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This is most commonly used by several holy orders of knights in battle. Supposedly a closely guarded I merely applied my intellect to the problem. As well as, I suppose, the significant amount of alchemical equipment destroyed in the experiments along the way... The eccentric wizard Grangomelle

Starfire is a very dangerous potion. Expensive to brew, its recipe is supposed to have been kept secret. It has been used for a very long time by a few lines of knightly orders.

It has a dull silver colour, but as soon as it is exposed to the air it starts to glow with a fierce light. Very soon after it explodes. It takes time to become effective so it is sealed immediately after brewing before it becomes dangerous.

The quality of glass on Arethil in this age is quite poor and so a vial will slowly be exposed to air and lose its effectiveness without a violent explosion after several weeks. Usually this reaction is felt as a warmth.

A vial thrown a distance will shatter and explode and is a deadly weapon of war. One alchemist is known to make a mucous-like membrane that slowly degrades over a few minutes of exposure to air. This allows for an un-stoppered bottle to act as a delayed explosive, though the timing is a long way from accurate.


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