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Swamp Hydra Printable version

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Swamp Hydra

Basic Information
Iuk-'u Delta 400 years maximum, typically 200-300. Carnivorous
Physical description
Average 10-14 feet tall Spiny shell and as many as 8 heads.
Iuk-'u Delta
Out-of-character information
Magic the Gathering; Wizards of the Coast.

This false hydra is actually closer to a massive, predatory turtle. Though it is strong enough to overpower most of its neighbors, it chooses to bury itself in the marshy terrain and ambush those that walk over or near it. The only time it leaves these areas is either to chase fleeing prey, change hiding spots, or mate and lay eggs on higher ground.


Aside from the multitude of heads, a swamp hydra can also be identified by its enormous, spiny shell. This protective layer can easily stop most weapons and even some spells, making it a pointless place to attack. About half as wide as the average house, the beast can just as easily throw its own weight as rely on its sharp, spade like snouts. Typically a blend of dull greens and browns, they can be difficult to see at a distance in its home territory, even when not in the ground.


Marshy regions, with soft, yet traversable earth that it can hid within.


In spite of its size, the swamp hydra needs but one large animal as a meal per month, giving it plenty of time to wait and easing its impact on local wildlife populations. Often, one can discern the presence of a nest by the smell of the droppings that line them, in order to ward off predators.


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