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Taugdorm Printable version

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Biographical information
The Blightlands 22 Bile Hollow, Voxmire
Physical description
Half-Orc Male 6'2" 148lbs BALD Yellow White
Political information
Out-of-character information
Louise 17/11/21 The dark elf by Tooth Wu

The Story So Far

Taugdorm was born to little fanfare into the life of a trade caravan. His mother, an Orc and his father, Human, there was very little to note about his early life aside from the fact that it was always on the road.

When Taug was still a child their camp was attacked by a band of northern raiders, who laid waste to their entire caravan. Their supplies were burned, their livestock slaughtered and their numbers decimated by the mindless attack that seemed to be less about plundering and more about annihilation. Only those who fled survived and Taug's father, Artair sacrificed himself so that his wife and their child could both escape and live.

Having nothing but what they had escaped with, the pair spent the next few years upon an arduous trek. Hunting what they could and then stealing and bartering for everything else Mazoga kept a brave face for her son, teaching him valuable lessons in survival and nature yet still allowing him to be a child. His most vivid memory from this time period was having sore feet all the time and listening to a great myriad of bedtime tales.

As the years passed and he matured from a child to a teenager on the road, a new opportunity eventually presented itself to the pair in the shape of a massive refugee caravan heading to promised salvation. There was a city in the Steppes that was opening its gates to all of those who longed for shelter and safety, one that promised a booming mining industry and chances for those willing to put the work in.

That city was Voxmire, and as they arrived Mazoga realised that they had been sold not a dream but a terrible lie.

Relocated into a heavily overcrowded slum ominously known as Bile Hollow, what awaited them both was a crumbling and corrupt industrial shit hole. Their new home was a single room, their bathroom a shared commodity and their neighbours both numerous and sickly.

However, Taug's mother was nothing if not tenacious and vowed that she would take this circumstance and carve a decent existence out for herself and her son.

Over the next few years, they settled in their new home, learning quickly the unwritten rules of survival. The very first was that kindness could be the most powerful currency and through offering their new neighbours in misfortune her ear, her time and at times their own limited resources Mazoga found herself in the company of friends.

And more importantly, information. The first of which came in the form of a warning:

Never work in the mines.

Mazoga steered her teenage son away from the death sentence that was also known as Syrax mining and opted to let him enjoy the last of his carefree years doing the only thing that young people could do around the city, make friends (and girlfriends) and run the steeples together.

It was here and then that Taug met Myna, a girl around his age that seemed in dire need of a friend, and following in his mother's footsteps the half-Orc offered her his kindness and in turn, he found a best friend. They became as thick as thieves, and coincidentally also started stealing. In Voxmire, crime was the norm and done out of necessity rather than malice.

As the years passed, and the duo crept into the years of early adulthood their operation had in fact expanded out into a small gang, with some of the younger neighbourhood kids striving to get in on their action and impress their elders but with expansion came greed and hubris and all it took was one wrong job to send their lives spiralling out of control...


At first glance Taugdorm much more strongly resembles his mother's race. His Orcish features are plain to see across his face, from his strong brow and wide, flat nose to his pointed ears. His pale skin colour, however, ensures that his human heritage is not completely hidden and while Taug's teeth are sharp and pointed, they are a far cry from the tusks of his mother's people. Taug's eyes, over time spent in Bile Hollow, have turned from their natural brown to an acidic yellow, this is not a usual attribute for those living in that district of Voxmire and is a common symptom of overexposure to Syrax.

His build is large as one would expect although with a Voxmire diet Taugdorm isn't as bulky as he could be. Were he to stand amongst other Orcs he would absolutely be dwarfed but amongst the malnourished citizens of the mining city that he calls home, he cuts an imposing figure.

His face bears the beginning of tattoos associated with one of his home city's syndicates, The Worn Faces, a common rite of passage taken by those looking to be accepted into the minor crime clan. His ears have several piercings, two on each lobe which is a nod to his Orc heritage. Another notable feature is the freshly scarring twin wounds that run from the corner of his lips almost all the way to his ear lobes, these were received in his youth as a warning from Rise, one of the major syndicates in the city.


Taugdorm is surprisingly good-natured when you take everything into consideration. A glass-half-full kind of guy, his loose, streetwise morals don't come with a heavy dose of vicious malice, but rather a friendly enduring kind of grit. His ray of Orcish sunshine can be fully attributed to his unwaveringly compassionate and steadfast rock of a mother, Mazoga.

Of course, growing up in a variety of lawless wastelands of varying degrees of misfortune ensures that Taug is a touch loose on the lawful. It is a stated fact that in Voxmire that you can either toil in the mines and go to the grave early or make a name for yourself working for the various city syndicates and that is the path that he and so many of his friends have started to carve out for themselves.

He feels a strong sense of kinship with those he runs the streets with, in particular his best friend Myna, a plucky underdog like them all, born from misery and still willing to scrap for survival. Aside from that, Taug is admittedly a bit of a skirt chaser and is fairly notorious amongst all the ladies of Bile Hollow and the neighbouring districts. He considers himself to be a smooth talker and all things considered, quite handsome.

He also loves his mother very much, because he is a good boy.


Oh ho ho ho.