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Solina Torid Printable version

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[var]solina torid[/var]

Biographical information
Thyasari, the Hidden City 234 The Thirteen Barracks in Thyasari.
Physical description
Avariel Female 5 feet 9 inches 187 often dyed some shade of blue. White when wearing the Helm Blue. Dark Purple when wearing the Helm. Pale. Black when wearing the Helm.
Political information
Helm of the Thirteen
Out-of-character information
Zelici 6/14/2024

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Solina is a little short for a winged elf, but she makes up for it in looks. She is pretty but she dyes her hair and wings in all kinds of colors. When she wears the Helm it even dyes her skin. She wears a satchel that holds her healing kit and the Helm so it is always with her.

Skills and Abilities

Specializes in healing magic and the healing arts that use knife and herb. Other magic she can utilize is force which she uses to knock enemies away from her. Or wayward patients to the ground. She is also adept in poison making and potions which she uses when plying her skills as assassin. Her main weapons of choice are small knives, darts, needles, daggers, and the sword.


For an Avariel she is quirky and downright odd. Since she was young she has been mischievous, often sneaking out to the Spine and exploring where little children should not, and then sneaking back home. She has a natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge which led her down her path as a healer. It helps that she is also skilled at it. Her views of the world are a little skewed from the norm, partly because of the helm and partly just because of her nature. She sees no special meaning in touching wings for example because she has had to touch many broken ones in the course of her duties. She takes great pride in her skills as healer and assassin. She has some fire to her spirit as well which is expressed in her sometimes random reminders to others that she can refuse to heal them for being stupid or send them to their graves. "Kindness that kills" and "she's just odd" are phrases often said about her and she wears that oddness both as a badge of honor and a cloak to protect herself.

Biography & Lore

<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops> Pending.


