an old acquaintance and assassin, to erase this disgrace.
Laru kidnapped both mother and child. Elirya was executed for her betrayal, but when Laru lifted his blade over the infant girl, something in her tawny eyes stopped him. Instead of killing her, he delivered her to an elven couple on the outskirts of Sharyrdaes, believing they would care for her.
However, fate was cruel. When the couple fell on hard times, they sold Tawny into the depths of Othronn. She was five years old when she was taken into the underground city, her first and only memories of the sky fading as she was dragged deeper and deeper into the abyss.
Othronn was a city of layers—the higher levels were grim but survivable. The lower levels, especially the Pit, were a lawless, brutal world where only the strong or useful endured. Tawny, still a child, was purchased by Grimoire Vathir, a crime lord who ruled the Pit with a ruthless hand. He saw her as nothing more than a tool—an errand runner, a thief, a disposable possession.
She learned quickly. Obedience kept her alive. Submission kept her unnoticed. But her skills made her valuable. Tawny became one of Grim’s best thieves and messengers, running errands through the depths of Othronn, stealing from rival gangs, and ensuring secrets were delivered without a trace. She was forbidden from the upper levels, her existence bound to the underground world she had known for most of her life.
Decades have passed, and Tawny has long since stopped dreaming of the sky. She moves in the shadows, silent and obedient, doing as she is told because that is all she has ever known.